( 11 )
loon as Mr. Henderfon and his friends propofea
to purchafe, the Indians agreed to fell; and
notwithftanding the valuable Confideration they
received, have continued ever fince troubleforne
neighbours to the new fettlers.

 K E N T U C K E is fituated, in its central
part, near the latitude of 38 " north, and 8s 0
weft longitude, and lying within the fifth cli-
mate, its longeft day is 14 hours 40 minutes. It
is bounded on the north by great Sandy-creek;
by the Ohio on the N. W. by North-Carolina
on the fouth; and by the Cumberland mourn-
tain on the eafi, being upwards of 250 miles
in length, and two hundred in breadth; and is
at prefent divided into three counties, Lincoln,
Fayetteand Jefferfon; of which Fayette and Jeffer.
fon are bounded by the Ohio, and the river Ken.
tucke feparates Fayette on its north fide from
the other two. There are at prefent eight towns
laid off, and building; and more are propofed.

 LouifYville, at the Falls of Ohio, and Beards..
town, are in Jefferfon county; Harrodfburg,
Danville, and Boons-burrow, in Lincoln coun-
ty; Lexington, Lees-town, and Greenville, in
Fayette county; the two laft being on Kentuc.
ke river. At thefe and many other places, on