- 528 ·- ;
General Index 1 (re-sc) E _
(Underscored numbers refer to pages, others to entry numbers,)
Registration (Cont,) Reports (Cont,)
trucks, 116 workhouse, 21 `
voters, 575, 576 ‘ Resignetions of officials, 288
gffjdgyitg Og, 577 ‘ acceptance of, 1, 229
Rehabilitation, rural corporation Returned
ggygrtgggeg, 35 bCL11OJC boxes, 582 . '
Release A executions, 271
certificates, prisoners, 362 Revenue end levy,_—2 `
deeds ef, Q5 — ‘ Revised assessments, see Assessments V
mortgages, Bl, 02 ` 1 Revolutionary soldier
Religious development, 9, 10 tablet @0, ep?. 5
Rcplevin bonds, 1&0, 20€,`255‘ Right-of-way
Reports Y Z 1 ' deeis, 50
approval Of`, 1, 156, 154, 229 O1`€1OI`$ te €~CGOp1$`, 1-, 229
birth, 409 franchises, 57 .
budget, 368 :~ Road `
building inspector, 56 1 book, 26
circuit court Gl¤imS, 5
e1eyk$, 198 contracts, 50
judge, 107 engineer, see County, road engineer
county eriers, 1,-229
V board of education, 272 overscers, orders to appoint, l, 222
court clerk, tri-yearly, 201 precincts, 25
judge, 200 ` Reeds ·
school superintenucnt, 280 contracts to build, é15
deeth, 100 _~•— county orders, 2Q
distillcrs, 110 petitions, 28 ··
gasoline dealers, lll record of, 26 n
inspectors bureeu, 57 Ro&&s and briages, 45-50
inqucsts, 167 Rule Qocket, sec Docfcts
jailers, monthly, 13 Rulinps -**_
keeper of poor fern, 22 attorney Seneral, 127
` magistrates ani county judge, 109 state inspector, 127
master commissioners, 225 Rural rehabilitation corporation
record ef, 224 ' mortgages, sep Iortgugcs
officers, 197 ` ·
officials, approval of, 1, 229 S ·
physician, 257 ' Sale ‘
rend bills, G2, 2L0, 2Cl
engineer, 55 automobile, 55
viewers, 280 bonds, 226 - ·
school trustees, 500` county equipnent end property, 1,
sheriff, nonthly, 12, 35é 220 "
surveyors, 25 lots, Uicholasyille, 55 ·e··
teachers, SOL property for taxes, 35, 36 V
treasurer, 50é Sales, bill of, E10, 2:1 -_
board of education, 592 bchool
monthly, li ` C`.`t1LC1l=§1(.1'LCC> frnrzis, -101
trustee of jury fund, 216 permenent census record, 553