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Blond Test T0 Detect College of Public Health
Lung Cancer Launches Landmark Study
in Early Staggs The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recentlylawarded Richard Crosby
Lung clmccr is the lmdmc cause Of fronrthe University of Kentucky College of Public Health approximately
‘ ‘ ¤ $3 million to fund a hve—year research project: "Do Condoms Protect from
Czmccildiith fO{dbOtl? mei agd weren Non—Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections?” Crosby’s study is the first of
xgugqscgrgwgfe  miigugg its kind to be funded specifically to test and measure the effectiveness of
Whgn ihc bes? Umtmcm O Ormiities condoms against non—viral sexually transmitted infections.
lmlld hrwc beer; missed   Ken- lmpetus for Crosby’s study was provided by documents released by the
aid; th _°. id X fl ric C mer .S 49 Department of Health and Human Services in 200I suggesting that the ef-
o_   g.HLC_ $*2% 31 U   H I Q fectiveness of condoms is not known. However, Crosby maintains that all
tI2;'mTtu_ Ig H Sin de   gina rg C' of the information we have now states that condoms are still the frontline
OWU/°'r' A new .O0_ fmt .6mg C- defense for reducing the risk of HIV infection and sexually transmitted in-
vcloped at the University ot Kentucky fcctions (STIS).
Cogld Sign Qmggc an mag Ed d Participants for the study will be recruited from a clinic treating STIs and
A  Licggiflty ;;I$dyIi?;’ilOI§é psig include the African-American. and Hispanic populations. Crosby points. out
hriw léd fl wma developing rl`b|Oé)d" that addressing HIV begins with addressing STIs considering that the risk
‘_ . ‘ ‘ .~ “ of contractmv or transmitting HIV is many times greater if a person has a
test, which has the potential to detect Sexually tmngmmcd infection,
{SSE    grcgggetigggfy Data collection for the study will- be done on a daily basis lusing Personal
me disgusc ¤ Digital Assistants wtth an electronic diary methodology, which Crosby said
Ahhmmh the msclwchers hive r€_ will enhance the validity of the results. Crosby notes thatlthe research has
. I ¤ _ - ‘. . . .‘ . the potential to be a landmark study with policy implications.
ceived almost $1.5 million in funding
for the develo ment of the diagnostic , , , . .
resi from varitiiis Scum. theyre- College of Medicine and UK Rise in Rankings
€€ntlY l`€€€n“°d an additienal $175-000 UK moved up two spots in the national rankings used to measure research
grant from the National lnstitutes of and is Kentucky`s only university ranked in the top 50 for research expen-
Hcnttn to transform tn€ t’t09d t€$t ditures.The National Science Foundation ranks UK 34th among all public
into it tntnlnt tnnt Vcnkwnttd clinicians universities and 50th among all private and public universities for R&D ex-
Cnnttt €n$ltY n$¤· with tnttnnl Stndlns penditures.The rankings are based on $297.6 million spent on research dur-
Confirming tn€ Vii