which he indicated. 'From that time we are enemies. Then if you wish to kill me, you may. If I want to kill you, I may.' At the appointed hour, crossing the river, Captain Wells disappeared in the forest, taking an easterly direction to strike the trail of Wayne's army. Obtaining an interview with General Wayne, he became ever afterward the faithful friend of the Americans."

Next to Wells in importance was Robert McClellan, whose name has been immortalized by Washington Irving in his graphic picture of " Astoria." He was one of three brothers, William, Robert, and John McClellan, the sons of one of the pioneer farmers of Pennsylvania, who lived at the time of the Revolutionary war in that part of Cumberland County which now belongs to Franklin County, where the boys were schooled in all the arts of woodcraft and inured to the hardships of frontier life. As soon as the boys had obtained a sufficient age, they began their turbulent careers as pack-horse boys, conveying salt over the mountains. At the opening of the Indian conflict in the west, about the year 1790, Robert and William engaged as scouts or rangers, first in the service of General Harmar, and next in that of Generals St. Clair and Wayne. " Robert was one of the most athletic and active men on foot," writes McDonald, " that appeared on the globe. On the parade ground at Fort Greenville, where the ground was very little inclined, to show his activity, he leaped over a road wagon with the cover stretched over; the wagon and bows were eight and a half feet high."

Henry Miller and a younger brother named Christopher (brothers of Joseph and John Miller, in Kibby's company), had been made captives by the Indians when quite young, and were adopted into an Indian family. Henry lived with them until he attained the age of about twenty-four years. Although he had become quite Indianized and had adopted all their manners and customs, he now began thinking of returning home to his family and relatives among the whites.   His thoughts finally