xt74xg9f598g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74xg9f598g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1940 books FW 4.14:K 419/no.57 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Archives--Kentucky--Jessamine County--Catalogs Jessamine County (Ky.)--History Jessamine County (Ky.)--Archival resources Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 57. Jessamine County (Nicholasville) text Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 57. Jessamine County (Nicholasville) 1940 1940 2012 true xt74xg9f598g section xt74xg9f598g ` ’~ ‘·— .
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l   . » · . .
i Tho nistorical Records Survey Rrogram
l Luther H. Evans, Diroctor
Dan Lucy, Regional Supervisor
Earl U. lalo, State Suporvisor
j Division of Professional and Sorvioo Projocts
e Flor noo Korr, Assistant Commissionor
j Blanche I. Eolwton, Chiof Regional Supervisor
· E. Pbllorton, Stats Dirootor
F. C. Xorrinqton, Conmiscionor
fxlcolm J. Qilloy, gogionol Dirootoy
oooygq T. Gwolman, State Administrator

The Inventory of County Archives of Kentucky is one of a number
of bibi1o§FE§Kl€§"c?”hlEEE¥icEl"b5EEEiEls"§¥E$§FEs tirourhout the United
States by workers on the Historical Records Survey Frogram of the York
lrojects Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inven—
tory of the archives of Jessamice Vovntv, is number 57 of the lenbuchy
The Yistorical Fecords Srrvey Trograw was undertaken in the winter
of lQ$5-ZG for the purpose of providing useful omjloywent to needy u:em~
ployec historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
Ir carrfing out this objective, the project was or;erTzeJ to corpile in-
ventories of historical materials, yarticularlv the unpublished gotcrrmort
documents and records mtich are basic in the admizistratien cY local govern~
ment, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, ecooou-
ic, and social historj. Yhe archival guide herewith presented is iaterded
to meet the requlreueuts of day-to-day administration bv the officials of
the county, and also the needs of lawyers, business yen, and other citizens
who require facts fren the public records for the proper covduct of tleir
af?airs. The volunc is so designed that it can be used by the historian
in his research in unorintod sources in the saue way be uses the library
card catalog for crioted seurcosr
The ··,. inventories produced by the Historical Records Serv y lrogram
attempt to do more than give mor lv c list of r cords — they Qttenrt Fur-
ther to skstcl is the historical back round of the county or otlcr unit
of governvent, and to describe prociselr and in d tail the organisation
and junctions of the geverrment ajeici;s whose records tlcy list. The
oountv, toi .-·. @1, and other local iz.v.i;nt·:>ril;s [‘··i>r tlc tntir; co·:.r=try Mill,
whyn conolctod, constitute an encyclopedia of local iovornm nt ss wrll as
a bibliography oF local arctivesq
The successful conclusion of the work o? tbz "istorical L cords Sur-
vey Program, ovin in a single county, would ret be possible without the
sunjort of public of?icials, historical ari loyal sjocialists, cn? many
othvr grouys in the com unity. Their cooperation is rrate*ully actnovl-
{edged .
The Survey lrogran was crianiscd and has bo~r Gir~ct~d ty Vutb *·/» r
Y. Vvans, and operates as a ritio1·wido serirs o? lccolli sjonrorcd
projects in the livisiag of lref,ssicral ari Service lrcjoT",

1 1
1 .
1 1   1  

The Hist¤ric&l Records Survey was begun in January 1936, under the national
directorship mf Dr. Luther I. Evans, as a part of the Fclcral nrit©rs' Project
of the Mcrks Progress Administration. Dr. T. D. Clark was appointed project
supervisor under the administrative direction of Dr. U. 3. Sell, Director gf
the Federal hrit@rs' Project. In July lG36 Dv. Clark returned to the University
of Kentucky, being succeeded by Yr. O. 3. Mildew. In Dcccmbor 1936, upon Mr.
Wildcr'm resignation, Ir. halter Q. Hosfclmam was mais Stai; Dir¢ct0r¤ From
December 1936 until July 51, 1959, lr. Eo;fclm&n directed bhp project, being
succeeded by the pruscut dirqctor. During Ir. iOGfGlm&H¥C dircctorship the ‘
following volumes were publislsd; Inv¤nt©ri;s 0f the County Archivgs 0f Fayette,
Knox, HcCrcary, Carlisle, and Laurcl; and "Duti .r·. s and Suzcticns cf Kgntucky
County G0v0rmment." The major portion of th; work of preparing the Jussaminc
County book was &cc0;@lish¤d undpr IT. I0;f;1mun': dircctcrship.
In December 1956, thc N;ij0n&l Survey was swparaicd fr0m.thc Tudpral
Writers' Project, being dcsignabqd ds Federal Project fumber 1, &ul tL© Kc¤—“
tucky Historical Hcccyds Survey bccumn a stake-wi&0 unit. AS Of Scptqmbwr 1,
1959, the Historical Records Survyy changed its method of 0p¤r;ti0ms from onc
nxtion-wide, lPA—sp0ns0?cd Federal projccb to A series 05 state-aide pr0j¤cts
sponsored by legally constituted public agencies. Ab the pr~:©nt timc, thc
Kcntucky Historical leccrds Survyy Project, spcnsorcd by thc Kentucky Statc
Librarian and Director of Archivcs, Irs. Dyna Guy Cromwell, is undo? the a&njn—
istrativc control of thc Professional and Scrvics Division Of the Mark Pr®jUcts
A Field work in Jcszaminc Qcwnty began in [arch l93Q, unimr dircqtion of
Kiss Virginia Iuvins, District Supervisor. In UQC®KbQT lQ35, lr. Bug me Klein
was uppointci district gupnrviscr, being sumcV-&¤l in April l€5T by Kiss Edna
Wilder, Assisiant State Supgyvigor. In Uncqvbar lD5@ ani Jznvxyy l®5Q, thc
original listing wg; vsuhqckod under LQ; Iiyqctlcm of [i:r`~ild0r, b2:ishJd by
Irs. kynncis F) Cassidy, Irs. Qxrgayet Fiyveui, Ligr Lin; Ckmyriugimg, and Zhu
J mmings B. T;yl©r, uditoys in the Lpxinftai GinLrLcL mgficc.
Field Muyleqs li:t;& the vzriwns ym©c1lm of Juszwliue County LH stxndayd
forms and also zuyplici tho c&it¤r1;l viaig my ¥ke st2L© ©£Fic¤·witk tr;nscy17ts
of imp0rt4nt court actions.
Thu hi;< L2c:»1‘ic;;Ll sZ·;©‘bcI1 m ,‘`.· . an igzvizxjw.  in .>;iAjf_;4·m, ;‘;>i~‘··; bf j·;‘fYJ'Y].`i`°   H.
Hcskins ;nQ Qubcyt ?¤ Qvnoll, mriL.rs, _  xc; ;;T»;i I ?¢v;T Lx tlc Cilron Club,
LOUiSV€Lia.].3, ;§·;1‘; L1J.C‘Yjf, gi;} j‘1‘c>71 segurcyu L in ini :1i‘_>"¤f,l r‘.· X   ;·.`»>;1‘31";LC’fQ {`¤.»Z*‘“?. Dy »
Lbs. Cgsnidy. This skeich UM; wyit mu in glial , *,~, rm by Qrn. Jliz _’ _ ncil Jmlnrton,
LS£lSiuni Skwbu Sup;rvi:;y,‘UQe ;l;© c;LLmbw* EMI Wib; ,Z$$  i {CT in EEO
xfficlc On "fouzixj, C;v@, gni g<0i;:ibilib_ 0;‘&h;  yeur*r," Ly. Clifford L,
KLdCT’ gssistgzq St be S§D,TYiT]Y’ ;;¢i:L.C gf ix, ;T10l‘, frobp Eh. »v.;y on
"G0v;rnm¤nLxL irjgmizaijog a;@ Qwce Yr Eyw`nw." Vie l2ditl&url ©j;lc~ crriys
were prppnyul, u§@gy éQ~ gui ;ri;j@3 eV jrr, ]©Ix:1w; ;nK `y. .1d»r, uy Ausgrs.
lobert P. QCLL: ‘’.‘ m, ;éy;i"1¤ Q;2=j‘i:;;` ·,'. Vwrdp Q. 4u:7, YlLb;YL, uni Qrc. Jul;
A. Ufkli, ;;;m;?cJ Lgziatuyt, ;r»y Mbcly f?Q of cetmkj r w/ ’,·. Er, and jre; l {nl
rcs; rch mrip by Q?. ,5ygI k4·_  , `r· »;; agi 'T. jyxwi., unigy hFc Uir~uLl©m 0L‘§b.
EF1; ;;Jtri~=: * .·‘~ grci  ;‘ib. Q 1y` » ,;r1·r. ‘F0:;; C, ii uW¤,u;, »4'“jJ}WLFi) YLLJJ; £1y>;F—
vicsr, *1d J©y;ph %uyi;;un, ;?LL;y, uxixy tL» .iyAr[i~L ·».·» ol Q:. ;©AIuLué1. .Jg

{ ..
{ Preface
{ dr. Simmons classified and arranged the entries, under supervision of Qr.
{ Hoefolman. The indexes were prepared by Irs. hyklo, lr. Richard Spriggs, and
{ Hr. Kenney, under the direction of hr. Sim ons. Stencils used in this publica-
{ tion were out by Hrs. Nykle, Miss Sallie E. Dickinson, list {ary L. Coons, and
{ lk. Charles Hockenjos. I
{ The Kentucky Historical Records Survey Project wishes to express its deep {
{ appreciation to the following members of the Uashington staff for their services {
{ in thc preparation of this book; Liss Label Brodie, Editor in the Survey’s Wash—* ‘
{ ington office, for her careful editorial analysis; and Ir. John C. L. Andreassen,
{ former Regional Supervisor, and Hr. Dan Lacy, present Regional Supervisor, for `
{ their valuable suggestions.
{ Grateful acknowledgment is made to the officials of the Work Projects Ad- _
{ ministration in Kentucky for the use of mineographing equipment; to the Univer-
{ sity of Kentucky, Lexington, for the use of the library; to Irs, Jeuett Taylor
{ Cannon, Secretary of the Kentucky State Historical Society in Frankfort, for her {
{ assistance in supplying special historical information; to Lis. Emma Guy Orem- _
{ well, for supplying our editorial staff with volumes used in the compilation of
{ inventory material; and to the Pilsen Club, Louisville, for use of its library.
{ The courtesy shown to our workers by County Jud;;_T. L. Guyn, County Clerk Deck
.{ Corman, Circuit Court Clerk V. E. Latthews, Jr., and KE. lb R, Traynor of the
{ Jessamine County Welfare Department is also greatly appreciated.
{ Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County Archives of Kentucky '
{ will be issued in mimeograph forETl?E?diZ?;Tdi§t;f5E€ien' 
{ libraries, and historical societies in Kintucky, as well as to selected libraries
{ and depositories in other states. Reouects for information concerning partieu—‘
{ lar volumes should be addressed to the State Supervisor, 307 South Fifth Street,
{ Louisville, Kentucky. Ci)
{ .
{ A
{ /
{   , ~ .-..1/f’ e
{ (j»»_,(Z /65 _/!<:1¢)~<_q>_
{ Earl €T—lLQM: "`1i?J—_
{ State Supervisor
{ The Historical Records Survey Project
Q Louisville, Kentucky
{ February l, lUlO

 - iii -
wd ‘ . . 1 . 11
Noto; Tho mo oritv of tho orrors notoo oolow wore osusod ov the trunsxor on Novom-
1 J
uq bor 22, 1959, of twenty-fivo volumo series from tho Jossumino County Courthouse,
iccs . . 1. . , . . . . . ,-
Xqh 1 Nioholusvillo, nontuoky, to tho bos;mont of Memorial Hull, tnivorsity of nontuoky.
SSOZI . . 1 1 1 . .
OT ’ Since the Jossumino County oook had olrouuy noon mimoogranhod, it was nooossary to
insort tho followinr list in ordor to vivo tho niw location of tho trunsforrod vol-
J 1.
d-* . . . 1 . .1 . ··· .
Gm umos. Thoso volumos oro now storod in sootions L7 und E8, nomoriul null ousomont.
or . A . 1 . . -1.
H W p. - 18, lino o. For "Adums doins," road "sdoms' noirs."
om- ' 1 1 1 .. » 1 ..1 A . 1 1 1
1 1 18 footnoco 2. buostituto "nommonus 150 S.m. oG1 “ ior "Junmonds 150 lam
.,, mf J J J J 1
].";.r•   H
° I
"’ -,1 . 1 . . , .
“ 9. bo, lino 7, Tho stntomont thpt Jossamino County has trsnsforrod nono of its
, old tux books and vitul st;tistios rooords to tho Iontucky Historical Society,
7S . . -1 . 1 . ~
’_ Frankfort, is incorrect, us the lollowing rooorqs aro now storod with tno
‘Cuj Socioty; Lssosomonts, 1799-1810, 1812-18, 181Q-51, 1855-Z5, 1837-58, 1840-67,
ooo, , ,
1889-78, 89 vols.; Qirtls, 1Q5i—57, 1859, 1377, 1U0é, 1307, 1 vol. n.i., 10
vols.; Deaths, 18Né-57, 1859, 18¥0, 1U0i, 1 vol. n.l., 10 vols.; K;rriag s,
:?,.. 185%-57, 1859, 1874, 1075, 1C0&, 1 vols. n.W., 10 vols.
L p. 99, ontry 77. Titln line oorroctlon; 00 volr. (1 vol. *1i d lC57, Q-50). i
p. 101, ontry 89. Titlo lino correction: IILVCLS CU;V1EL XQ\T}r€ S, 1Ci¥--. 5
vols. (1-5). 178U-1152 in Do A Tool, mir? 50; 1TSZ-1Q37 in Yortgtfn Took,
entry 77. 4
P- lO3, ©H*TX C7. 6 Vol?. (1-5, 1 vol. not 11b`1—1). Loo Lion; C vols., 17CQ-
IQZZ, C0. CZ. 61E. off.; 1 vol., 1TC3, o;nt. Qcmoriul {all, tniv~rrity of
lf grtxioljr, 11;:zir1r§to11. 4
p. 1OG, ontry lll. "Pr1otiomjrr" in tltli 11r; xiouli o "yrarLibio1»rz."
P- ITB, *U}YY li?. bor on 11..‘ t"m1ut "ro in cv," rubsiitutng G1vrys1 ini 1 to Common
L&‘ .`.‘ Snitz, 1881-$8, 1 vol, n1wL;;;tio.1 1]Q0i, dlrnst by ;ir;t lottor of

1 ... j_v ...
1 Errata
1 surname of plaintiff, showing date filed, name of defendant, und cute number;
1 und indirect b first letter of surneme of defendant showinv dete filed
  9 0 9
1 . . , . H r , ..
1 name of pleintiff,and case numocr. Index vol. in bsrm. nemorial till, Univer-
1 sity of Kentucky, Lexington.
* . 134 entr 1éQ. Title line correction; 1805-71. Correct locntion; 1805-71
1 9 J
1 1875-1910, 1920--, 38 vols., cir. ct. clk. off.; 1911-19, 2 vols., bsmt.
1 ,. . N . . , . .
1 wcmoriul null, University of kentucky, Lexington.
p. 134, entry 152. Correct location; 1802-QO, 18&7-75, 1928--, 28 vols., cir. ct.
clk. vlt.; 1876-1927, 2 vols., bsmt. Memoriel Kell, University of Kentucky,
1 Lexington.
_ p. 135, entry 15d. Title line and location correction; 1807--. 57 vols. 1807-15, ·
1 185%--, 55 vols., cir. ct. c1k.Off.; 1814-55, 2vo1s., bcmt. Mjmoriel Hall,
1 University of Kentucky, Lexington.
1 _ p. 130, entry 179. Correction for statement "no index" and correct locution;
1   CD' l'*"1' f'/xY‘*"x 'w l • · ‘-¢~ ` I--- 11)**7 /1 g' [‘ •j ~ J
1 1 , s fu ice Oeneri tre`. inccn; _oeo-19, 1Jlu--, 2 vols., cir. cu. clk,
1 1 0fE;;1850-1915, 1 vol., bsmt. Nemoriil Hell, University cf Kentucky, Lexing-
1 1
1 LOU.
I/in     V' '1 A 1. `· `·¢·. A- ,1 ,»·' ,, -' , i,"* ‘ ~ ·rr r:·
1 P• 1~¤, ~H~Ty 20e. Tlt1C linw nnr lccition corr ction; C1m1y.3w0n, 1815--. 2 vols.
'T*-' - _.\ ` ,.· ,._f_. ·,___» _ »·, ‘__.__(_ \ _ _ ,_ _ 1 _
1 litle VL11w¤_ Line of tliinu Allowed, 1 xol., l87u—1Ql8. 1 vol., nent, Lom-
1 eriul hill, University oi Kintucky, L;xin;ton; current vol., cir. ct. clk. off.
* ·~¤ ..-·. ¤ » -1 V -.· . P - , .; . ,
1 p. 1;:, cntly cO3. btcond vol. of this seri r, 1Ulu-le, Ons; xvceipte, belongs in
1 entry 211.
1 " — ».. ·’> · 1, ,   J - -, » , ,. - A .
P- 1**1, ·-¤1~;L~'   @<>¤>©»» lecimwrz; 172:9-ldlo, 1920--, 2:5 volg., cir, ot, clk,
l' • 1/8 —"·-r`:. " ·r· ` r- 3 · . .‘,-’* ‘¤ ‘· 7 .·-   -. ~ .
V1~·, -~1» -©, 1 Jel., aunt. neneiiui mill, Lniverrity ei Lmntucky, Loxinitgn,
T `F ·*·» +~~w ’ a¤nv ».+ ·.n `—·. 1 q - · » 1 _ -~ ..
f• 1UJ; ~“~*} $29- ¤—-·~»» 1»JiM1n_; (1 vol. neo 1 neltd; 2o vols., n-w, dited;
1 rel., X),
` '" `.,,L._,\,. · rv-A 1- V A , . _ , . .. _ v_ _` _
P- 1/1, ~~ 1_ ~/c. »1t1c Llnw ini lee tion cerrrction; 1877--, 1 volr. (1-Q), l87Z

 Errata __ V -
JO? 1905, 2 vo1s., witness room;_190é~;6, 1 vo1., bsmt. Qemoriul Hall, University
4 ; ,
of Kentucky, Lexington; 1927--, 1 vol., co. judge eff. Eotc; The index is by
iVCT_ u name of defendant. - 1
p. 177, entry 295. Location correction; 1399-1942, 1 vol., bent. Lemorie1 In11,
University of Kentucky, Lexington; 1923--, 1 vc1., eo, judge off,
p. 179, entry BOS. Location correction; 1833-95, 2 vols., bent. LemorieT KA11,
University of Kentucky, Lexington; 139%--, 5 vols., eir. ct. c1k. off.
Ct. p. 179, entry 507. Tit1e_1ine end locetion cozrection; 1851--. 3 vols. 1851-S2,
IY, 1 vo1., bsxt, Hemorie1 Hn11, University of Kentucky, Lexington; 1383--, 2
vols., co. judge off. Toto; These records are indexed, e1eh, by first 1etter
D7-15, . of surname of principal, showing p, no. where recorded. A
L p. 179, entry BO9. Vols. have se1f-contained indexes, err, e1nh. by first 1etLer
of surname of p1eintiff, snowing nemo of defendant and p. no. where recorded.
p. 179, entry 510. Tit1e 1ine and 1oc tion oorrection; 5 ve1:. 1875-1910, E vo1s.,
Clk• bent. ;emorin1 Hn11, University of Kentucky, Lexington; 1911--,_1 vol., co.
_ judge off. Tote; Tdwse ve1s. here se1£-ecnbeined fnlcnec, ·,.` err. elph, gr
ing- · *
first 1ettor of surnnne of p1n1ntif€, shoving 7, no. wh ·‘‘· re_reeorded,
2 VOlS• p. 179, entry 511. Correct Iocution; LZS7-7d, 1 vo1,, bent, Lcmorin1 M»11, Univer-
uOm_ sity of_K;ntnckj, Lexington; 1379--, s vo1:., eo. jn¤Qe elf. Tote; 1B57-7C,
1 ve1. nds en indqx err. plnh. bv iirsb 1etLer of rnrnnno cf n1nintif? show-
k. off. ’ ‘ " “ ’
we in in; p. no. where recorded. A
-1 p. l@O, cibry $1é. Vo1r. ire i£;;1fh»Turi. fizsl vn?. »? r,:i;;, 1777-%;, new
Zllia 1H.1J$I1C. IZ·nicq·i;L1 Y11?1, *"rQiv 1·1i {Y ue? iL,;iLt’£; , M :cj‘M‘*=* , ffyt./; `f»1 s. ar;=
—H:tOn. inlcx d, n1 L. by Fir;L Lutlqi ;f cnr auf of f.L~n@ent, s] wine 1. nc. UInrc
Jed; record 1. (
Q. 1Y.Y·1, "Z'1JJl`f’ tilt, . Lo  ·r;_·r:   Qi11;~g;e 1 VC ,--_L, I H   , if ‘i<;1:*·. , , r z' . 17-i;3xu4Z‘i1L=.1   1.1,
Tri or itv of ]er’¤;Tv c,·, R ;Fr·Q·r· 111*-- “ [o1 or *u‘·1 ~V*
· p. 1QS, entrj 75Qe. @[1; inpr; `;11eti eiixf Y'w;

1 .
1 - vi -
.1 Errata
1 Stubs of certificates issued by county judge to witnesses appearing in felony cases
| tried before cuarterli court showinc: date of·cortificete name of witness st le
1 1 J o 1 9
Vs and number of case, for whom appearing, number of deys, amount ellowed for service,
1 milea e and tollace end total amount allowed. Arr. chron. by date of certifi-
3 2 5 n,. 9 .1
1 cate. No index. Fdw. on pr. Qns. 120 pp. 17 x 15 x 1. Bsmt. Memorial Hall,
* ` - ’ Ventucl Iexineton
1 University of U -t. gy, 1, -U .
E p. 196, entry 355. Location correction: bsmt. Memorial Hell, University of Ken-
1 tucky, Lexington. _
i U
1 . 1 ,. . . . .
1 p. 212, entry 559. Title line and location correction; 1892-1905, 1923. 2 vols.
1 ,
1 1 1892-1905, 1 vol., co. ct. clk. vlt.; 1928, 1 vol., bsmt. Memorial Hall, ·’
University of Kentucky, Lexington. l · ‘, .
| p. 214, entry 548. 1 vol. only. ,,
j p. 215, entry 559. Title line correction; ESTHnY 800K.C Title varies; Stray Book,
l 1 vol., 1799-1815. Location; 1799-1815, 1 vol., cir. ct. clk. efig 1885-1900,
1 1 vol., bsmt. Memorial Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
1 ~p. 22i, entry ZGO, Title line and location correction; 1878-81, 1957--. 2 vols.
5 · 1878-81,-1 vol., bsmt. Memorial hall, University of nentncxy, Lexington,
1 1987--, 1 vol., jeiler off.
Q p. 241, cntry 3o5. Title line end location correction; 1799-1810, 1812-18, 1819-
1 ,. ,. H ,, .. , . ,1 . , , A
a 51, 1883-85, 1857-58, 1810-90, 1892-1905, 1908-12, 191%, 191e, 1917, 1921-25,
1 1937. 175 vols. 1799-1810, 1812-15, 1819-31, 1838-35, 1837-88, 1810-87,
E 1889-78, 89 vols., Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort; 1858, 1888, 1889,
1 1871-90, 1892-1905, 1908-12, 1911, 1918, 1917, 1921-25, 1927, 50 vols., bsmt.
1 Hcmorial Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington; 1985--, 58 vols., co. ct.
1 en;. Orr.
p. 2iS, entry 888. Location correction; bsmt. Kemorial Hall, University of Ken-
tucky, LexiH3ton.

 - 1 -
cases A. Jessamine County and its Records System Page
FViGG, l. Historical Sketch . ............. . ..... . é
fi- Creation. Topography. First settlers. First county
, . court and officers. Establishment of county seat.
Courthouses. Transportation. Early military defense;
"corn stalk militia." Religious development. Educa-
Qen- tional development. Politics. Population. Economic
development; agriculture; animal husbandry; industry.
Jessaminc County, Hep . ........... . .... . l6
2. Governmental Organisation and Records System . . . . . . . . 17
— V Legal status of the county. Structural development of
the county. General administration. Judiciiry: civil;
criminal; chaneery; probate; juvenile. Law enforce-
ment; preservation of peace; inquests; indictments; up-
prehension of criminals; custody of prisoners; prosecu-
' tions; execution of sentence. Finance: equalization
* Book, and review; sale of property for taxes; licenses; ex-
penditures ; bonds. Elections; electors; conduct of
3-l900, elections. Education, Public health, Welfare. Pub-
lic works; roads and bridges; public buildings; drain-
age. Records system: maintenance of records; titles;
record content; indexing; control of records; appro-
rols. priation for supplies; preservation of records; do-
struction of old record:.
; Chart of County Government, , , , , , , , , , _ , _ _ _ , 55
5, Kousing, Care, and nceess bility of the neeord:. . . . . . . 56
Fleer Plans, Court House. . . . ..... . . . . .... GO
l8lu- _
4. Abbreviations, Symbols; and Wxplanatory Totes. , . . . . . . `Gl
Bl-25; ` _ _
B. County Offices and their Accords
75 . _ , _
e l. Fiscal Court. . . . . . . . . l . . . .... . . . . . . . C5
l€69; Proceed ng:. _Flnayce: revenue; expenditures; settle-
ments of cornty oCLisials‘ accounts; bon? issues;
bsmt. Welfare. Fublic worKs; reeds sui bridges; public build-
ings. Officials of countv. Surety bonds; efficirls;
ct, priv to individuals.
ll. County Court Cl rk. .............. . ...... UZ
lnstrumctts of conveysnee; l;ni titles; lei es and
Ken- contracts; personal orcuerty. Fgexubrunces; rcml ss-
tutc liens; cbltbel liens. dit l stutisticr; marriage
rwcerls. Qevenuw; ts1eEion; licenses; registration.
Digi ;1c¢ . ljlr·c ell;1r;ic#wr.
Ill. Court of Quarter Sesrious. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOQ
Ac ions at lex; came wafers; lockets; orders,

 t - 3 -
.‘ Tablc of Contonts Pass
  IV-|   CO11-I`JC¢ I I I I I I I I I -6 I I I I I I I I I I U U  
E Civil actions at law; caso papcrs; suroty bonds; mis-
1 collanoous papors; dockots; minutos and procccdings;
{ ordors, judgments, and oxccutions. Criminal actions; J
{ _ cuso papcrs; surcty bonds; miscollancous papors; dockct;
ordors, judgmcnts, and cxccutions; parolos. Chnnccry ·· »;g
actions; caso ncpcrs; suroty bonds; procoodings. Lunacy
{ . I n- -» · _ J, ‘ r • ,, T
a and guardianship. Ofiicors oi tho court. Law libiarg.
[ Businoss administration; financial rcports; books of
I account; jury fund records; witncss records; motor opor—
1 ators‘ liccnsos.
Q V. Mastcr Coxmnssioncr. . . . . . . ............. . 146
Q Actions boforo oommissionor: dockots; convcyancos; rc-
1 ports;_claims; surcty bonds.
1 VI. County Court ........................ 151
' Procccdings. Probatc of wills. Guardianship. Trustoc—
I shin. Committocshio. Annrcnticoshio. Civil actions
I _ -- ,
at law; casc papors and cvidcnco; bonds; misccllanoous
papors; dockcts; judgmcnts; oxccutions. Criminal actions;
I caso papors; judgmonts. Juvanilo actions; caso rocords;
1 _ dockot; ordcrs; miscollancous, Surcty bonds. Uiscollanoous.
W VII. Quurtorly Court. . . .............. . . . . . . . 174
{ Civil actions at law; case papcrs; suroty bonds; miscel-
I lancous papors; dockcts; ordcrs, judgmonts, and oxccu-
i tions. Criminal actions: caso rccords; bonds; misccl-
j lanoous; dcckots; judgmonts. Dusinoss administration;
I books of account; jury rccords; witncss rocords. Hisccl-
i lanoous.
{ VIII. County Attorncy. . . . . . ............... . . . 185
1 V . .
z In- JUfJ4~?1C—JS‘ Courts ....................... 188
Q Actions at law: dockots; proccodings; judgmonts and
I cxocutions. Misccllanoous.
I ‘ ~
[ ,/u
j X. Commcnwcaltb's kttornoy. ......... . .......... lO7
I II. Shoriff. . . ..... . . . . ....... . ......... ZOB
L Taxation; asscssm nts; omittod assussm nts; nxonormtions;
j oxomptions; inhcritancc taxcs; tay rocoipts; land sales.
i Exccutions. Busincss administration; cash colljctions;
g rcports and scttlomants; livestock claims; dog liconsos;
E straycd animals.
j XII. Constablws. . . . . ...................... 216
. XIII. Jail r. . . . ...... . . Q . ...... . ........ 231
l·1o;isto1· ami court o1‘<;?,;:1‘s. I
iv*]iVr•   ii`! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I  
  TRX Cofmissiozzor. ........ ” ............... B5].
Assocsmnnts. Ccnsus rocords.

 ?age _ 5 _
A Table of Contents ` Page
XVI. Board of Tax Supervisors. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 242
XVII, County Budget Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2&5
d     l O I I O I O I O I I J 0 I l I I O O I O I I I Q I  
Financial records, receipts and disbursements; reports.
XIX. County Board of Election Commissioners .... . . . . . . . 252
Election records; petitions; register of candidates;
registrations; tabulation of votes; officers' claims;
certifications; campaign expenses.
lid —
XX, County Board of Reeistration and Pureation. . . . . . . . . 260
_ XXI. County Board of Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
tbl Business administration; disbursements; surety bonds;
» reports and settlements; teachers' applications;
XXII. County School Superintendent . . . . . . . . .... . . . . 275
School records; census records; attendance records;
enrollment records; health records.
l74 XXIII. Health Officer and County Fhysician. . .... C. . . . . . . 282
Vital statistics.
XXIV. County Livestock Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
XXV. Child’s Welfare and County`Melfare Department. . . . . . . . ` 28%
Case records.
lgg XXVI. County Surveyor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EBU
C`! _ __ _ , _,_ ; ,. _‘ _ It
l8° l