running Salmon River, behind some curious hills. " The leadership of Joseph," says General Howard, "was indeed remarkable." The whites must cross the rapid river in front of him. He could either oppose this crossing, or retreat to the rear, or turn south up the Salmon, or north, and down that river. In case he chose the latter course, he would be marching toward Mount Idaho on a line east of the Salmon River, parallel with that along which the soldiers in their march had come. This wTould bring him between the soldiers and the settlements.

The soldiers made ready to cross the Salmon River, an undertaking of great danger, both by reason of the furious flow of the torrent and of the red enemies on the further side. During the night Joseph fled, taking the course down the Salmon River and toward the settlements. The troops were ordered to cross the river and commence pursuit. At the first attempt the raft was swept away. It was determined to retrace' their steps along the course they had come and head off Joseph should he attempt to cross the river toward the settlements.

Leaving the main force for a moment, let us turn to the little detachment which had been sent back under Captain Whipple to look after Looking Glass, who had not yet joined the malcontents. Somewhere near Mount Idaho Whipple discovered the enemy. He sent forward Lieutenant Rains, with ten picked men and a scout, to ascertain the strength of the Indian forces. Following this advance-guard at a distance of a mile with his main force the sound of firing was heard at the front. Hurrying forward Whipple and his command were horrified to find that Rains and every man in his detachment had been killed.

All this took place in the neighborhood of the desolate Cottonwood House, where, on the 5th of July, the men were encamped. Toward noon two mounted men were seen approaching the camp at full speed. " Some citizens," said they, "a couple of miles away on the Mount Idaho road, are sur-