xt74j09w3q5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74j09w3q5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-02-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1999 1999 1999-02-24 2020 true xt74j09w3q5m section xt74j09w3q5m  


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The Golden Key National
Honor Society is
collecting old phone
books to recycle to
benefit a local
elementary school.
Bring them to 228
Student Center on
March ll, 7:30 pm.
Dorms can save them
at the dorms and a
representative will pick
them up on that day if
they are notified. For
more information.
contact Heidi
Downes at

Campus health

Careful kids

The risk of contracting
meningitis is very
small, even if you have
been in contact with
someone who has
developed the

The bacteria which cause
meningitis are very
common. Most of us
will carry them at
some stage of our lives
without developing any
illness. Only a tiny
proportion of the
population will develop
meningitis if they come
into contact with the
bacteria. This is
because the bacteria
are very weak.

They survive for only a
short period of time
outside the body, so
they cannot live long in
the air and are not
carried on household
objects such as
clothes, furniture or
toys. This means that
you must be in very
close contact with
someone before the
bacteria can pass
between you. This can
happen quite regularly
but it is unlikely you
will develop meningitis
because most people
have a natural
resistance to the

- Source: http'J/www.



We love our rail. and we
know you love it too.
So come on students,
help us out by sending
in some ideas for rail
fodder. It does not
necessarily have to be
humorous, we take all
subjects seriously and
want students to take
part in what goes into
this newspaper.

Heck. we'll even let
faculty and staff join
in on this quest for rail
information and fun
for everyone. Just
send it to
We’ll even give you
credit for it.


4.0 3.4

And the snow keeps
tumbling down and down
until you can't take it
anymore. And then. it
snows some more.


VOL. “104 lSSUE #107

News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:



-4»- -MNM”- ~ ‘ ’ ‘


if " 1

February 24, I999



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Alvis Johnson
sits down and
talks about
UK, life I 10










Delicate sweets

Computer center staff members (from left) Joe
Tietyen, Craig Brunson, Diane Brunson and
Steve Stanley all enjoyed a tasty dessert at the
European Pastry Café, which is in the Student
Center through Friday. Many of the pastries
(above) are labeled so students, faculty and
staff can see what country each treat originat-
ed from.

Oh, the sw etest thing

Getting a taste of treats from the European Pastry Café,
part of the ongoing Cultural Diversity Festival on campus

By Manish Bhatia

After more than two decades of exis-
tence, the European Pastry Cafe returned
to the Student Center this week as part of
the ongoing celebrations for Diversity

Delectable apple strudels. fluffy
Napoleon cakes and mouth-watering
quiches are just a few ofthe items laid out
in a European cafe style atmosphere. com-
plete with live music and fresh carna-

“We just love the Grenachei." was the
unanimous vote of approval from Ron Pen
and Jonathan Glixon. both professors of

musicology at UK.

The smooth toffee and chocolate pas-
try from France was the reason they kept
returning to the cafe for the last 10 years.
Glixon said.

Amanda Shaw. a foreign language and
international economics freshman. rel-
ished the ambience of European pictures
set among red and white tapestry.

“I really like the music." said Shaw. as
she scooped a helping of her cherry
brandy tort. a chocolate cake with cherry

Organized by the Cosmopolitan Club
and the International Hospitality Pro-
gram. the annual event is catered by Ser-
vatti Bakery from Cincinnati. The café

adds a European flavor to the Cultural I)i-
versity Festival. which runs from Feb. 22
through March 6.

“It's more than the food. It is the at-
mosphere and the experience." said Lily
Arasaratnam. a graduate student in com-
munications and adviser for the Cos»
mopolitan Club.

The organization functions as a social
club that facilitates friendships between
American and international students. she
said. Students interested in joining the
club can contact Arasaratnam at 2574067.
Ext. 235

“(The cafe) is a unique setting served
by international student members of the
club." Arasaratnam said.

“During lunch. we serve quichc which
is a pastry crust with meat or vegetable
filling." she said.

All benefits from the cafe go to the
Cosmopolitan Club and the international



Swift makes another
change, passing torch

Committee chair says its time
to let someone else lead way

By Michael Downs

Dean Louis Swift is ready to pass the
torch carrying the President’s Initiative
on Undergraduate Education.

“It‘s time for another person to come
in with his or her own ideas.“ Swift said.

Swift is on the steering committee for
the President’s Initiative and is still
putting the finishing touches on the final
proposal. which he hopes to submit to
President Charles Wethington and his
staff in the next couple weeks.

Swift formed the committee to design
proposals to improve undergraduate edu-
cation at UK. He said that, although he
was glad he had the opportunity to form
the committee. he is ready for someone
else to take charge of implementing the

“It was a nice thing to do with my last
year and I am very grateful," Swift said.

The proposal has now become some-
thing larger than the committee that
formed it, said Shirley Raines. vice chan-
cellor for Academic Affairs.

“The initiative will move forward
whether Dr. Swift is involved or not."
Raines said.

The proposal will benefit from the ex
pertise and reputation of Swift. Raines
said. “It will add more credence to it (the
proposal) because he‘s such a respected
campus leader.“

Raines said the search for a new dean
has begun. Candidates for the position
will be drawn from both on and off UK's
campus. The candidates will be reviewed


by a Faculty Search Committee which
will include staff and students.

The Faculty Search Committee is be-
ing chaired by Michael Nietzel. dean of
the graduate school.

Nietzel said the committee was
formed at the beginning of this month and
it will begin reviewing applications for
the position shortly after March 1.

An applicant‘s ability to implement
and orchestrate changes outlined in the
proposal will be a determining factor in
selecting a new dean. N ietzel said.

“We will provide finalists for the posi-
tion with a draft of those proposals.“ Niet-
zel said. “We would be interested in how a
prospective dean would view and priori-
tize them.“

Lexington Chancellor Elisabeth
Zinser will make the final recommenda-
tion for an applicant to the president and
board of trustees.

Swift said his leaving will not effect
the proposals. They will be finished and
submitted before he leaves. The Presi-
dent's Initiative Committee will dissolve
after they submit the finished proposal.
Swift said.

Although some of the proposed
changes will be done administratively.
many will have to go through other chan-
nels, such as the University Senate. Swift

“It‘s important to see this as a plan
for the future." Swift said

Swift said he would be willing to con-
tinue helping with the initiative if it was
necessary, but expects that he will be
most useful in his absence.

“They need to have me out of the pic-
ture," he said.

New administrators need to be free to
exercise their creativity in planning and
decision making. Swift said.


- o.


s-wwmm‘ ‘f‘EiW’s‘fiémi‘fw‘r‘ ‘ ‘


Hospitality Program. The program match-
es international students with American
host families and gives them an experi-
ence of American homes. Arasaratnam

Individuals wanting to become a host
parent can contact the International Office
at 257-1655

“(The café) creates cultural awareness
on campus." said Carolyn Holmes. foreign
student adviser at the Office of Interna
tional Affairs.

“Sometimes. language professors
bring their class in here. we had two class-
es here on Monday." Holmes said.

The cafe offers seating for about 41)
people and includes coffee and lemonade
as part of its menu.

The European Pastry Cafe continues
its operation through Friday and is open
from 10am. until 4 pm. It is located in 245
Student Center.


LCC, UK center pair to make
companies more efficient

By Richard Cook

“Time flies when your having fun.“

And that is what Lexington Commu-
nity College and the UK Center for Robot-
ics and Manufacturing Systems is doing
with its lean manufacturing system.

“We are tapping into the lost creativi-
ty and intellectual capacity of the work
force," said Jim Dean. senior trainer for
lean manufacturing at L(‘(‘ and lean
manufacturing core team member at the

Lean manufacturing is a philosophy
for reducing time and resource waste, It
is a process of eliminating waste.
whether in manufacturing. administra-
tion. or even accounting. Dean said.

“If you have to bend over to pick up a
part, that is time that is wasted." said
Donna Davis. the director of community
partnership at LCC.

Lean manufacturing streamlines the
manufacturing process and eliminates
these wasted movements by arranging
the workspace. allowing Workers to dou-
ble or even triple their output with less

The process is tnodeled after the
Toyota plant in (,‘yeorgetown. which has
the distinction of being the most effi-
cient production line in the world. Dean

“The planning for the lean manufac-
turing process began with a grant from
Toyota given to the (‘cnter for Robotics
and Manufacturing Systems.“ he said.

By modeling the Toyota production
line and teaching the nonautomotive
world the methods Toyota uses to reduce
wasted movements and time. Dean said.
the lean manufacturing team can stream-
line the process and save manufacturers
millions of dollars.

“It can bring substantial cost savings
to manufacturers." Davis said.

LCC is sponsoring a “Train the
Trainer" program this week to branch
out the program. “Train the Trainer“ is
designed to train managers from indus»
tries around the country and the world to
implement the lean manufacturing con-
cept within their own companies.

“The program is very popular these
days." Dean said. “We travel all over the
world teaching the process. but we can‘t
go everywhere."

So, Dean said. they developed the
Train the Trainer program to make bet-
ter use of their time and resources. The
Square D company has brought top level
managers, including their senior vice
president of operations. to Lexington to
learn the process and take it back to their
plants throughout the United States. in
England and in Ireland.

“We started the week by taking the
trainees to a simulated factory floor." he

The trainees work the simulated fac-
tory floor and then they analyze how well
they worked. After three or four sessions.
the tcam plots their progress, The broad
lean manufacturing techniques learned
the first day are analyzed the remainder
of the week in classes.

“They learn to map the process, learn
the tools." Dean said. “Throughout the
week. it continues to improve.“

The mil-hour class taught by the LCC
instructors and the UKCRMS team is
unique among programs of its type
throughout the country. This lean manu-
facturing process focuses its efforts on
drawing those who will be affected by the
changes. into the planning process.

"This is not about eliminating jobs,"
said Davis. “but about finding better
ways to do a job."


The Student Newspaper at the Universi of ke.Lexinoton . '



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The Low-down

. ...a- ‘1i‘-‘3"

The gen-
in front

me were

0.8. rejects China satellite sale

WASHINGTON ~—« After years of promoting
satellite exports to China, the Clinton adminis-
tration abruptly reversed course. rejecting a $450
million commercial satellite sale to a Chinese-
controlled consortium amid concerns about valu-
able military know-how. The decision. confirmed
yesterday by senior administration officials,
comes a week before Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright travels to Beijing for talks
with Chinese leaders and amid congressional
and executive branch probes of whether past
satellite deals helped the Chinese military.

Clinton urges Medicaid for children

WASHINGTON -— President Clinton appealed
yesterday for poor parents to seek Medicaid or
state health coverage for their children. The presi‘
dent kicked off the national Insure Kids Now cam-
paign, which seeks to educate families on obtain-
ing coverage under Medicaid and the new Chil-
dren's Health Insurance Program. The goal is to
enroll the millions of children thought to be eligi-
ble. Clinton said it is “inconceivable” that the
United States, with all its prosperity. has nearly 11
million children who lack health insurance.

Man found guilty in dragging death

JASPER, Texas -, A white supremacist was
convicted of murder yesterday and could get the
death penalty for chaining a black man to a pick-
up truck and dragging him until his body was
torn to pieces in a crime that shocked the nation
with its savagery. The jury of 11 whites and one
black took less than 2 1/2 hours to reach a verdict
against John William King in the slaying last
June of James Byrd Jr. “I am relieved," said Stel-
la Brumley. Byrd‘s sister. “That's all we wanted,
was justice."

Avalanche in Austrian Alps kills 8

INNSBRUCK, Austria w Tons of snow tum~
bled down upon a small village in the Austrian
Alps yesterday. killing at least eight people. It
was one of dozens of avalanches to strike Central
Europe as the region endured its worst snowfall
in 50 years.

The Austrian Press Agency said up to 30 peo-
ple remained missing. Tens of thousands of trav-
elers were stranded in train stations, traffic jams
and isolated resort towns across France, Italy,
Switzerland and Austria as the avalanches
buried homes, roads and railways. At least 59
people have died in Alpine avalanches across Eu-
rope this winter.

Partial Kosovo peace deal reached

A partial settle-


ment in the Kosovo conflict was reached yester-
day as Serbs agreed in principle to give limited
self-rule to majority ethnic Albanians. The agree-
ment puts on hold, at least temporarily, NATO’s
threats to bomb Serb targets if they don't adopt
the complex plan that would force them to with-
draw troops from Kosovo and accept NATO peace
keepers. For more on this issue, turn to page 4 for
related story. »


m... Georgia. Chicago hold elections
Hawthorne had ATLANTA — A Republican with a reputation
I little “I“? for consensus-building instead of partisan trench
back to his warfare was favored to win a special election yes-
television star- terday for the House seat vacated by Newt Gm-
doth when he grich. The only suspense for front-runner Johnny
was knighted Isakson was whether he would get a majorlty of
Tuesday by the vote in the seven-way race and avo1d a runofi'.
Queen Ellza- Elsewhere around the country yesterday, Chicago
beth ll Mayor Richard M. Daley sought a third full term
Hawthorne 70 in a race against Rep. Bobby Rush, a fellow Demo-
said the c ere- crat and a former Black Panther.

may at Ducti-

mom. Palace lntemet auctions blamed for fraud

was less Intimi-
dating than an
Award night.


TRENTON, N.J — Consumer complaints of
online fraud jumped sixfold last year, with Inter-
net auctions prompting two out of every three
complaints, a consumer group reported yesterday.
The number of consumers complaining that they
were defrauded online went from 1,280 in 1997 to
7,752 last year, according to Internet Fraud Watch,
an online fraud reporting system created by the
National Consumers League.

Dow closes down 8.26: NASDAO up

NEW YORK —- The Dow industrials gave some
ground yesterday, but technology shares pushed
the broad market higher after Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan hinted that the central
bank is more inclined to lift interest rates than cut

The Dow Jones industrial average fell 8.26 to


FAVORITE: 9,544.42. The NASDAQ up 34.36 to 2,376.37.

Lucinda , .

Williams' trip NCAA wins sex-bias lawsuit

m1 2mg?" WASHINGTON — The NCAA is not subject to

South t ook her a federal sex-bias law just because it collects dues

to the to of from federally aided colleges and universities, the

the Vill p Supreme Court ruled yesterday. But the justices‘

age unanimous decision left open the possibility the

"I“ ”"5“ governing body for college sports may for other

critics 9°"- reasons be covered by the law known as Title IX of

"9" Car ""99" the Education Acts of 1972.

on a Gravel

Road was

named best Leakey named new head of museum

larIthII: 3,139: NAIROBI, Kenya —- Richard Leakey has
I II I been named head of the struggling National Mu-

annua W ' seums of Kenya, a television station reported

narrowly beat- Tuesday

"'9 Grammy President Daniel arap Moi appointed Leakey,

'Q'T'm “WV" a third-generation Kenyan, to take over the cash-

H'“ 5 5°“ strapped agency, the Kenya Television Network

debut. "'9 said. Leakey has headed the NMK before and his

MI‘NW‘M’” 0' father founded it.

Lauryn Hill.

Compiled from wire reports.



Tenure on tap
for symposium

Format for possible post-tenure review at
UK to be discussed with prominent guests

By All “In!
sum mum

UK is sponsoring a sym-
posium on March 4 and 5,with
guest speakers from across
the nation to exchange ideas
on how to enhance faculty in-
volvement and productivity.

UK has received a grant
from the American Association
of Higher Education to look at
senior faculty development and
post-tenure review for the en-
tire University. Right now,
post-tenure review is already
being implemented in the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences on an
experimental basis.

Richard Greissman, assis-
tant dean for Faculty Affairs
in the College of Arts and Sci-
ences, says the college feels
confident enough about the
program to suggest the whole
University look at it.

“The focus of the program
is to develop the multifaceted
talents of the faculty, and to
have them address areas of de-
ficiency and improve them,"
he said. Greissman, who also
serves on the Steering Com-
mittee, said that in the four
years the college has partici-
pated in post-tenure review,
no one’s merit scores have
caused termination.

Many colleges and univer-
sities have chosen to institute
programs on their own which
require some form of peer re-
view for faculty members at
certain intervals of time.

Roy Moore, chair of the
University Senate Council,
said the legislature has man-
dated that all universities have
a post-tenure review policy in
place, didn’t mandate what
kind of policy it should be.

“Under post-tenure re
view, many schools have poli-
cies that require individuals
to look at a person’s record
and make the determination
whether or not that person is
a strong enough faculty mem-

ber to recommend them con-
tinuing under their contract,"
he said.

At the present time, the
legislature is allowing each
university to implement its
own policies and Moore said
this is a better way to go.
rather than having a
statewide policy. This system
allows each university the
freedom to continue work
with its mission and goals,
such as UK, he said.

If the policies are imple-
mented. it will affect faculty
the most, but students will be
indirectly impacted as well.
Certain standards must be
maintained by professors in
order to keep tenure and re-
main in the classroom.

The twoday event is open
to anyone, but the focus will
be directed toward specific
groups, such as deans, depart-
ment chairs and the presi-
dent’s staff. The guest speak-
ers are considered to be na-
tionally prominent in this
area. Discussion will center
around what they are doing in
their institutions and what
has worked and what hasn‘t.

Nolan Embry, a steering
committee member from Lex-
ington Community College, is
excited about being a part of
the symposium. “We have an
opportunity to look at the post-
tenure and senior faculty de~
velopment issue through com—
munity college eyes,” he said.

“The current system
might encourage mediocre
performance and I want to see
more merit given to outstand-
ing teaching and exemplary
performance," he said.

Embry also said LCC’s
tenure process mirrored that
of UK’s.

Joan McCauley, associate
vice president for planning
and budget, said that 67 per-
cent of the university’s profes-
sors are tenured while 61 per-
cent of LCC’s are.






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RAMvmvmards up for grabs

Applications available for Singletary Awards,
given to several outstanding Uii students

aynmtt om


Wanted: Outstanding
student for recognition by
the University.

Applications for the Otis A.
Singletary Awards are now

The Singletary Award,
named in honor of one of the
University’s former president.
recognizes one outstanding
freshman, sophomore and ju-
nior and a male and female se-
nior for outstanding leadership
contributions to the University.

Rhonda Strouse. director of
the Student Activities Office.
said winners are chosen on the

strength of the interview and
the essay accompanying the ap-

She said previous winners
have come from a variety of
student organizations.

“No one organization is a
feeder for the award.“ Strouse
said. “They could come from
Residence Life, academics or
leadership in any organization."

Strouse and Amy
Broghamer. a psychology and
integrated strategic communi-
cations senior and member of
the selection committee, have
worked to increase the appli~
cant pool this year.

“Freshman. sophomore and
junior winners are chosen
based on contributions they

made during that academic
year." Broghamer said. “The se-
nior recipients must demon
strate outstanding leadership
and contributions during the
course of their career as stu-
dents at UK."

For seniors, the tougher re
quirement of being outstanding
for the duration of their acade—
mic career merits $1,000 and
having their name placed on
the plaque in the Student Cen-
ter as part of the award. accord.
ing to the application informa-

Winners receive an invita-
tion to the Honors Program

Award Dinner April 19.
Broghamer said.
Like the Academy

Awards. they are not notified
that they won until their
names are called by the pre-
senter. This year’s award will
be presented by Broghamer

and UK President Dr. Charles

Finalists are picked by a
selection committee comprised
of Lou Swift. dean of students;
Randall Gonzalez. vice chancel—
lor of Student Affairs:
Broghamer. of Student Activi-
ties Board; Kelly Sullivan. a
previous recipient of the award;
an Omicron Delta Kappa Hon‘
ors Society member. and a pre—
v10us recipient of the Great
Teacher Award. Finalists must
then go through an interview
process with the selection com-

Applications are available
in 106 or 203 Student Center.
the Dean‘s Office of every col-
lege. and all other major acade-
mic offices.

Applicants need to fill out
the application. respond to the
essay and turn it in to 203 Stu-
dent (Tenter by noon March 3.







French and Mirage aircraft are parked at the istrana Airbase in Northern Italy as part of NATO's show of force aimed at possible intervention in con-
flict-ridden Kosovo. A partial agreement was reached yesterday, but nation leaders are worried conflicts may still happen.

Kosovo stalemate broken

A settlement? Though partial agreement has
been made, threats of violence still loom


Serbs agreed in principle yes-
terday to give limited self-rule
to majority ethnic Albanians in
Kosovo, but the two sides failed
after 17 days of intense negotia-
tions to conclude a deal for end-
ing their yearlong conflict.
More talks were scheduled for
March as a new round of vio-
lence shook the province.

The partial settlement puts
on hold. at least temporarily,
NATO’s threats to bomb Serb
targets if they don‘t adopt the
complex plan that would force
them to withdraw troops from

Kosovo and accept NATO

After four days of strenu-
ous diplomacy. shuttling be-
tween the two sides and even
enlisting the help of 1996 GOP
presidential candidate Bob
Dole. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright accepted
less than she had insisted on.

There was no agreement on
deploying NATO peacekeepers
in the tense province to enforce
the settlement, and the Serbs
refused to give their consent to
major elements of the self~rule
sought by the ethnic Albanians.

According to senior US. of-


if talks between the Yugoslav government and the Kosovar ethnic Albanians fail, NATO
is ready to begin bombing Serb military targets throughout Yugoslavia as soon as



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"' . Head of the ethnic Albanian
: delegation. Hashim Thaci.
criticized the final draft
agreement as being so heavily
3 weighted toward Serbs that ii
». setswethnicAlbaniansior
= biane it tells fail.



Yugoslav President Siobodan
Milosevic maintained his
refusal to budge even in the
face of threatened airstrlies.
particularly over the issue of
deploying NATO troops in





ficials, the Serbs still insist on
Serbian courts for Serbs ac-
cused of crimes. refuse to per-
mit the ethnic Albanians to
have a president and are un-
willing to cooperate with a war
‘crimes tribunal looking into
atrocities against civilians com-
mitted during the war that has
claimed some 2,000 lives.

“But we have broken the
stalemate that hung over Koso»
v0 for so long,” Albright said.

The Albanians also hedged.
They were given two weeks for
“consultations" with people in
the province. and still are in-
sisting on a referendum to vote
for independence and secession
from Serbia at the end of the
three-year autonomy trial peri-
od envisioned by the accord for-
mulated by the United States.
Britain. France. Italy. Germany
and Russia.

The settlement also calls
for a restoration of the cease-
fire that was arranged by US.
envoy Richard Holbrooke last
October and for the staged re-
moval of Serbian troops and
special police units m but only
after a NATO force is deployed
to enforce the agreement.

In order to put a halt to the
protracted negotiations. which
ran through two deadlines. the
ethnic Albanians and Serbs
agreed to another round of
talks in France. beginning
March 15.

In Washington. President
Clinton noted that NATO Secre
tary-General Javier Solana still
“has the authority in his pocket
now" to order airstrikes. “That
depends upon the actions of the
Serbs.“ he said. “What we need
is continued restraint."

“I believe that the Kosovar
Albanian people will strongly
support what their negotiators
have done. because the agree-
ment represents the opportuni-
ty for a better life after years of
repression and fear." Clinton
said in a statement issued by
the White House later.

At the same time, he
warned. “the Serbs should be

m» prepared to return to the nego

tiations on March 15 with a
commitment to sign the full

British Foreign Secretary
Robin Cook. who co-chaired the
talks with French Foreign Min-
ister Hubert Vedrine. said: “We
have done a lot here even if we
have not done enough."

“We will use the next three
weeks to convince the Serbs and
to convince the Albanians that
the agreement is a good bargain
for both sides." Cook said.

The Serbs gave no indica»
tion they would agree to NATO
peacekeepers. arguing that they
could not be sure the. Serb mi-
nority the province is about
90 percent ethnic Albanian
would be protected.

In a concession. the til-page
accord permits the Serbs to
keep troops along the Kosovo

Final approval by the eth-
nic Albanians also is a question

Albright arranged for liolc
to call Adem Demaci. an ethnic
Albanian hard-liner who boy
cotted the negotiations. to ask
him to endorse the settlement,
There was no word on whether
Demaci or other ethnic Albani.
ans who are fighting for seces
sion from Serbia Would go


In i’ristina. Yugoslavia. five
Serb policemen were wounded
when suspected rebels opened
fire on Serb mourners. who
gathered under police escort at
the home of Mirko Milosevic. a
civilian killed Monday alleged
ly by the rebel Kosovo Libero»
tion Army.

Albright on Sunday called
Milosevic‘s refusal to accept n
NATO peacekeeping force to
guarantee security a “non

“We accept nothing less
than a complete agreement. in
cluding a NATO-led force." she
declared at the time. “Without
that element.“ she said. the
agreement is “just a piece of pa»

the violence


Read the paper,
don’t eat it










The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at http;//wva.uky.gdu/StudeuLC_en_tgg.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to
appear in the calendar. For more information call 257—8866


0L.E.A.P. Learning Skills Program. 3—3:50 pm. 203 Frazee Hail


'FPIIOWShip of Christian Athletes meeting. 9 pm. CSF Bldg. (corner or Woodland
8: Columbia)

eStudent Meal and Discussion 5pm. Newman Center

eFrench Conversation Table 4:3046pm. Ovid's Cafe

OUK Snowski and Snowboard meeting. 7pm. Rm 228 Student Center

'Psl Chi meetlnq. 4 pm. Rm 213 Kastle Hall

OMaster Recital featuring Benjamine Smolder. 8pm. Singietary Center
eMovie Heavenly Creatures 7pm. Worsham Theatre. St

OAikldo Classes/ UK Alkido Cluh. 6:30—8:30 pm. Alumni Gym .--.. “
Loft. (all Chris (a) 24575887 for info.
0Eating Disorder Awareness Week information Tables l I 7i pm, Student Center and 4'76 pm.

Seaton Center

m”European Pastry Cafe sponsored by the Cosmopolitan Club. 104 pm. Room 245 Student

eCulturai Diversity Festival. it am—t 30 pm. Student Center Grand Ballroom Ethnic Foods.
entertainment and international displays.


IMath l09 8:123 Tutoring. 203 Frazee Hall. FREE call 7—6959 for more info.


eCampus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting. 7:30 pm. Worsham Theatre

OUK Lambda meeting fro Lesbigaytrans people. 7:30 pm. Room 231 Stud. Ctr.
eThursday Night Live. 7pm. Christian Student Fellowship. call 233—03l 3 for info.
OUK Snowski and Snowboard meeting. 7pm. Room 228 Student Center


OUK Orchestra Pre—Concert Lecture. 7pm. Fine Arts Room 1 7

OUK Orchestra with Steve Moore. conductor. 8pm. Singletary Center. FREE
eMother courage and Her Children presented by the UK Theatre Department.
8pm. Gulgnoi Theatre. call 257—4929 for ticket info.

OUK Ultimate Frisbee Practice. 6—8pm. Band Field. (all Nick at
28i -l 256 for info



