$2) { Gircuit Court (Next entry l57,p.l52)
c?¥4M { in his charges and directed him to givevperiodieally, to the circuit judge,
BPS ' a list of all law books received, transmitting a copy of the list te'tho
1iSt_ secretary of state. (165) He is new also required_to keep in his office
with T for public use all books entrusted to him (164); and to make a biennial ro-
trm Of I port to the circuit judge of all books received on public account, and of
Vurt , all books remaining in his office. (165) In 1950 he was made librarian of
each a the county library, with a monthly stipend of $20. He keeps the room in order,
, preserves the books, makes inventories, gives receipts to the state librarian
for all books, maps, and furniture. (166) A statute enacted in 1954 gave
,d him authority to give, at his discretion, non-current documents, reports,
, fof 1 and other library materials that are not needed by the county, to the li-
IG braries of the University of Kentucky and the four state teachers'co1leges.
Name   (167) V. _ A , p. , ..   , _
; to " I · ' I l , ,
‘ Rocordation 1
ig ;§; At the present time the circuit court·clerk has certain duties in regard
,Cqu,N) to the maintenance of an adequato record system. In 1810 he furnished his own
Cascs ‘ books for record keeping, presses, and stationery, chargeable to the public
’i (treasury. (168) Record books for this office are new procured by the cir-
1 cuit clerk, upon order of the circuit court, and are paid for by the state.
FCCOFQ (169) In 1851, he was·first required·to make a list of idiots and lunatics
IO p and their committees in a docket book. (170) At present, ho also submits
, all a list of pauper idiots to the state auditor of public accounts on or before
September 10 of each year and transmits to him a certified copy of inquest
- proceedings. (171) . _ _
ndOgSO In addition to previously mentioned recordation duties, the circuit.
an court clerk keeps the following records: a registry of suits to settle in-
Y s solvent estates (172); a book·ef witnosses' attendance (175); a "general
1 index" containing the names of the parties to each suit, after the case is
Y M 1 decided, together with reference to the number of the bundle or file box in
aw bOh° wdmch papers are filed (174); and a·judgment book, with an alphabetically
_____“_ arranged index, in which all civil and criminal judgments are entered. (175)
p _ Upon removal, resignation, or expiration of his term of office, the
p circuit court clerk must deliver all records and papers belonging to his
, z 163. Apps, 1825,1P, 110.` n i _
_ y 164. ggIg,‘1&9r-93,1¤.`596. _
1 165. 1B1D,, sp, 596, 597, ‘ ` l _ _
' T 166. FEE, nose, pp. 200-20:2.
_ Q 167. EE, ma, 6. 427. ‘ “ o » I
e 166. KT7?;LL,`voL, 4,`1810, P. 189. “ A `ddl {
169. Eggs, 1891-93, P, 534, A _
{ 17%   112:20-21, P. 111.
171. gpls, 192s, P, 106. 6
172. Qgg. glgl., 1873 so., P, 555.
· 173. gig., P. 201; ‘ 7 . 1 _. . . ·
” ‘ 174. me., 16. 203; f`_Q_'E_,'1B9I"'93, 1¤. 538. n ` `
“ _ · 175. @, noze, »¤. 1oo.