pkendft foil of this favoured region. Aid I ima-
gine the redtr wifi believe me the more eafilv when I
injormn him, that I am not an inhabitant of Kentuc-.
ke, but having been there fome time, by mv acquain..
tance in it, am fufficiently able to publifh the trutb,
and from principle, have cautiouJlv endeavoured to
avoid every Jpecies ot /alfehood. The confcioufinefs of
tbij encourages me to hope fJr the public candour,
where errors may pqo/ibly be found.  The three
gentlemen honouring this work with their recommen-
dation, Col Boon, Col. Todd, and Col. Harrod, were
among the fir/I fettlers, and perfiedly well acquaint-
ed 'with the country. To them I acknowledge mv/elf
much indebted /or their friendly a/iftance in this work,
'which they chearfully contributed with a di/intere/led
'w;:ew of being lerviceable to the public. My thanks
at e more efpecially due to Col. Boon, who was earli_
er acquainted with the fiebjed of this performance
than any ofher now living, as appears by the ac-
count of his adventures, which I efleimed curious
and interelling, and therefore have pzblib/Jed them
from his own mouth.  Much advantage may poi'-
bly arife to the pofeJor of this book, as thofe who
wi:ijh to travel in Kentucke will utndoubtedlv find it
a Compleat Guide. To fuch I affirm, that there is
nothing mentioned or defcribed but what they will
find true. Con/cious that it would be of general utility,
I have omitted nothing, and been exceeding particu-
lar in every part. That it may have the degred
j'ed. is tbefincere wioJf FILSON