tone and delivery that caused eyes to water over the large assemblage of
      The general topic of discussion was the education of the mountain
      "The mountain child," she said, "so lone isolated and retarded, so
long enslaved by poverty and ignorance, so long inmprisoned betweeni high
hills and bridgeless streams, has miissed much in the march of civilization,
but has preserved the purity of his Anglo-Saxon blood, and has guthered
strength to fit him for a development more rapid than the world has ever

                  Wonderfully Interesting Characters
      "He stands out before the world to-day a creature wonderfully in-
teresting in his possibilities for development and wonderfully pathetic and
appealing in his lack of opportunity, His intellect has never been weaken-
ed by wines, alcohol or dissipating narcotics, his perception has never been
dulled by the glitter and glare and tush of the niotey-mad world, and his
blood has never been infused with the sluggish, impure blood cf alien
      "Commensurate with these natural advantages, a new and distinct
and powerful type of citizen will enter the arena of America's activities and
America's achievements to measure his abilities against those who have
inherited generations of culture and to add his quota of greatness and use-
fulness to the nation's citizenship.'
      Irs. Stewart pictured the mounstaitn child as inherently upright and
hottest, with atl inbred contenipt for pettiness of all kinds. The boy who
cheats in the mountain school, she said, is promptly batnished by his fellows.
      Her description of the new work being done itt KeutttekN was its-
tetisely interesting. The people, she said, were the dlescendetits of the best
blood of the earlier colonists, at.d inherit all their stalwart characteristics.
Antong them are poets swhso catt not reduce their ballahls to writing, and
orators who would thrill arty assembly of cultured people itt the costntry,
who are illiterate.
      Mrs. Stewart was preceded by P'rof J. C. T. NuOe, of Lexington, dean
of education of the Kentucky State Utniversity.
                                               -lfouslon P/st.