oopy Mvanaoie


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um i:ksity

:ntucecy Kernel

or kkxitcky. .kxixgtox. kkxivc :ky. kiiiday.

Week For Pledges R"ltable
To Be Inaugurated iW t, Arl




ii:m;iTAi;Y 2(.






UK Roundtable. an informal radio
discussion program series produced
by the University Broadcasting Service, explores the idea of art in the
western world in the broadcast next

Work Day, 13uiuiicl
Sol Bv IFC, Panhell


This panel discussion marks the
sixth program in a special series devoted to "Foundations of Western
broadCivilization." The half-hocasts are planned and moderated by
Greek Week, designed to cut down fraternity and sorority ha
Dr. Jonah W. D. Skiles. head of the
iutl. preeediii' initiation, is sV)iisored lv the Intcrf ratcrnity CounD( oartment of Ancient Languages
cil and I'anhcllcnic (louncil. Plans call for the program to lie and Literature.
UK Roundtable is aired over
widely expanded in later years to include a full week of
radio station WHAS, Louisville, each
activities for pledges.
Sunday morning at 10. and over
All fraternity and sorority pledges
WBKY, the University station, each
will meet at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow
Monday night at 7:30.
moniiiiB at the Student Union for
Appearing as guest panelists with
Work Hay. They will be accomDr. Skiles next week to discuss art
panied by pledge trainers and will
in the western world will be Dr.
po to the Ehriner s Crippled ChilDonald L. Weismann. head of the
dren's Hospital, the colored orphan-ruDepartment of Art. Clifford Amyx.
the VM and YWCA. the FlorC. Raymond Barnhart. and Edward
ence Crittenden Home, and a librai y
W. Rannells. all members of the
three top Tk billiards players are shown above practicing
lor the underprivileged.
Art Department.
for the annual national
tournament which they have- won the riuht to enter.
.soof pledges will
The special series of broadcasts
They are. 1. to r.. Mills boone, third, John Kelley, winner, and Dave Nakdiinen. second place.
licit funds for the local heart drive
dealing with Foundations of Westcampaign in downtown Lexington.
ern Civilization was originated to
Kelley won the trophy .shown on the table, and the other two were awarded iold medals.
The Work Day will end about 3
review the great ideas that have set
the character and direction of our
The banquet will be given at 6
p.m. Wednesday in the Student
In explaining the purpose of the
Union Ballroom. All pledges, presidiscussion programs. Dr. Skiles
dents, and pledge trainers will atpointed to a study of the western
tend, and Dean of Men A. D.
foundations in order to understand
Sarah B. Holmes, dean or
and build today's civilization.
women. President H. L. Donovan,
"There is a direct contrast beWorship services from 5 to 5:15
tween the character of western
end faculty advisors will be present.
The Panhellenic committee of four
P m. on Mondays and Thursdays m
civilization and the character of the
The Greek organizations have
hi..h h...
Chapel will be the first
nominated a candidate for outCommunist ideology with which we
To I'lav At Military li.i
Panhellenic Council cracked down was comprised of Dean of Women
standing pledge from each of their
are contending today," the program
Sarah R Wnnif"; Awivtnt rxti nf in n ii ui llic 111 l v l ill tl H UK
rii Hiuiega sorority mis -nledgc classes. The two winners will
christian Church student roup.
moderator said.
cri, ucMiiuK us nuuaiion aaie
be- - chosen on scholarship.
Kathv Fiver publicitv chairman.
Dr. Skiles noted that the Comit(tV
for one calendar month as a penalty KI'Pa Delta and Judy Henry. has
thls wwk
munist ideology is primarily of an
mima ueua
Formed to give Christian students.
Oriental cast in which kings ruled lor breaking a rush rule.
each receive a silver cup. Voting
of tne committee members.
the second largest religious group at
will take place in the Student Union
without consideration for the .,.F.c.i.alil..i i is auppolicy me uis.
ui an
VK an oplonunitv to meet to- masses.
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
UK's annual Military Ball, sponItwi LUU.1UICI U
in, miiitt. Lion
tll Ul llltfS.
"The difference between western
The nominees include Joann Bar- sored by Scabbard
m,jr ollc. sinte worse ones have gcther on campus during plansweek,
Members of the Delta Delta Delta
the group is developing
rett, 2.5, Alpha Delta Pi: Joan Col- Arnold Air Society, and Freshing civilization and the Communist doc- sorority
been kllown but not reported,
reported the Chi Omega's
future discussion groups and in- lins, 2.2. Alpha Gamma Delta: Alice
trines is clearly marked in almost
Members of several sororities have formal parties. Miss Fi ver said.
Rifles, will be held from 8:30 p.m. every one of
the great ideas of to Panhellenic last Wednesday
Rose Brinegar, 2.. Alpha Xi Delta: to 12:30 a.m. on Saturday,
March 6 western civilization dignity of man. night for violating a rule which commented that the breaking of
They plan to help promote a stuMarilyn Marquette. 1.9. Chi Omega: in
the Ballroom of the Student freedom, the search for truth, and states that no rushee shall remain ruk's during sorority rush, formal dent center or room on campus in
Mary Tippy Daniels. 2.6. Kappa Al- Union.
informal, is common,
at a rush party longer than the and
the future, she added.
social justice." he commented.
pha Theta: Jane Cole. 2.. Kappa
Oriskill Gives Reason
Fred Dale and his Indiana Unithe prescribed amount of time.
A meeting of Christian students
UK Roundtable
Delta; Elizabeth Ann Bell, 2.4.. Kap- versity band will play, featuring
Martha Driskill. president of Delta was held last Sunday, and Margie
Rushees Were Late
special topic, "Foundations of Westpa Kappa Gamma; Carol Conrad.
Delta- sald the Chi Omega's
as voeanst
- every third week
aoooie winters
The Tri Delts said that two
uie m civlllzatlonDysart hLstorv major' was eltcted
1.9, Zeta Tau Alpha.
u iiht w ill
ioi mill wilii iiu ' in its broadcasts over WHAS and rushees came to their house party had been turnea in because "we v rship chalrman. The group also
Charles Yancey. 1.7. Alpha Gam- flowers.
11 11
,ulp ,lllP'
is nel,1S DroKen, discussed the most suitable time lor
WBKY. The two intervening weeks late from a Chi Omega party.
ma Rho: Ted Creedman, 2., Alpha
A queen will be selected from a
Chi Omega officials admitted the and' aftel' a11- if a rule Ls broken it the initial services.
Tau Omega; Joe Lamkin. 2 2. Farm group of five candidates, to be an- are devoted to subjects of past and infraction,
be admitted."
but attributed it to a
House; Ray McWhjjjier. T75. Kappa nounced next week. Tickets are current, interest.
she also commented that she All Christian students are in- of Panhellenic
In the upcoming programs Dr. misunderstanding
Sigma; Charles Scoit. 1.7. Phi Delta $2 50 a coupie
Ann Marie O'Roark, Chi knew of no other infraction of so- vited to attend the services. Miss
Skiles plans for the panel to disThcta; Al Arney, 1.5, Phi Kappa
Dean of Women Sarah B. Holmes cuss ethics, immortality, law. and Omega president, said that Pan- rority rush rules.
Tau; Bob Florence. 1.7. Phi Sigma has granted late permission for
"The issue is closer as far as I'm
other phases of past civilization that hellenic did not announce that rush
women attending the dance.
concerned," she said.
would be formal until the Wednes- built our western world.
Tom Frymire, Pi Kappa
One of the rushees who left the
UK Roundtable is now in its 25th day, before the Chi Omega's were
David Allen. 2.. Sigma Chi; Bob
Chi Omega house late pledged Delta
reported by the Tri Delts.
broadcasting over WHAS.
vear of
Linke. 1.6, Sigma Nu; Phil Barbee.
IH11(I 'Yo
It was only assumed at the Pan Delta Delta. The other pledged Chi
i.z. Sigma mi tpsnon; am fenaiey.
hellenic meeting that formal rush Omega
2 4. Lambda Chi Alpha.
rules would go into effect, she said,
The organization whose outstandadding that no definite reference to
Degrees in the College of Arts
ing pledge is not in the above list
A newly formed 15 piece band
formal rules had been made.
and Sciences and the College of
cither would not release the name under the direction of Charlie Blair,
"I only hope that everyone realEngineering may now be combined,
until sometime later in the spring a iunior in Arts and Sciences, will
izes that it Uhe infraction was unM. M. White, clean of Arts and Sci- or could not be contacted by phone make its
first appearance at the
Members for the spring staff of intentional and caused by an ignorences, has announced.
Wednesday night.
next Sweater Swing at 8 p.m. Tucs- - stvlus. UK literarv magazine, will ance of Panhellenic rush rules." she
The combining of the two degrees
An exhibit of paintings by faculty was
day in the Student Union Ball- - be selected at 3 p.m. today in Room said.
approved at the last meeting
206 of the Journalism
Both rushees, Miss O'Roark said, members of the Department of Art of the UK faculty, he said.
will be on exhibit in the Student
There is no admission, and stu- carol Sue Caton,
has an- came to the Chi Omega house late
A B.S. or A.B. degree may now
cients may come stag or drag. It nounced.
from another party Friday night Union from Saturday
be gained after three years in Arts
is scheduled to be over at 9:45 p.m.
The spring edition will include One of them was 10 minutes late March 13, Elsie Kennedy, chairman and Scielu.es and one 'ln Engineer- The Student Union House Commit- - short stories, plays, essays, and and the other 15 to 20 minutes late of the Art Committe announced,
ing College.
tee sponsors the event.
poems written by students and other in leaving for the Tri Delt house,
The following five requirements
The faculty members include Dr.
contributors, she said.
she said.
'Donald Weismann. head of the de- - must first be txdtmei: 100 credits
Deadline for campus contributions
Neither Girl Asked To Slav
in Arts and Sciences subjects, with
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice -meM. Prof. Edward Rannells. a Mandi
is March 25. Contributors are asked
()f r3 ou aU work com.
Miss O Roark said that, although
president of the University, is at
manuscripts on it was not known that formal rush Clifford Amyx, Raymond Barnhart, pleted before transferrin
to submit their
to the
tending a meeting of the Southern
standard size paper, either typed or rules were in effect, neither girl Anne Green, and Janis Sternsbergs. Engineering College.
Association of Colleges and Seconin legible handwriting. No change was asked to stay beyond the pre- Club news for publication in
dary Schools, in Atlanta, Ga., towill be made in any material with- - scribed period of time.
the Kentucky Kernel will be acday.
cepted all day Monday until
out the author's approval.
He will work with a committee
Tuesday afternoon by tel phone
publicaon the application of the new gradStylus is a
Lx. 22751 or by mail. When
uate standards of the association.
tion sponsored Jointly by Chi Delta
mailing notices, please give the
McrMine with Dr. Chamberlain on
Phi. women's writing honorary, and
name of the person to whom the
the committee will be Dr. Lewis A.
the English Club.
storv mav be attributed.
P.'iciue. a former member of the UK
An award of J50 will be given an-- !
Phv.-io- s
department now
nually to the outstanding
and dean of the graduate
The Kernel was highly instruin the College of Arts and
By BILL HI 1. 1. I l l K
school ill Virginia Polytechnical
mental m getting the mascot. It
Sciences who has chosen medicine
Collier has replaced Bryant, but was not until November of 1947.
as a career. The award will be doDr. Chamberlain will also reprehowever, that the drive for a wildwho will replace. Colonel?
nated by Dr. A. J. Whilehouse of
sent UK at the ninth annual
Colonel, a female "wildcat" and cat materialized. A premature anLexington.
on higher educaconference
The purposes of the award are the official UK mascot for the past nouncement atthat Alabama
tion. March 3, in Chicago.
1947 stated
the cat had arto give recognition to a distinguished six years, was retired last month in
The group, composed of reprerived,
it was not true. When
student and to encourage a more to a fish and wildlife reserve in Colonel but
sentatives from colleges and unifinally arrived two weeks
adequate preparation for the study Frankfort. The "wildcat" (actually
versities throughout the United
jump-gu- n
and practice of medicine.
The a bobcat was retired by Suky after alter the ran a picture of the aniStales, will study problems of comthe
award is made on the basis of having a long and colorful career mal Kernel
mon interest arising in the educaand featured space on the front
scholastic achievement, personality, as the Kentucky Wildcat.
tional program.
oflicers explained that page about the new mascot.
social service, ability, and integrity.
Suky was given official charge of
A plaque bearing the recipient's Colonel was retired to the Frankname will be placed near the bul- fort reserve because the animal was Colonel, which in turn entrusted
to Jack Tiiuhner. animal
letin board on the Inst floor of the no longer in condition to stand the her care
strains that go with being a mascot. caretaker at the Funkhouser BuildFunkhouser building. Each year a
ing. Tinchner cared
Try-ou- t
'student's name will be added to The "wildcat." Suky explained, no during the enure six for the feeding
longer paced in her cage during
this plaque.
mandatory diet ot
a combined
The procedure for determining athletic events. Old age was setting Colonel her
eftort to aroLV :
organthe student is as follows:
interest in Suky, student xp
I.'sraped Once
Never Missed A Game
Students with junior or senior
ization, and to better acquaint men
Tmchner said that the "wildcat"
The fierce little animal, as mascot,
standing will be screened to select
students with the group, the club
presented lew problems during her
the seven or eight who have the never mi. sed a game, ram or shine, stay.
inaugurated its second semester
She escaped tnmi her cage
highest grades. These students will when Kentucky's teams played. The
try-operiod with a party last
'cat would screech and snarl in its once. Tiiuhner said, and sent an
be rated individually by the
anatomy class in the building into
night In the recreation lounge of
Commit tee; these ratinss specially built cage at the opposing panic,
but was recaptured without
side, and the entrance ot Colonel
the men's dorms.
will be combined to make an overall rating, and investigation will be at football games was as regular incident.
During the evening, motion picColonel, said Tine liner, learned to
made concerning the student's social and expected as that of the band.
tures of the card sections at home
Colonel was a gift to Suky from become calm when he alone was
service activities.
football games v.ere shown, alter
Glen W. Denliam, a Williamsburg around, br.t when others approached,
which the purposes and the aims
atlorncv. Dciiham procured the the 'cat leaped and snarled as u
'cat Irom a filling station owner she had ju.-- t been taken from the
were explained bv
of the club
According to Tmchner. it is
near Williamsburg
who had the wood.-,various Suky members.
virtually impossible to tame a "wildanimal caged as an attraction.
Membership in Suky is based on
IWI.HS-I.nc- v
Ward was the winM'lT.CII COMI'ST
Late in l!i4ii a move was started cat"- even it it is a Kentucky bob
a semester ol
at UK to obtain a live wildcat as cat.
c ampns
li iiipiiraiii'iiiis si akiii'
tlir Inst
In retirement at the quiet FrankThe personnel director of the an otficial mascot. Bryant was the
semester 22 new members were adcontest laid last week. Shown Willi lur arc raiictti' Hill.
Oruen Watch Company will speak new grid coach, and the student fort reserve. Colonel will be well led
mitted into the oiganiation.
and taken care of. A plaque will be
second, and l.uy l.antrr. nine al ion major,
who pi. ici-to the laculty and students of the
Try-omeetings are being held
College of Commerce at 4 p.m. on body believed that a mascot was placed on her cage proclaiming her:
w !i
Siiliji ct ul (he
w is "I low ( ':in
c iini- in third
I S ji m
e.ieh Tile- d.iv in the 5V:i-March 11 ln
l,.te Hall. Dean C. IV needed to swnbolie the strength of "Colonel official UK mascot,
V I lest Juipi i)c L K.J
nt Union.
Carpenter has announced.
the lisiiiL; football team.



Vek will
Day and cud March 6 witli a banquet.
first annual



w itli











Rule Infraction Halts
Chi Omega Initiation




btarts Sernecs









Bull Set











Sweater Swing
Stylus Officers
To Be Selected

Art To


In Student Union

Dr. Chamberlain

Attends Meeting
Of Educators


Phoned. Mailed In


UK Mascot Retired;
Got A Replacement?

jToj) Med Student
To Receive Award





Snky Sponsors





Omen Official
To Talk March




Five finalists, chosen from a iroup of
contestants, will vie.
(ueen honors at the sixth annual Mardi Gras Dance tomorrow
niulit in the Student I'nion HallnHim.


Driin Sj)ivt'V Scls
Mxamiiialioii Dates
I ore is n language r r a d i n g
exams fur graduate students,
announced Ust week by Dean
Herman K. Spivcy of the Graduate Si liool. appeared incorrectly in the Kernel. The correct schedule is as fullows:
French. April 1.!; German,
April 14. anil Spanish, April 15.
All examinations will be held at
2 p.m. in Kooni Ml of Miller




I'can Spivey urged that students planning to take the
exams confer in advance of the
examinations with Prof. Adolph
Kigge. German, Prof. Thomas
Walker. French, or Prof. Alberta
Server to get appropriate books


Martina Campbell. Kappa Delta,
Joanne Shelton. Phi Delta Then,
Rose Gayle Waterfiekl. Chi Omega.
Marlene Young, Alpha Delta Pi. and
Pat Wheatley. Alpha Xi Delta, were
selected by a group of judues Moii-- I
day evening in Memorial Hall,
One of the six finalists will reign
v. ith Rex Holhs Summers as queen
of the dance. Dr. Summers, as- sociatc professor of English, wis
elected mit-- t popular professor on
Costume Parade To Follow
A parade of costumes will follow
the clowning of the king and queen
at the dance. The man and woman
with the most original costume will
te awarded a trophy to be kept for
cne year The trophies will become
the prmianent property of the group
whuh wins the costume award the
create-number of times in five

Forrest Dean and
with g'ic.t
Foster, of Cincinnati,
the dance, sponsored




his Kentucky
soloist Futh
will play for
each year by


Late Permission Granted
Late permission has been granted
by Dean Sarah B. Holmes. The
dance will begin at 8:30 p m. and
last until 12:30 a.m. Admission will
be $3 a couple. $1.50 stag at the

UK Places Second

In Kiflc Contest

UK placed second in the 33rd an- - dor.
Judges for the quetn contest were
nual William Randolph
nOTC Rifle Competition for 1953- - MLss Laura Lyons, society editor of
54. it was recently announced by the the Lexington Herald-Leade- r.
Air Force.
Ruth Towiisend. interior decoi.it r
The University of Louisville had lor Lute's Furniture Store, and Jou
lne winning team with a total score Cox. WLEX disc jockev.
of 955. as compared with UK's score
Contestants Listed
of 919.
Contestants in the costume
tt,st and tnt.lr Sp,)n.,ors include Rhea
Peacher. Alpha Delta Pi: John
Lorth. Alpha Gamma Rho: Becky
Bishop. Chi Omega: Bobbv Aiato.
Phi Kappa Tau; Judy Biennan.
Delta Delta Delta: Lynne Appleii.tte.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Carroll Morrow. Lambda Chi Alpha.
All specified requirements of Arts
Gene Croft. Sigma Alpha Epsiion;
and Science must be met and at Vivian Long. Alpha Gamma Delta:
least 20 credits must be earned in Rene demons. Alpha Xi LVlta:
the field of concentration before John Strachan. Sigma Nu: Mary
Burns. Delta Zeta; Phil Dixon,
Student must have registered in Sigma Phi F.psilon; Jack Pet t us.
Arts and Sciences for at least one Tau Kappa Epsiion. Jane Cole.
lull year immediately preceechng Kappa Delta.
Kappa Alpha
the completion of his Arts and Sci- Susan Druley.
ences requirements, and must have Theta: Jack Sleinburu. Zeta Beta
earned at least 30 credits in Arts Tau: and Charlie Wells. Kappa
and Sciences subjects.
At least one year must be
Had Not ( hosen
in the College of Engineering in a
Fraternities and sororities not
curriculum approved by the Engl- - lusted had not chosen a candidate
night when the
neer's Council tor Professional De- - bv Wednesday
Kernel called.
In his professional courses the
Winners of the costume content
secure sufficient last year were Martha Whalin hr
credits to bring his total in Arts Alpha Xi Delta and Ellis Easterly
and Science's and professional work for Kappa Sigma.
up to 1.8 credits, and must have a
standing of at least 1. or its equivalent in the professional work.
Professional courses duplicating
Arts and Sciences courses or duplicating course's elected in other
colleges oi the University by the
above all
UK fraternities ranke-student while registered in the College of Arts and Sc ience will not be other state universities in the United
States in fraternity scholarship for
counted in the total.
according to figures just reThe same tye of combined 1932-5courses also include degrees in Arts leased by the College Fratermtv
and Law. Arts and Medicine. Arts Scholarship Processing oruai'.iat ion
and Dentistry, and Arts and For- with headquarters m Lexington.
University fraternities aNo maae
the urea test improvement in l.i;j-5- J
over the previous year, a double
honor believed to be an
slate university record by the
st hol.uship processing group.
In making the announcement.
Continued performances of "Beggar's Opera" will be given tonight, Col. Ralph W. Wilson, executive ditomorrow night, and Monday in the rector of the scholarship organization, told the Kernel that a search
Guignol Theater, starting at 8
William Nave and Harry Stantum through records dating back t:i
failed to reveal another simile.?
have the male leads, with Joanne
Anderson and Nancy Don Freed double record.
"The great fraternity schol.irsh;:
starring in the feminine roles.
The play is directed by Robei". lecoid may come as a surpri-It wili be pi enlac ed in those who have thought Kentucky
is just good in ba ;: b.r.l." thu
Restoration costumes, with
properties being iiseil. executive director commenieei.
The processing group pra sed the
Scenery will be panned backdrops.
Admission tor students will be 70 recent laculty adopted rule requiraver$1.J." or ing lratei miles to maintain an
ccnis and lor
:! KO lor all
presentations of the age standing ot 1 i "T'.'e f.icul'''
deserves the thank- - oi everv loyal
(llama festival.
1'iateinily man." Col Wil-o'



A&S, Engineering Degrees
May Now Be Combined



Mardi Gras Winner
To Reign With Rex



;Chil News Can

Five Finalists
Chosen To Vie
For Ball Queen







s(H-n- t

l'Yaternilies Cet

Seholarship Honor

() peril


Continues To Klin




History I lonorary
To Hear Dr. Hull'

UK scored


5 til




men's average in comparison w.tri
all other state nniver-i- t a
behind UK in the schol.ir-h!- !
4 03
Utah. 3 .7.
I)r Jacqueline Bull, head oi the
Arkansas. I 'M. and Oklahoma. 2 5.j
UK Archives Department, will
rounding out the first five
cuss "Using the Archives For
average la-The
search Projects" at the next meeting
year was the best it has even been
of I Mi i Alpha Theta. history honor
JO tratein:-tie- s
ary, at :t 4"i p.m. Wednesdav
m at UK. Sixteen of the
on the campus mane a'oo.e t.v
Room J05 of the Student Union ac- to:
required 1.3 overall
r.in'mv. '" Mont
the vear.

