{ ..
{ Preface
{ dr. Simmons classified and arranged the entries, under supervision of Qr.
{ Hoefolman. The indexes were prepared by Irs. hyklo, lr. Richard Spriggs, and
{ Hr. Kenney, under the direction of hr. Sim ons. Stencils used in this publica-
{ tion were out by Hrs. Nykle, Miss Sallie E. Dickinson, list {ary L. Coons, and
{ lk. Charles Hockenjos. I
{ The Kentucky Historical Records Survey Project wishes to express its deep {
{ appreciation to the following members of the Uashington staff for their services {
{ in thc preparation of this book; Liss Label Brodie, Editor in the Survey’s Wash—* ‘
{ ington office, for her careful editorial analysis; and Ir. John C. L. Andreassen,
{ former Regional Supervisor, and Hr. Dan Lacy, present Regional Supervisor, for `
{ their valuable suggestions.
{ Grateful acknowledgment is made to the officials of the Work Projects Ad- _
{ ministration in Kentucky for the use of mineographing equipment; to the Univer-
{ sity of Kentucky, Lexington, for the use of the library; to Irs, Jeuett Taylor
{ Cannon, Secretary of the Kentucky State Historical Society in Frankfort, for her {
{ assistance in supplying special historical information; to Lis. Emma Guy Orem- _
{ well, for supplying our editorial staff with volumes used in the compilation of
{ inventory material; and to the Pilsen Club, Louisville, for use of its library.
{ The courtesy shown to our workers by County Jud;;_T. L. Guyn, County Clerk Deck
.{ Corman, Circuit Court Clerk V. E. Latthews, Jr., and KE. lb R, Traynor of the
{ Jessamine County Welfare Department is also greatly appreciated.
{ Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County Archives of Kentucky '
{ will be issued in mimeograph forETl?E?diZ?;Tdi§t;f5E€ien' 
{ libraries, and historical societies in Kintucky, as well as to selected libraries
{ and depositories in other states. Reouects for information concerning partieu—‘
{ lar volumes should be addressed to the State Supervisor, 307 South Fifth Street,
{ Louisville, Kentucky. Ci)
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{ Earl €T—lLQM: "`1i?J—_
{ State Supervisor
{ The Historical Records Survey Project
Q Louisville, Kentucky
{ February l, lUlO