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Mr. Hardymon thanked Dr. Dembo for his comments. In the spirit of full communication, Dr. Dembo has communicated with the dean on this issue, and the dean has responded.
President Todd reminded the Board that Trustee Elaine Wilson was on the Business Partnership Foundation Board, and she rotated off. Kim Burris, an African-American female, had served on the board for many years, and she is no longer on the board.
President Todd said that he appreciated Dr. Dembo pointing this out. He noted that he would ask the head of the multicultural affairs office to give him a summary of all diversity distributions on all the boards that the Board has appointment responsibility over to insure that the administration and Board are very cognizant of any other appointments that are made in the future.
Dean Sudharshan has provided a list of things that he has tried to do to broaden diversity in the college since he has been at UK the last three years. The dean is trying to cultivate a couple of members for this board, but these two gentlemen are extremely high-profile members for a board of this nature. President Todd said that he would like to encourage the dean to proceed with some level of aggressiveness.
Ms. Ball asked if the board members rotate and if there is a certain number every year.
President Todd said that they are four-year terms, and he assumes they do rotate.
Mr. Hardymon agreed with President Todd's comments. He noted that he had served on the board two terms. The board is very valuable, particularly with the plans which are high on the priority list for expansion.
Ms. Ball said that Dr. Dembo's point is well taken, and the Board of Trustees needs to remember that every time they have board appointments to come before them for approval.
President Todd said it would have to be remembered before it becomes an agenda item.
Dr. Moore said that he wanted to reinforce Dr. Dembo's comments. Having previously been Senate Council Chair and having sat in the "peanut gallery" at Board meetings, he has seen the difference in how much more diverse this Board is now than it was at that time. It does indeed make a difference, and that is why he thinks the Board really does have to think about this a lot and take whatever steps it can to make sure that there is diversity on all of these boards.