._ msn 1=. WIEHL Jouu H. wnzm. B011-I PHONES
· J H   ‘ CHAS. A. BAKER, Assistant
r • • AMBu1.ANcE smzvncs. ·
Undertakers and Embalmcrs 159 W. SHORT ST. -
_ yy 45 zz (1911) R. L. POLK & co.·s  
· Z 8 Constitution Street. Rev. A. VV. Davis, pastor. ]
_ gliirst, s. s. Short, near Spring. Rev. VVm. L. johnson, ,
. . < 5 pastor. I
Q: [.. EP1scoPAL. ~
...-- St. Andrew’s Protestant, 110 Fourth. Rev. B. L. Basker-
V ...3 vill, pastor.
1: gg; Asbury, 235 W. High. Rev. R. L. Dickerson, pastor.
  2 ·g Gunn Tabernacle, Deweese, cor. VVade. Rev. W. H.
, V2 ,_ Good Samaritan Hospital, 310·330 S. Limestone. Mary
1_ 'R. Shaver, supt.
Q I I I House of Mercy, 319 NV. Fourth. Florence A. Cromwell,
, matron.
»; I I. O. O. F. VVidows’ and Orphans’ Home, 511 W. Sixth.
i Local Board of Control: Iudge M. ]. Durham, chair-
‘ ,‘ X man; A. B. M. Arnett, Geo. C. Roberts, I. N. Wil-
`g liams, Mrs. Belle Sallee, R. G. Elliott, sec.; G. R.
Q I Kennedy, supt.; Mrs. Sallie Kennedy, matron; Chas.
{ F. Lander, dairyman.
  Lexington Orphan Asylum, 511 VV. Short. Annie M.
i { Knoble, matron.
’ Macalester Memorial Episcopal Church Home, 156 E.
{ _ m Third. Mrs. Nannie Thompson, matron.
, Old Ladies’ Home, 522 VV. Short. Mrs. Emily Marrs.
:F   matron.