1 ... j_v ...
1 Errata
1 surname of plaintiff, showing date filed, name of defendant, und cute number;
1 und indirect b first letter of surneme of defendant showinv dete filed
  9 0 9
1 . . , . H r , ..
1 name of pleintiff,and case numocr. Index vol. in bsrm. nemorial till, Univer-
1 sity of Kentucky, Lexington.
* . 134 entr 1éQ. Title line correction; 1805-71. Correct locntion; 1805-71
1 9 J
1 1875-1910, 1920--, 38 vols., cir. ct. clk. off.; 1911-19, 2 vols., bsmt.
1 ,. . N . . , . .
1 wcmoriul null, University of kentucky, Lexington.
p. 134, entry 152. Correct location; 1802-QO, 18&7-75, 1928--, 28 vols., cir. ct.
clk. vlt.; 1876-1927, 2 vols., bsmt. Memoriel Kell, University of Kentucky,
1 Lexington.
_ p. 135, entry 15d. Title line and location correction; 1807--. 57 vols. 1807-15, ·
1 185%--, 55 vols., cir. ct. c1k.Off.; 1814-55, 2vo1s., bcmt. Mjmoriel Hall,
1 University of Kentucky, Lexington.
1 _ p. 130, entry 179. Correction for statement "no index" and correct locution;
1   CD' l'*"1' f'/xY‘*"x 'w l • · ‘-¢~ ` I--- 11)**7 /1 g' [‘ •j ~ J
1 1 , s fu ice Oeneri tre`. inccn; _oeo-19, 1Jlu--, 2 vols., cir. cu. clk,
1 1 0fE;;1850-1915, 1 vol., bsmt. Nemoriil Hell, University cf Kentucky, Lexing-
1 1
1 LOU.
I/in     V' '1 A 1. `· `·¢·. A- ,1 ,»·' ,, -' , i,"* ‘ ~ ·rr r:·
1 P• 1~¤, ~H~Ty 20e. Tlt1C linw nnr lccition corr ction; C1m1y.3w0n, 1815--. 2 vols.
'T*-' - _.\ ` ,.· ,._f_. ·,___» _ »·, ‘__.__(_ \ _ _ ,_ _ 1 _
1 litle VL11w¤_ Line of tliinu Allowed, 1 xol., l87u—1Ql8. 1 vol., nent, Lom-
1 eriul hill, University oi Kintucky, L;xin;ton; current vol., cir. ct. clk. off.
* ·~¤ ..-·. ¤ » -1 V -.· . P - , .; . ,
1 p. 1;:, cntly cO3. btcond vol. of this seri r, 1Ulu-le, Ons; xvceipte, belongs in
1 entry 211.
1 " — ».. ·’> · 1, ,   J - -, » , ,. - A .
P- 1**1, ·-¤1~;L~'   @<>¤>©»» lecimwrz; 172:9-ldlo, 1920--, 2:5 volg., cir, ot, clk,
l' • 1/8 —"·-r`:. " ·r· ` r- 3 · . .‘,-’* ‘¤ ‘· 7 .·-   -. ~ .
V1~·, -~1» -©, 1 Jel., aunt. neneiiui mill, Lniverrity ei Lmntucky, Loxinitgn,
T `F ·*·» +~~w ’ a¤nv ».+ ·.n `—·. 1 q - · » 1 _ -~ ..
f• 1UJ; ~“~*} $29- ¤—-·~»» 1»JiM1n_; (1 vol. neo 1 neltd; 2o vols., n-w, dited;
1 rel., X),
` '" `.,,L._,\,. · rv-A 1- V A , . _ , . .. _ v_ _` _
P- 1/1, ~~ 1_ ~/c. »1t1c Llnw ini lee tion cerrrction; 1877--, 1 volr. (1-Q), l87Z