Sixth Annual
U.K. INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Memorial Coliseum  Dec. 19-20, 1958
First Night: West Virginia vs. Oklahoma State7:30 p.m. CDT Kentucky vs. Ohio St.itcApproximately 9:30 p.m. CDT
Second Night: Consolation Game (first night losers)7:30 p.m. CDT Championship GameApproximately 9:30 p.m. CDT
In the short span of five years, University of Kentuckya school I already internationally respected in
ffi basketball  circles  has captured
*j\ the imagination of the cage world
jfjj beyond the wide limits of its own
fabulous   success   with   a high-* calibre holiday festival  known as
the U.K. Invitational Tournament.
Tournaments, especially the Christmas holidays variety, are neither new nor unique, but the UKIT admittedly stands in a class by itself in the most important and commendable respects.
The U.K. Invitational was inaugurated in 1953 with the thought of furthering a trend toward returning big-time basketball to college-controlled arenas and it has done that in convincing fashion. Under the management of Kentucky Athletic Director Bernie Shively, outstanding teams have been selected from various sections of the country to join with the host Wildcats in a field of truly national scope. The constantly-increasing high calibre of the participating teams and the resulting fine brand of competition has led to great public patronage and important national prestige has been attached to the tournament.