s - 108 - (
1 gGupty_qonrt Clerk - Misce1l&HGO¤S ‘ A l _ (128-155) _
Q 128, (L1EUTENANTS* COMMISSIONS), 1861-65, 1 f.b, `
i Commissions issued by governor of COmm0UW€8lth to lieutenants of Union troops·
A in Civil War, showing: seal of Commonwealth, names of governor and appointees,
1 office to which appointed, term of commission, date issued, and signatures of
Q governor and secretary of state, Also contains: (So1diers’ Discharges), entry
1 129; (Soldiers' Applications for Pensions), entry 285, Arr, chron, by date C
» filed. No index, Hdw, on pr. fms. 5nx,4§ x 10, ‘Attic, p _ ‘
? 129, (SOLDIERS’ DISCHARGES), 1861-65. In (Lieutenants' Commissions), en-
1 try 128. , , 2
E Record of soldiers discharged from army service, showing: name of soldier, regi- l
i ment and company number, name of commanding officer, dates of enlistment and . U
{ discharge, and service record, . ‘ A
150, JESSAMINE COUHTY`UORLD WAR, 1917-19. 1 vo1• 7 it
I Brief history of the participation of,Jessamine County in the World War, show- E
Q ing: activities of citizens in liberty and victory loan drives, war savings
A stamps, and Red Cross contribution,-list of killed and wounded in action, indi-
A vidual service record pf each soldier, Arr, alph, by name of soldier, No in- 8
Y dex, Typed. 1200 pp, 11% X 8% X 2%, ` I 2 5
) 151, RECORD OF SOLDIERS DISCHARGE, 1917-19, 1 vol. W
1 Record of enlistment and honorable discharge of soldiers in U.S. Army, show- j
f ing; name, age, rank, date, and place of enlistment and discharge, Arr, alph. a
I by name of soldier under company and regiment, No index, Hdw, on pr, fms, 0
‘ 1280 pp, 18 x 12% x 5,. A _ _ A O
( 152. ENROLLED MILITIA, 1882-65; 1 vol. ` ·` A
A Record of enrolled militia in county, showing; name of enrollee, address, and c
A date of enrollment, Arr} numer, by district no, and alph. thereunder by name c
~ of enrollee. No index, Hdw. 1000 pp; 18 x_l1 x 2. Attic. '
( 155, ESTATES (Miscellaneous), 1800--, 19 f,b, _ , . é
` Miscellaneous papers and documents filed with county court clerk, Contains:
( Claims, 1817-1951, entry 5; Paid Vouchers, 1817-1951, entry 7; (Cancelled ghecmr V
* Issued for Payment of County Claims), 1919--, entry 9; Treasurers Reports, 1928 E
( --, entry 14; (Report of Keeper of Poor Earm),,1817-1951, entry 22; (Bids and S
Estimates for Building Courthouse), 1878, entry 54; (Contract for Building Comm- t
house), 1878, entry 55; Insurance Policies, 1900--, entry 58; Deeds, 1817-195L
entry 44; Deeds of Release, 1817-1951, entry,45; (Deed of Partition), 1817-195L 2
entry 47; Warranty Deeds, 1817-1951, entry 49; (Leases), entry_58; (Oil and Gas £
Leases), 1905-5, entry 59; (Contracts), entry 61; (Agreements), 1817-1951, en-
, try 82; (Bills of Sale), entry·64; (Articles of Incorporation), entry_65; Poww‘ (
of Attorney, 1817-1951, entry 68; (Assignments), entry 70; (Transfer and Assigr t
ment of Notes), entry 71; Old Mortgages (Real Estate Mortgages), 1817-1951, en> T
try 75; (Mortgage Releases), 1817-1951, entry 81; Chattel Mortgages, 1817-195L
entry 88; (List of Non-Resident Land Owners), 1800-1890, 1919--, entry 105; ` . `
(Orders of_Attachment), 1817--, entry 285; (County Court Petitions), 1817-195L Q
entry 287; (Civil Judgments), 1817-1951, entry 270; Petitions, 1852--, entry I 3
290; (Minutes of Examining Trials), 1852-1951, entry 515; (Affidavits for War-
rants of Arrest), 1817-1951, entry 519; Sheep Claims, 1817-1951, entry 558; Tax; f
Schedules (Assessment List), 1817-1951, entry 584; Petitions for·Nomination, my 1
1951, entry 572; (Tabulation of Votes), 1817-1951, entry 580; Nomination Cert? A E
ficates, 1817-1951, entry 584; (Land Surveys), 1817-1951, entry 415, No ob-   B
vious arr, No index. Hdw. 5 x 4 x 11, 1800-1890, 1919--, 4 f,b,, co. ct. ( 9
y clk, vt.; 1817-1951,,15 f, b., attic,