- iii -
wd ‘ . . 1 . 11
Noto; Tho mo oritv of tho orrors notoo oolow wore osusod ov the trunsxor on Novom-
1 J
uq bor 22, 1959, of twenty-fivo volumo series from tho Jossumino County Courthouse,
iccs . . 1. . , . . . . . ,-
Xqh 1 Nioholusvillo, nontuoky, to tho bos;mont of Memorial Hull, tnivorsity of nontuoky.
SSOZI . . 1 1 1 . .
OT ’ Since the Jossumino County oook had olrouuy noon mimoogranhod, it was nooossary to
insort tho followinr list in ordor to vivo tho niw location of tho trunsforrod vol-
J 1.
d-* . . . 1 . .1 . ··· .
Gm umos. Thoso volumos oro now storod in sootions L7 und E8, nomoriul null ousomont.
or . A . 1 . . -1.
H W p. - 18, lino o. For "Adums doins," road "sdoms' noirs."
om- ' 1 1 1 .. » 1 ..1 A . 1 1 1
1 1 18 footnoco 2. buostituto "nommonus 150 S.m. oG1 “ ior "Junmonds 150 lam
.,, mf J J J J 1
].";.r•   H
° I
"’ -,1 . 1 . . , .
“ 9. bo, lino 7, Tho stntomont thpt Jossamino County has trsnsforrod nono of its
, old tux books and vitul st;tistios rooords to tho Iontucky Historical Society,
7S . . -1 . 1 . ~
’_ Frankfort, is incorrect, us the lollowing rooorqs aro now storod with tno
‘Cuj Socioty; Lssosomonts, 1799-1810, 1812-18, 181Q-51, 1855-Z5, 1837-58, 1840-67,
ooo, , ,
1889-78, 89 vols.; Qirtls, 1Q5i—57, 1859, 1377, 1U0é, 1307, 1 vol. n.i., 10
vols.; Deaths, 18Né-57, 1859, 18¥0, 1U0i, 1 vol. n.l., 10 vols.; K;rriag s,
:?,.. 185%-57, 1859, 1874, 1075, 1C0&, 1 vols. n.W., 10 vols.
L p. 99, ontry 77. Titln line oorroctlon; 00 volr. (1 vol. *1i d lC57, Q-50). i
p. 101, ontry 89. Titlo lino correction: IILVCLS CU;V1EL XQ\T}r€ S, 1Ci¥--. 5
vols. (1-5). 178U-1152 in Do A Tool, mir? 50; 1TSZ-1Q37 in Yortgtfn Took,
entry 77. 4
P- lO3, ©H*TX C7. 6 Vol?. (1-5, 1 vol. not 11b`1—1). Loo Lion; C vols., 17CQ-
IQZZ, C0. CZ. 61E. off.; 1 vol., 1TC3, o;nt. Qcmoriul {all, tniv~rrity of
lf grtxioljr, 11;:zir1r§to11. 4
p. 1OG, ontry lll. "Pr1otiomjrr" in tltli 11r; xiouli o "yrarLibio1»rz."
P- ITB, *U}YY li?. bor on 11..‘ t"m1ut "ro in cv," rubsiitutng G1vrys1 ini 1 to Common
L&‘ .`.‘ Snitz, 1881-$8, 1 vol, n1wL;;;tio.1 1]Q0i, dlrnst by ;ir;t lottor of