AdVlSOI‘y Board
; Senatdr Johnson N. Camden. Versailles.
l Hon. D. N. Lafferty. (,‘ynthiana~.\laster Kentucky State (lrauge.
1 - Mr. Harry Allington, Newport—Pres. Kentucky Federation of Labor
Judge Ed. C. O’Rear, Frankfort.
Mrs. James Bennett. Richmond.
Hon. Claude Thomas, Paris.
Mrs. James A. Leech, Louisville.
, Hon. John G. Miller, Padueah. .
l Miss Belle H. Bennett, RichmondAAl’res. Woman’s Missionary (‘oun- ‘
4 oil of Methodist Church, South.
i Mrs. John C. C. Mayo. Paintsville.
} Judge Robert L. Stout, Frankfort.
Dr. R. H. Crossfield. Lexington—«Pres. 'l‘ransylvania University.
1 Dr. E. B. Barnes, Richmond.
Major James Blackburn. Frankfort.
Rev. H. G. Turner, Danville. ‘
General and Mrs. J. B. Castleman. Louisville.
Mrs. Morris Bartlett, Lawrenceburg—l’res. Kentucky Federation
‘ VVomen’s Clubs.
‘ Judge H. S. Barker, Lexingtonirl’res. of State University of Ken-
t tucky.
l Dean Irene T. Myers, Lexington——Dean of Women {l‘ransylvania
Dean Anna J. Hamilton, LexingtonH’Dean of Women State Univer-
sity of Kentucky.
Mr. Huston Quin, I.011is\'ille#l’1‘es. Kentucky Child Labor Associa—
Miss Linda Neville, Lexington—Secretary Society for Prevention of
Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Lexington.
l Monday. November 8
i Phoenix Hotel. Automobile Ride, 2:00 p. in.. Mrs. S. H. Halley,
‘1 Chairman. Reception at Ashland 4:00 to G :00 p. m.
. Monday Evening, 8 p. 1n.. ()ld Opera House. N. Broadway: Orches—
l tra. Choral singing of “Star Spangled Banner and Suitrage Hymn,”
l led by Miss Katherine Cochran. audience joining in.
Address of “’clcome: For the City of Lexington. Mayor J. E. Cas-
sidy; for the Fayette Equal Rights Association. Mrs. E. 0. Young. first
Vice-President. Response, Mrs. Julia Duke Henniug. Rev. J. M. Melear,
introducing Mrs. Snowden.
Address—Mrs. Philip Snowden, London. England.
“ Tuesday, November 9
Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel, 10:00 a. 111.
Reports of General Oliicers—Prcsident. Mrs. Desha Breckinridge,
Lexington; First Vice-President, Mrs. Edward L. Hutchinson. Lexing-
, ton; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Firth. Covington; ’l‘hird Vice-
President, Mrs. J. D. Hays. Owensboro; Corresponding Secretary. Miss
(:3 Laura Clay. Richmond; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Robinson A. Me,-
(I Dowell, Louisville; fl‘l‘easurer. Mrs. J. B. Judah. Louisville: Auditor,
7.15' Mrs. Samuel Henning. Louisville; State Member Executive Committee, |
\ Mrs. Thomas J. Smith. Frankfort. i
1} Reports of State Committees: “Peace,” Miss Laura R. White, Lou- I
‘ isville; “Education,” Mrs. Oden Hodges, Lexington; “College 'l’rize,” l)r. i
Irene T. Myers, Lexington; “Church “'ork.” Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Lex- i
ington; “News Correspondence,” Mrs. John Graham, Louisville.
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