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, 126 R1;Po1<1` 01·` THE TREASUl<1il<.
f ($303,300) $164,639,44 has been paid in to present date, leav-
ing a balance unpaid amounting to $38,560.56, a considerable 5
portion of which sum may yet be collected. Of the $164,639,44 I
A which has been paid, the sum of $1.4,024.98 has been refunded -
to citizens of Mercer County under the act of the legislature ,
removing the Institution to Lexington, leaving the net balance . 1 r \
{ of this fund $150,61446, which was set apart some thirteen .
years ago, by unanimous vote of the Board, to the perpetual f
endowment of the first six chairs of the College of Arts, as it
i should be collected from time to time. There are about $3,000
I of Mercer County claims yet unadjusted, the most of which we ·
I hope to set aside as not coming under the provisions of the ·
act of the legislature. This endowment added to the Transyl-
V vania and Agricultural College funds makes the total amount of
available endowment $381,1 14.46. The whole amount of these
_ subscriptions was secured prior to 1865, the time when the ·
`- - Institution was removed to this place. All the subscriptions -
 _ raised ir/zmr Mn! z‘z`zmr have been made to the Real Estate and i I
Building Fund, which at the present amounts in the aggregate
1 I to $207,0I2.I6. Of this amount $175,428.08 have been collected
  and expended in the purchase and improvement of the Estates
4 4 of Ashland and VVoodlands. In addition to these funds I also.
raised $7,965 of subscriptions for an Apparatus and Museum
Fund, the most of which was paid and expended for the purchase ‘
of the apparatus of P. S. I*`A1.1,. These are the whole of the
Kentucky University funds which were secured by myself "
{ TIl`l£ 'T`}1.1·:r, x
Treasurer, and put on record in the Fayette County clerl1’s
~ office. The sum of $65,500 of endowment was turned over to
us in the way of stock securities, which we still hold, and also
the sum of $4,725.67 of accrued interest, rents, etc., which, by `
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