The Inventory of County Archives of Kentucky is one of a number
of bibi1o§FE§Kl€§"c?”hlEEE¥icEl"b5EEEiEls"§¥E$§FEs tirourhout the United
States by workers on the Historical Records Survey Frogram of the York
lrojects Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inven—
tory of the archives of Jessamice Vovntv, is number 57 of the lenbuchy
The Yistorical Fecords Srrvey Trograw was undertaken in the winter
of lQ$5-ZG for the purpose of providing useful omjloywent to needy u:em~
ployec historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
Ir carrfing out this objective, the project was or;erTzeJ to corpile in-
ventories of historical materials, yarticularlv the unpublished gotcrrmort
documents and records mtich are basic in the admizistratien cY local govern~
ment, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, ecooou-
ic, and social historj. Yhe archival guide herewith presented is iaterded
to meet the requlreueuts of day-to-day administration bv the officials of
the county, and also the needs of lawyers, business yen, and other citizens
who require facts fren the public records for the proper covduct of tleir
af?airs. The volunc is so designed that it can be used by the historian
in his research in unorintod sources in the saue way be uses the library
card catalog for crioted seurcosr
The ··,. inventories produced by the Historical Records Serv y lrogram
attempt to do more than give mor lv c list of r cords — they Qttenrt Fur-
ther to skstcl is the historical back round of the county or otlcr unit
of governvent, and to describe prociselr and in d tail the organisation
and junctions of the geverrment ajeici;s whose records tlcy list. The
oountv, toi .-·. @1, and other local iz.v.i;nt·:>ril;s [‘··i>r tlc tntir; co·:.r=try Mill,
whyn conolctod, constitute an encyclopedia of local iovornm nt ss wrll as
a bibliography oF local arctivesq
The successful conclusion of the work o? tbz "istorical L cords Sur-
vey Program, ovin in a single county, would ret be possible without the
sunjort of public of?icials, historical ari loyal sjocialists, cn? many
othvr grouys in the com unity. Their cooperation is rrate*ully actnovl-
{edged .
The Survey lrogran was crianiscd and has bo~r Gir~ct~d ty Vutb *·/» r
Y. Vvans, and operates as a ritio1·wido serirs o? lccolli sjonrorcd
projects in the livisiag of lref,ssicral ari Service lrcjoT",