The students who board in the dormitories are, for business pur-
poses, organized at the beginning of the collegiate year under a Chair.
man and Secretary of their own choice, whose successors are elected on
the first Tuesday of each term, and who serve for one term. At the
business meeting, held on Tuesday night of each week, the weekly dues,
' $2.25, are paid. The boarding department is managed by a Board
consisting of the President of the College, the Commandant, a Treas.
urer, who is a member of the Faculty, and into whose hands all the
weekly dues are placed when collected, a Steward, and the Chairman
and Secretary selected by the students. It will thus be seen that the
boarding department has no official connection with the College authori-
ties. The College, as such, does not board the students, and is in no
sense responsible for any debts created by the boarding department.
Three members of the Faculty, in their individual capacity, assist in the
management of its funds.
No provision is made for women in the dormitories. .
Each Legislative Representative District is allowed to send, on
competitive examination, one propery prepared sz‘z¢dmz‘ each year, to
this College, free of charge for tuition.
A statement for the guidance of County Superintendents: 1. If a county forms one or
more than one Legislative Representative District, each district is entitled to keep four
students in the College and four in the Normal School free of tuition.
2. If a Legislative Representative District embraces more than one county, each
county is entitled to keep four students in the College and four in the Normal School free
of tuition.
Beneficiaries are appointed on competitive examination. A Board
of Examiners is appointed for this purpose by the County Superintend-
ent of common schools. The results of examination are reported to the
Superintendent, who, from the data thus furnished, selects the appointee.
Examinations are made upon subjects transmitted to the County Super-
intendent by the Faculty of the College. One appointment is made
each year.
Appointments are made by the County Superintendent between the
first day of june and the first day of August of each year. Appoint-
ments when made should be immediately certified to the President of
the College.
Appointments for the College proper, viz., the Agricultural, Mechan-
ical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Scientific, Classical, and Normal
Collegiate courses, are all valid for the term of years necessary to
` complete the course of study in which the appointee matriculates. This .
includes the course in the Academy.
It follows from the above that a county which makes its appoint-
ments regularly according to law will have for the session of 1893-4
ODG appointee in the College, for the session of 1894-5 two app0iHt€€$,
for the session of 1895-6 three appointees, for the session of 18g6-7