Subscribe for

Members of Phi Mu Alpha, honorary musical fraternity on the campus have taken upon themselves the
work of preparing and publishing a
University of Kentucky Song Book.
This book when completed will contain all the songs of the University
of Kentucky as well as songs representing all the fraternities and sororities on the campus. In addition to
this it will contain some representative songs from other universities and

This is a praiseworthy
ing on the part of these young men
who are interested in music The ven
ture is not one that has as its object
the making of money for individuals
since the book will be sold for only
enough to pay for preparing and pub
lishing it. Any surplus that might
arise will be used by the fraternity to
promote the cause of music at the
university. The whole project is un
der the direct supervision of the de
partment of music of the University
of Kentucky which assures a book
worthy to bear the name of the Uni
versity of Kentucky.
The young men who are publishing the book, lacking in funds with
which to have the book printed, have
been forced to resort to advanced
sales. They are sending out letters
to a large number of interested
alumni asking them to purchase a
copy of the book in advance of publication and also giving them the advantage of a lower price. This University of Kentucky Song Book is. a
book that every loyal Kentucky man
and woman should own. The alumni
should also encourage the work of
these young men and support them in
their efforts.
A copy of the University of Ken-- i
tucky Song Book would make a most
acceptable gift to some classmate or
fellow alumnus.

Class Personals




Legislature of
Acts to
This is a little article that is adAugment the Income of Agdressed mainly to those graduates
riculture and Mechanical
and former students of the UniverCollege
sity of Kentucky who live in the
state although the .university would OPPOSITION IS
profit as a result if those alumni living out of Kentucky would help, in
the cause.
When the legislature of 1870-8- 0
Throughout Kentucky there is a convened and the report of the comwidespread ignorance of. the Univer- mittee had beeen presented, considsity of Kentucky and its many ser- erable opposition was encountered
from the friends of the old Kentucky
vices and position in education in the
University with which it had been
state. There are distressingly few formerly connected. They argued that
citizens of Kentucky who understand two institutions of learning in the
the university as they should. Few same county would be one too many,
know what work and the Institution that Kentucky University already had
is doing for the farmers and school the field and was entitled to prece
dence over any other institution that
children of the commonwealth.
might be established here, and espec
UniWithin a very rew years the
ially qyer the agricultural college
versity of Kentucky has widened its which, under the care and mainte
services to Kentucky a hundredfold. nance of the state would develop into
The actual monetary value of the Uni- a formidable rival, and that inas- versity of Agriculture in Kentucky much as the Kentucky University, the
cannot be stated but it is safe to say legitimate successor of old Transylable to
that the savings to farmers in Ken- vania, was and art do work in science,
equal to that done
tucky, brought about by the work of by
the best institutions of Kentucky,
the different departments of the uni- to bring and establish a rival here
versity within the last five years would be an unfriendly act. The re
would run into millions of dollars. port of th ecommittee, however, was
The Department of University Exten- adopted by a considerable majority
sion is offering to the less fortunate and the future site of the institution
students of Kentucky the opportuni determined by its establishment in
tv to obtain university training at the City of Lexington.
The question of future endowment
This same department has
then came up. The income of the Agrimade the influence of the University cultural College derived from
the an
of Kentucky felt in every high school nual interest on bonds which had been
in the state.
purchased with the funds which acThese are but two of the many crued from the sale of the land scrip
services that the University of Ken through the congressional act of 1862
tucky is offering to the citizens of was $9,900. The state had already
established a precedent of allowing
the state. Far too few of them realize each county in the Commonwealth to
enough to take advantage of them send three properly prepared stuit
and the number who understand the dents, elected by the fiscal court, to
needs of the university in the way of tne Agricultural College free of tui
tion and matriculation fees. The in
financial assistance is even fewer.
come from the matriculation
It devolves upon us who know dents, was therefore, likely to of stu
be, for
these things to preach the gospel of years to come, practically a negligible
the University of Kentucky in every amount. Various plans were suggest
county in Kentucky.
ed for the endowment of the coU
lege. The proposition to make an annual appropriation beginning with ten
James D. Atkinson) is living in thousand dollars a year found much
Greenup, Ky.
favor. An alternative proposition,
Ellery L. Hall is a graduate stu- however, to give the college the proof one cent
dent at the University of Kentucky ceeds of a tax of
and an assistant instructor in history. on each one hundred dollars worth
William Howard Hansen in an as of taxable property commended itself
sistant director of the Department of to a majority of the legislature and
Physical Education at the University was, after much discussion, adopted
This tax, it was computed, would
of Kentucky.
Thomas W. Hardesty is an attor yield during the first year an income
ney with offices at 341 York street.
Newport, Ky.
Kenneth Hill Harding is teaching Willis D. Threlkeld) is living in La
mathematics in the high school at Mit Habra. Calif.
Mattie Mertelle Hodges is assistant
Sterling, Ky.
Henry L. Harelson is with the Bu Home Demonstration Agent for
reau of Public Roads, Washington Christian county and is living in


one-ha- lf


Zachary Lee Galloway is a farmer
and is living near Utica, Ky.
George Walter Gardner is county
agricultural agent for Washington
county, Ky. His headquarters are in
Charles Emery Gibson is an engineer for the Armstrong Cork Company, of Pittsburg. He is located at
120 West Illinois street, Chicago, 111.
Charles Victor Ginocchio is an architect and is located in the Clarendon
hotel, Daytona Beach, Fla.
Horace J. Godbey is living at 403
South Broadway, Lexington, Ky.
Mary Frances Gorey is on the society staff and feature writer for the
Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mary Catherine Gormley is instructor in Home Economics in the high
schools, of Seattle, Wash.
John F. Graham is county agricultural agent for Caldwell county and
is located in 'Princeton, Ky.
Emmett A. Graves is an attorney
with Wilson and Harbison at 812 Security Trust building, Lexington, Ky.
John Lewis Gray is with the distribution department of the Louisville
Gas and Electric Company of Louis-- ,
ville, Ky. His address is 1000 South
Twenty-eight- h
Margaret Louise Gudgel is teaching
in the public schools of Frankfort,
Ky. Her address is Steer street.
Thomas Marshall Hahn is an instructor in Physics at the University
of Kentucky. His address is 138
road, Lexington, Ky.
Frances Eileen Halbert,



D. C.

Anna Loretta Hogan is teaching in
Elizabeth Christine Harmon is
teaching home economics in the Tay the graded school in Erlanger, Ky.
Astor Hogg is an attorney-at-lalor County High school at Campbells
and is located in Whitesburg, Ky.
ville, Ky.
Nan Hornsby, (Mrs. Thomas L.
Charles Edgar Harris is field agent
in poultry for the Kentucky Agri Clore) is living in O'Bannon, Ky.
James H. Hunter is with the "Evercultural Experiment Station. His
address is 353 Aylesford Place, Lex glades Experiment Station at
ington, Ky.
Robert" Junius Hunter, Jr., is a stuJoseph Maynor Harris is a sales
engineer with the Telephone Depart- dent in the Presbyterian Seminary
ment of the Western Electric Com at Louisville, Ky. His address is
pany and is located at 230 Lee street, Franklin street, Gastonia, N. C.
Mary Elizabeth Hyde is teaching in
Atlanta, Ga.
Virginia Harrison, (Mrs. W. F. the Lexington schools. Her address is
Marrs) is living on the Versailes pike 347 Lexington avenue, Lexington,
near Lexington Ky.
Wyatt Marion Insko, Jr., is teachAlice Estella Hebden is secretary
to Professor George Roberts, College ing in the. public schools in Morgan-towW. Va.
of Agriculture, University of Ken
Francis Mabry Irwin is superin
I. B. Helburn is in the research de tendent of the city schools of Paducah,
partment of the Reed Air Filter Kentucky.
Company, 215 Central street, Louis
ville, Ky.
Nannie Chenault Gay is living in
Stanley Ray Hill is a merchant in Winchester. Ky.
Germantown, Ky.
Frederick Z. Goosman is with the
Katherine Coleman Hodge, (Mrs. Carrier Engineering ' Cornoration at
750 Frelinghuysen avenue, Newark,






Mary Agnes Gordon is assistant
instructor in the DeDartment of Psv.
chology, University of Kentuckv.
Ann Elizabeth Gormley is a bookkeeper in the Business office of the
University of Kentucky.
Clyde Willis Gray is with the Nickle
Plate Railway Comnanv and lives at
476 Drackert street, Hammnod, Ind.
Alyn Greenbaum is living at 1430
becond street, Louisville, Ky.
Turner W. Gregg is teaching Enelish and coaching athletics in the hieh

for which please send me

Enclosed you will find $

tickets for the University of Kentucky Dinner to be
held at the Kentucky hotel in Louisville on April 21.


Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Louisville Alumni Club, luncheon,
private dining room Brown hotel
1 o'clock p. m., first Saturday in
each month.

U. K. Song Book Will
Bo Published at Once
Alumni Are Asked to Take
Advantage of Special Price
According to an announcement in
The Kentucky Kernel of last week a
University of Kentucky Song Book
will go to the printers within the next

few days. Contracts already have
been drawn and will be let at once.
The song book is being sponsored
by Phi Mu Alpha, honorary musical
fraternity, and will be sold for $1.50
a copy. It will contain all University
of Kentucky songs, two songs from
each fraternity represented on the
campus, one from each honorary fra-- .
ternity, two from each sorority, well
known songs from other universities
and other songs for college gatherings. It will be attractively bound
and will have a blue and white cover.
The price of $1.50 will only be open
to those subscribing in advance for
the book. After publication it will be
sold for $2.00.
The fraternity is making an especial effort to sell 1,000 copies of the
book before publication to insure its
success and for that reason the price
has been reduced for the present. Any
alumnus who desires a copy can obtain one by writing to Cyrus Poole at
225 Ormsby avenue, Lexington. The
book will be published and delivered
before the close of the present

of $17,500, which addedto the income
received from the interest of the land
scrip bonds would make an aggregate
of all the incomes of all the institutions of higher learning together in
Kentucky at that time. However, it
was expected, and the result justified
the expectation, that the income from
the half-cetax would increase year
by year as the wealth of the Commonwealth increased. The principal opposition to the half-cetax came
from the adherents and friends of the
old Kentucky University. It was hoped, however, as time passed on and
the angry feelings excited and the
jealousies' which had begun already to
develop, would subside! This, however, was not to be. Quoting from
the jubilee address which I made on
the fourteenth of October, 1916, "the
denominational colleges formed the
nucleus of an opposition 'which grew
rather than diminished and the members of the late General Assembly
which had voted against the tax stimulated, upon their return home, the
hostility to the college, and the pulpits of the Presbyterian, the Baptist,
the Christian and the Methodist rang
with the 'iniquity' and the 'injustice'
of the tax and made it an issue in the
next election. It was quite apparent
that when the next General Assembly
should convene, the existence of the
tax would be imperiled, with the odds
strongly against the college."
In the autumn of 1881, the synod of
the Presbyterian church, which met
at Danville, adopted a resolution condemning the tax levied for the benefit of the colege and expressing their
determination to oppose it, in coopera
tion with Kentucky University,
Georgetown College, Wesleyan University, Bethel College and Central
University, when the next legislature
met, and to endeavor by all means
possible to procure its repeal.
"I happened to be in Louisville on
the eighteenth of November, 1881.
Former business relations with the
Courier-Journhad suggested that
Mr. Watterson be invited to make the
of dedication of the college
building, then under process of erection.
While in the Courier-Journoffice that night, waiting for an interview, the managing editor brought
me a copy of an article signed by the



Alumni Assn.

Secy.-Trea- s.

P r o m i nent and



Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters Inc.





Speakers Will Talk at University of Kentucky Banquet
in Louisville


W. C. Stagg




Published By And For University Alumni

And Help he Association

J. A. VonderHaar

Edited by


The annual University of Kentucky
banquet, which will be held this year
in the Kentucky hotel m Louisville,
April 21, promises to be the largest
and mos't interesting in the history
of the banquets. The menu and pro
gram have been made up with care
and both give evidence that the af
fair will be both enjoyable and in
structive. There has been a distinct
change in the program this year in
that it has deviated from the regular
form followed in years gone by. There
will be three speakers who are in no
way connected with the University of
Kentucky. The pain now is to alter
nate; naving one year a program
made up as the one this year and the
next year one made up ot university
alumni and officials.
The program is as follows:
Toastmaster Frank L. McVey.
Building for Kentucky H. H.
The Meaning of a University De
gree President George Colvin,
Kentucky as Seen from North Car
Superintendent George
Music during the dinner hour will
be furnished by the Men's Glee Club
of the University of Kentucky and by
Miss Lucretia McMullen
and Miss
Josephine Frazer, students of the
The menu follows:
Fresh Shrimp Cocktail
Queen Olives
Hearts of Celery
Half Broiled Spring Chicken on Toast
French Fried Potatoes
String Beans with Corn Sauce
Lettuce Hearts, 1000 Island Dressing
Fresh Strawberry Sundae

The Phoenix Hotel
pays special attention to

Parties Banquets and Dances

University Organizations




Cramer, Manager




Your Fraternity or Sorority Table


The Choicest Meats


Tickets will be on sale at Univer
sity Headquarters in the Kentucky
hotel. The price this year is $1.50 a
cover. Owing to the fact that there
is a meeting of the Kentucky Educational Association which starts at 8
o'clock the dinner will begin at 6
o'clock and be over promptly at 8
o'clock. Tickets also may be had by
filling out the blank below and mail
ing it with your cheek to this office.

Broadway Heat Market
"Where Quality Counts''


Owned and Managed by




O- -



Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks

Taylor, of Kapaa Kanai, Hawaii, a
son. He has been named Carroll Lee.
Mr. Taylor was graduated from the
University of Kentucky with the class
of 1915. He now is with the Hawaii
Canneries Company of Kappa Kanai.
Mrs. Taylor formerly was Miss Kath- trine Otter, of Cleveland, Ohio.
representatives of the aggrieved colleges, which would appear in the issue the following morning. This manifesto was addressed to the people of
Kentucky, but was especially intended
for the members of the General Assembly which would convene in
Frankfort on the twenty-eight- h
The paper was adroitly
and ably drawn, embodying much that
was germane to education as then
existing in Kentucky. Its appearance
was so timed that it was expected to
reach the members-eleof the General Assembly at their home, before
arriving-iFrankfort. The brief interval intervening between that date
and the meeting of the General Assembly, it was thought would scarcely
leave time for a reply, and thus public opinion would in a great measure
be formed before the legislature convened. Wtih this conviction,I determined to remain in Louisville another
day and answer it before my return.
The manifesto of the colleges appeared in the issue of the nineteenth, and
my reply on the morning of the Twen
tieth of November, and the same post
which carried the attack, carried in
most cases, the defense. The assailants were happily placed on the de
fensive and kept there.




(To Be Continued)


Lexington Laundry

Rent a


at Greenville, Ky.
The Alumni office would appreciate it if you would send into this
nzaoem bummers liuthrie is
teaching in the public schools in office addresses of any of the graduates listed below.
Grayson, Ky.
Esther Louise Haeyard is with the U. L. Clardy, '91
buepnor Oil Cornoration and Uvea nf
203 East Third street, Lexington, Ky.
Eliza Maud Hanson is living in John Gee Maxey, '92
Glenwood, la.
Lyda Lois Heath. (Mrs. Errett
Pace) is living at 4160 Ellis avenue, Frank Elmer Scovell.












Enclosed find check for $50.00 for a life membership in the
Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky. It is understood that this money is to go to an Alumni Fund, the principal
of which is to be held in trust and the income alone used for
the running expenses of the Association.

It Yourself
Take your Choice of


Charles Heiser is Irvine in Okjig-City, Kans.
Cora E. Ware, '93
Sallie Adams Hiteman is teaching
in Maxwell school, Lexington, Ky.
Charles Talton Hughes is teaching Jane
Bramblett Cox, '90 (Mrs. J. D. Blythe)
and coaching athletics in the high
school at Harlan, Ky.
Roy Miller Hukle is living at 2 2
James William Hughes, '99
Grove Place, Schenectady, N. Y.





Address for sending Kernel



Emilie E. Gregory is living at 255
South Ashland avenue, Lexington, Joseph. Morrow, '99
Clinton Kelley Hoffman is with the
State Highway Department and is lo John Emerson Hestand, '00.,
cated in Livermore, Ky.
Mary Faith Huffaker is teaching in
the Paducah Junior High school, Pa- Leslie Hundley, '00
ducah, Ky.

Studebaker-U-Driv- e
333 E. Main St.

Phone 7070
