to the correspondence. but had made speeches in several towns; also
attended the Convention at Chicago. speaking at Covington for Suf-
frage and at Fort Smith on Constructive Peace. She had written let— ;
ters of condolence to the families of Mrs. Susan Look Avery and Mrs. ‘
Mary C. (Trainer, who passed from our work in the last year.
The Secretary reported the principal meeting of the Board and the
matters for the Convention to take up.
The Treasurer reports receipt-s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,038.50
. Expenditures . 2,656.00
Balance on hand ‘5 382.08 ‘
The Treasurer’s report was accepted. 1
The Auditor reported the books had been examined and found cor-
rect in every detail. - i
State member of Executive Committee of, National Association re- {
ported the various towns where she made speeches and work that she
had done in other directions; that she had been appointed Chairman of
Political Science Committee of the Federated “ionien’s Clubs and also
on the speaker’s list.
Mrs. Leech offered the following resolution: That Article 5 of the
Constitution be amended by adding the words “A Chairman of Cam- ‘
paign” after the word “Auditor” and before the word “And.” The res— ;
‘ olution was adopted. .
The President reported the following committees: 1
CredentialsAMrs. Judah. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Hubbard. }
ResolutionsfiMrs. Alderson. Miss Husbands and Miss Finch. l
‘ Courtesies—Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Oldham. .
VVoman’s Journal—“MissClay,‘MizsAverilL.Mrs. Ripy, Mrs. Moxley l
and Mrs. Rotliier. "3 :g': “—3 i ’- .. ; . i .
Committee of Supplies—Miss Clieiiaiilt. 'Milse‘ Cassidy. Mrs. Freeman, ;
. Mrs. Bartlett of .‘Cox‘ingt‘on. Miss Lloyd, Mrs. Chalkley and Mrs. Beckner.
- Chairman of‘StafclCorresi‘ioridchoc C(nn’jmittce:reported she had sent .
each week a lettér that-Was:published. in [the Woman’s Journal to the 3
Kentucky News. _ E , . . _. .» , . , '
State Fair Chairman reporter] worlyat State Fair and a gain of v
1.525 members on only an eix'pei‘iditlu'é: of'rlETZSfiS out of an allowance of
$75.00 owing to the many kind and helpful friends. 1
Mrs. Morris Bartlett. President of the Federated “’omen’s Clubs i
of Kentucky. led a round table. discussion on “How the Kentucky Fed— l
eration of ‘VOTHCD’S Clubs can help the Suffrage cause.” i
Mrs. Leech and Mrs. “'caver. ex—I’residents of the Federation, spoke "
. as to the past attitude of. the Federatibn on Sulfrage.
Mrs. Smith. Chairman of Political Science Committee of the Fed—
? eration, spoke on the future plans of her committee. ‘
Mrs. Phillips, President of Padncah Club, spoke on her plans for 3
the year.
Mrs. Whi-tesides spoke on how advanced Kentucky’s Federation was .
' compared with New Jersey and some other Eastern states. l
Mrs. Hubbard. Chairman of the Federation Committee to present z
the resolution of the Federation to the political parties, spoke 011 the i
i value of the l\701naii’s Journal in helping. .‘
Mrs. Judah suggested that the members of the Federation should i
. work for Sufirage instead of so many other reforms.
1 Mrs. Post, President of Padueah Suffrage Association, spoke 011 the
:. co-operation of the President of the \A’Oman’s Club of Paducah and l
how helpful it had been. .
i Mrs. Ripy, Secretary of the Federation, suggested as a practical l
is work. a parade during the Legislature.
1 Mrs. “Tillis suggested much more pressure on the Representatives
‘ to the State Legislature should be made 'at home; that local League
. give farewell parties to their Representatives to let them know how ?
much Sufirage sentiment was in their community.
. ~ 6
ll 3