Best Copy







A pool is a funny man,
He lives up in a tree,
He never sees a hug or worm-- But
always "'Tis a bee."






Alumni Secretary

The winters are n bore to him,
Much colder than to us,
But, whon the "Buds of Spring" ap

The basketball season which has just closed, top;cthcr with some of
tho other recent seasons, can well be put in the same class with bad seasons
in farminp. The farmer, after he 1ms made more or less of a failure, snys,
"Well, muybe I'll have a Rood season next year and make up for the losses
Already basketball enthusiasts are aoying, "Next
caused by this one."
year we'll show them a thins or two!" There is no loRitimate reason for
haviiiR to make such a remark as that. We hnd the material this year and
it was guided by a fine coach; then why not better success in games won
and spectators attending local contests?
For this answer we have to turn to Madam Humor, who frequently cannot bo trusted, but in this case she presents her case in such convincing ways
that we are prone to give some credit to her whisperings. should snys thereand
of the regular members of the team failed to train as they
made up in
fore could not give their best in nil contests. This team was
the main with men who won the championship of the high schools of the
United States at the Chicago tournament hold a few winters ago. All of
ti,nen nmn ftlmnlt! Irnvo imnrnvnd with more training, but some seem to have
not understood the real moaning of the word "training," and as a result
of this lack of proper understanding, or whatever you choose to term it,
the varsity basketball season which closed last week in Atlanta with a rating which will forever remain unsatisfactory to those who follow the game
at the University of Kentucky nna wno are anxious mm, uiu w
inir tlmm slmll nlwnvs do its best at all times.
The charge was made against certain members 01 inc looioan iium
did not crivo their best nt all times. What many of
usi are wondering is: "How much longer will this assertion be truthfully
Wo hMlpvn. that the time is at hand when if a man fails to train
as he should, even though he is better than the other fellows arc wno observe all training rules, he should be required to cither take the bench until
it is known that he will comply with all requirements of the game, or turn
in his suit and go the way of useless athletes.
On the other hand
Tf is nnt nnr mirnoso to criticise any man unjustly.
wo wish to congratulate all men engaged in football and basketball who
have done their best during the past season and say to them that they
Rlmnlfi lnnk back unon their individual records with pride and a satisfaction
of knowing that they have done their task well and have the esteem of not
only their teammates, but of the entire public.
Wo ronlizo that it is too late to make any change in the record, we
must accept conditions as they are and we will have to look to the next
season for what wc desire in the way of a team, every member of which
enters into the contest with a resolution to do his best at all times and
makes good that determination.

Somerset, March 6. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norfleet's office.
Philadelphia, Mar. 7. (First
urday Regular)
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce
Lexington, Mar. M. (Second
urday Regular)
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
(Second Satur-unclicoBuffalo, Mar. I t
day Regular) 1
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca
Chicago, Mar. 1G. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's

Detroit, Mar. 27. (Last Friday-Regdinner at Dixieland



The following information is being
prepared to be sent out to the civic
clubs of Kentucky:
James S. Darnell, Jr.
Frankfort, Ky. Senior, Arts and
Age 22. Preparing for
University Oratorical RepreLaw.
sentative in 1922 and 1923. Won

Southern Oratorical championship at
Baltimore in 1923. Was Junior Class
II. II. Grooms


F. Simpson



"Jeffersonville, Ky. Junior, College
-- of Law.
Age 24. High School De

Junior, College of

Dry Ridge, Ky
Law. Age 23.


Lewisburg, Ky.




Bethel College 2

Junior, Arts and
University De
Debating team of


young men now form the
Student Speakers Bureau, which was
organized on the campus two years
ago by a group of young men who
were anxious that the people of Ken
tucky know about the univrsity her
history, her accomplishments, and her
needs. The members of this bureau
have appeared before the citizens of
Kentucky a number of times during
the last two years. They are now
preparing to speak throughout Kentucky, and the Alumni office is sending out letters to the officers of the
civic clubs in the state.
Alumni in Kentucky, see these officers and arrange a date on which
to hear one of these U. K. students.
You will enjoy it and it will bet the
university before the citizens of the
state in a most effective and advantageous way.
The University of Kentucky Glee
Club is in Louisa,
Greenup and Morehead
this week.
Did you alumni in these towns hear
it? Did you see that your friends
heard it? It is planning another trip
a little later in the season, and the
alumni in that section will also bq
Encom- notified that it is coming.
age the students and boost the university by your presence.


Then you should hear him fuse.
A "Balmy Breeze," "A sprig df

Are bread and ment to him;
Ho often finds "A loafy bowar"
But never sees a limb.
it's "a shady nook"
That clutches nt his soul,
He finds a sermon in oach roso,
But knows no "Swimmin' hole."
In summer

In nutumn
Are filling up
Our poet sees
And then ho



Omar McDowell Is branch manager
of tho Uuntl Manufacturing company,
IJiiclld,, 4flth street, Market Arcade
Clovolnnd, Ohio. He mnrrted Miss
A. LoftuB of Homo, N. Y. Do
comtor 7. 191S and they have two
children: Omnr, Jr. ago 11 and Sarah
.Inno, age 6.
Honry E. Rend Is a momhor of th
firm Rogers fc Rend, onglnoors and
surveyors, 711 Realty building, Louisville, Ky. Mr. Road rocclved his M.
. in 1011
and his C. E. in 192p.


William S. Hamilton, who until
cently had offices In tho Marion
Taylor building, is now located in



the spring.

Miss Ruth Baker Is nrt suporvisor
of tho public schools
or Ioxlnglon,
Ky. She lives
nt 226
East High


ro- 15.
GO 4

Lincoln Building, Louisvillo, Ky. Mr.
llHmlltoii, a holder
of the Rhodes
Scholarship, rocoivud his B. A. from
Oxrtml In 1913.

when all real folks
with fruit,
a falling leaf
"Draws his flute."

Robert L. McPhoron, principle of
thu high school nt McAloster, Okln.,
And thus it goes throughout the was a visitor in tho Alumni offlco last
week. He attondod tho N. E. A. at
Cincinnati, and came over to Lo.Vlfig
In famine, frost or fire.
ton to renew old acquaintances and
Our popt finds a thousand thomos
se "Old U. of K." again.
And strikes his bloomin' lyre.
Is your Stadium Payment Past Due7



Jesse T. Neighbors Is superinten
dont of machinery of tho Andrews
Funny really peculiar, but Asphalt Paving company of Hamilton
that word fails to get in the swing.
Ohio. He is living nt the Y. M. C.
2 Up in a tree off the earth, up
in the air, interstellar space.
Leonard D. Wallace is pr.ofessor at
Bug, worm too vulgar for the
the University of Mississippi, Oxford,
aesthetic soul of poets.
4 Ants, bugs, wasps and other Miss.
insects arc "bees to the poet.
5 Winters no time for lounging
Orville II. Taylor is assistant on
by old worm fences or dilapidated
buildings muse perhaps hibernating gineer with the C. M. and St. P. Rail
Poets, having the soul outside way company, Chicago, 111.
He is
the body, sensitive to blasts of winter. living at 822S Blackstono avenue. Mr,
7 Needs
no explanation, just Taylor, an honor graduate, received
simply the poet's favorite period.
his C. E. in '14.
8 Fuss talk dreamy, make many
rhymes, discards prose altogether.
9 Breezes and fresh grass
C. Croft is valuation engineer
him off, he forces one onto the editor
perhaps for a square meal or, even with the I. C. Railway company, Fill
ton, Ky. His residence address is
a week's board.
10 Same as 9.
S09 Vine street.
Leafy bower just fits his
Mrs. Charles B. Gaudinger, formerly
mouth as he rolls it as "a sweet mor Miss Cora T. Creekmore, is living at
4911 Upton avenue, Minneapolis, Minn
12 Limb
entirely too prosaic for
Thomas E. Beatty, who married
the rhymester.
13 Shady nook
never "under the Miss Ida Of stead, September 17,
is assistant buyer in the hosiery de
shade of a tree.
14 Clutches
draws him on for partment of The May company, Los
Angeles, Cal Ho should be addressed
more expressions of soft stuff.
15 Sermons
preachments, advis- 1S0G North Van Ness avenue, Holly
ing others to be good and adore the wood, Cal.
The poet rarely gives any no
tice to the pores of his skin and is
"Enclosed find $2 for alumni dues
often on speaking terms with dirt; I was married in December, so please
swimming holes for "he"men, not for
change my address from Dr. Mary E
Huff, chiropractor, Tarboro, N. C. to
17 Real folks, just the ordinary
garden variety of people who eat big Mrs. W. H. Franks, 23G Triangle
street, Buffalo, N. Y."
red apples, drink cider and crave


Arthur L. Atchison, 336 Harrison
avonuo, is roprcsontntivo of the Now
York Life Insurance company.
Albert J. Brodorlck is' field super
intendent of tho O'onlo Sugar
Central Origin, Orient, Cube.
Tof G. Fortor, Ji. of the bond de
pntMnont of tho Illinois Merchant's
Trust company, is living at tho Harvard Hotel, 5711 Blackaton, avenue,



1000 South
John L. Gray,
street, Is In tho distribution

dopnrt-men- t

of tho Louisvillo Gas & Electric
company, Louisville, Ky.
Catherine P. H- - 'y
witli tho
Philadelphia Inter t.(g Dairy Council, 1211 Arch suoat, Philadelphia,
Pena. She is H '"iv, at 3141 Walnut


W. Jlardurfy Is nn attorney
with offlco nt oil York street, Nsw-por- t,
I. B. Hoibtirn,
South Fou-'.- h
slrect, is in the re earch dopartniont
of the ReoJ Air Filter company, 215
Central streo". i.ou.svillo, Ky.

Dear Alumnus:
If you have information about any of the alumni listed below, kindly fill
out tho blank and mail it to tho Alumni Office:
Clarence Barbour Shoemaker '15 is now located at


Newell Pemberton Smith .'15 is now located

Arthur Eugene Wegort


'15 Is now located


Ralph Emerson Bitner '16 is now located at

Norberto Devera
Sue Hunt Frost


'16 is now located

is now located at


Logan Nourse Green

Charles Frank Kumli

Bnjamin Harrison


is now located


Mrs. Bessie Fogel Judd


Is now

located at

'1$ is now


located at

is now located at


William Harrison Mitchell '16 is now located
George Page Neagle

John Henry Williams


is now located at


Orville Robert, Willett

1G Is

now located at

is now located at


Carrie Frances Blair '17

Julian L. Pinkerton, whoso "Land
of the Wattle" apptnred In a recent
Issue of the Kernel has been named
at Durban Union of
South Africa, according to dispatches
from the. state department at Wash22
Famine, frost, etc. just the ington. Mr. Pinkerton has been in
same to the poet, it's a song.
the consular service for several years.
23 As above.
Meet me at University of Kentucky
24 In the language of the crossBanquet in Louisville April 23.
word puzzle same as 20.


Is now located

Fill Out

and Mail To

Alumni Office
plates for me at U.

Please reserve




George W. liaumbarton, 920 Frank
lin avenue, Wllklnsburg, Ponn., is elecCnrnogio
with the
trical engineer
Steel company, Duquosnc, Ponnn.
Itaymond H. Craig, of tho Armstrong
Cork and Insulation company, should
lie addressed 205 West Main street,
Rochester, N. Y.
Leonard C. Fielder Is nn nltornoy
with offices In tho Second National
Bank building, Ashland, Ky.
Clyde R. Gibbons is power salesman
with the Kansas Gas & Electric company,
Wichita, Kans. Ho married
Miss Daisy U. Bradshaw last Juno.
They live in Belmont npartmonts 8.
LaFayotto B. Honing is n geologist
with tho Mnrland Oil company, Big
Lake, Texas.
Earl M. Hoovrln, is the Junior member of tho Hearvln law firm, Hartford,
Miss Lorraine
Monroe, 170G
Tyler Pnrkwny, Is teaching In the public schools of Louisville, Ky.
Francis J. Murphy, Jr., is witii tho
Denver, Rio Grande
and Western
Railway company, Denver, Col.
should be addressed 334 1 Decntur

Benjamin Franklin Foster '17 is now located at


Self explanatory.
Falling leaf sufficient excuse
another perpetration of cruelty.
Draws his flute strikes up another tune.
21 At all times and upon all oc18

Samuel S. Shouse is a medical student this year at Harvard Unlverlsty.
He is living nt 16 McLean street.
Sarah F. Simpson,
street, Is bond dietician nt tho Gra8o
Dodgo Hotel, Washington, D. C.
Cloydo E. Taylor is plant onglnocr
with tho Dodgo Brothers Motor com
pany, Detroit, Mich. His rosldonco
address is 13219 Turner street,
Josopli C. Towery Is superintendent
of the Corydon graded schools.

Tho engnRompnt of Fred K. Augs
burg of Hampton Court, Loxington, Ky
to Miss VlrglniaMartin of Carlisle,
Ky., was announced Wednesday afternoon. The wedding will take place in


University Debating
Frequently members of the Associteam. Speaker and lecturer on vari- 'SO
ous phases of Cooperative Marketing ation living in other states have wantr since June 1920 in Kentucky, Ohio ed to know how they could help in
Nicholas J. Weller Is an attorney
to the legislature, faelecting men
rand Indiana.
at Plneville, Ky. His daughter, Miss
vorable to the university.
Eva Frances Weller, will become an
I do not believe the university will
Henry C. Johnson
in June
receive proper support from the state alumna of this institution
Hazard, Ky. Senior, College of until the citizens realize that money 1925.
De- f T nw. Aire 29. University
so invested will be returned many
imtinnteam 1922 and 1923. High times in the development of our reschool debating team.
Samuel L. Pottinger, who received
sources. More than 90 percent of the
money invested in coal development his M. D. at the University of LouisC. M. C. Porter
in Kentucky is outside capital. Many ville is a practicing physician at
Senior, College hundred acres of the finest coal land Louisville, Ky. He Is living at S0G
Bardstown, Ky.
in the world are sold for one dollar East Broadway.
of Law. Age 29. Wnner of Army
Oratorical contest in France. High an
Some candidates have announced
School Debating team.
debating team, 1921, 1922, 1923 and for the legislature and others have
Charles L. Straus, who lives at 740
been campaigning for a year. They South Crescent avenue, Avondale, Clu
1924. Senior Class Orator.
have and will announce on all sorts
manager of the
If every man living cinnati, Ohio, is
of platforms.
Kenneth Tuggle
outside of the state would write an Straus Cigar Stores, SIC Tast Sixth
Barbourville, Ky. Senior, Arts and article for the home paper telling street, Cincinnati. He received his M.
Age 20. Captain High why it pays to invest in education, 12. degree In '99.
School debating team, which won the showing the good the university is
rhnmnionshin of Southeastern Ken doing in the state, it will have a very
Mrs. J. D. Wythe, formerly Miss
The articles will
tucky. Class orator in High school. helpful influence.
put people to thinking. They will be Jane 13. Cox, is now living In Tuscon
University debating team 1924.
glad to read short articles written Ariz. She becumo Mrs. Blytho in
by home boys who have made good September 1924.
John Y. Brown
and are now living in other states
Junior, College of Did you ever stop to think that in
Law. Age 25. Graduate of Centre, many cases the lack of proper ue
Frank W. Milbourue, president of
where he served 4 years on debating velopment of Kentucky's natural re- the Coo Manufacturing company of
team. Was representative in State sources is the reason graduates of the Palnesville, Ohio,
is living at 247
Oratorical contest 2 years. Three university are working outside the Mentor avenue.
He has one son
years on the University Debating stnte? Alumni in Kentucky can help
Frank William Milbourue, ago 11.
Chautauqua superintendent even more easily.
for 2 years.
It is suggested that you lay this
proposition before your club at once
Miss Saruh M. Chorn, who received
Rhodes K. Myers
and start the ball rolling.
M. A. In '05, Is Dean of Womoii at
Country papers, more than our at Washington College, Chestertowu
Bowling Green, Ky. Senior,
Be Md.
Winner of Robinson dailies, mold public sentiment.
of Law.
ginning now u drive through the
medal, Ogden College, 1917. Winner country papers will get the people to
of Ogden medal, Ogden College, 1919. thinkng along favorable lines. It can
Dues and Subscription to The Kerne
You years on University of Cincinnati do no harm. We think it will do
debating team.

bating team.

the following summer at tho University of Madrid.

William C. Martin, who received his
M. D. in 1920 from John Hopkins Med- ical school, has returned to Kentucky
and is now a practicing physician in
He should bo addressed
715 Wiesengor-Gauber- t

of K. banquet to be held at Brown Hotel, at 6
p. m., April 23, 1925

Helen P. Burkholder, who is teach
ing the high school at Fort Thomas,
Is living at 41 West Southgate avenue.






Rubber company, Ak
ron, Ohio. His residence address Is
304 West Long street.
Emtio B. Cavallo is assistant bridge
engineer with the State Highway De
partment of Jackson, Miss.
Miss Cella B. Cregor is a student at
tho Art Institute, Chicago, 111. She Is
llvlnk at 54 Scott street.
Elbert Dearborn Is branch office
manager of the Bailey
Meter com
pany, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Dearborn
lives at 12 Storret avenue, Covington,
Firestone Ire


Carrier Engineering

750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Newark, N. J.


Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia


Charles F. DeMoy, Jr., is with tho
Central Hudson Gas und Electric com
pany, Poughkeopslo, N. Y.
Mrs. John W. Boswoll,
Miss Elizabeth D. Pickett, is now llv
Ing at Finchvlllo, Ky,
Walter C. Piper is teaching in tho
high school at Danvlllo, Ky, this year.



with the help of the following Kentuckians:
J. I. Lyle,


Petty, who is nqw doing
gruduuto work at Columuia University




L. L. Lewis,

lias boon awurded tho American Field
Service fellowship according to word
received hero Wednesday by friends
Tho fellowship pays $1,200 auually in
addition to reduced traveling expeu
son on thu continent. Mr. Petty is a
brothor of Mrs. S. A. Bolus, of Lex
iugtou, und plans to spend tho 1925-2acadouilu your at tho Sorbonuo and


J. E. Boling,

T. Lyle, '00



Waterfill, 20

Smith, '08
R. L. Jones, '12

J. H. Bailey,

J. R. Duncan, ' 2

N. O. Belt,

M. S.

R. R. Taliaferro,


H. Worsham,


W. B. Thornton.



A. P. Shanklin, '23








