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UK Good for l College of Dentistry Creates r #
Workers Over 50 First Endowed Chair   I
UK is one of 50 employers around The UK College of Dentistry established the E. Pres- _ _ ` _'  
the country named by the Ameri- ( ton Hicks Endowed Chair of Orthodontics and Oral c . I,.  
can Association of Retired Persons   Research, the first endowed chair in the history of the  t   
(AARP) as one of the Best Em- l college. A    `
ployers for Workers Over 50. The chair’s namesake, E. Preston Hicks, began a nearly  
Key areas considered by the 20—year career with the College of Dentistry in 1987 and E Preston Hicks
AARP included: recruiting prac- is currently associate professor and program director of '
ticcs, opportunities for training,   graduate orthodontics. Faculty and alumni credit Hicks with revitalizing the
education and career development; Orthodontic Graduate Program. Under Hicks’ leadership, the orthodontic
workplace accommodations; alter- graduate curriculum was modified from a 24-month to a 34—month combined
native work options, such as flexible specialty certificate program with a required master’s degree.
schedulin fob sharin , and hased . .
rgtiremgnigLmplgyeeiealthpand . School of Management Ranked 5th in Nation
[>e¤Si0¤ benefits: retiree be¤ef°liS;   A study published by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) ranks
and age CliVefSiIy of the W0Tl