District Superior Court of Kentucky records


The District Superior Court of Kentucky records (dated 1785-1799; 0.15 cubic feet; 2 items) contain information about the court and its proceedings during a period from September 1785 to May 1799.

Descriptive Summary

District Superior Court of Kentucky records
1785-1799 (inclusive)
0.15 Cubic Feet
Court records -- Kentucky.
Collection is arranged by format.
Finding Aid Author
Julie Williams
Preferred Citation
46M157: [Identification of item], District Superior Court of Kentucky records, 1785-1799, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The District Superior Court of Kentucky appears to have been a court for the County of Kentucky. However, historical reference to a "Superior Court" existing in Kentucky during the time period of 1785 to 1799 has not been found. What historical reference has been found relating to Kentucky's early court system is the following:
Prior to 1792, Kentucky was part of Virginia, and Virginia had granted only a limited court system to the County of Kentucky. Once statehood was achieved in 1792, Kentucky's first constitution did not create a detailed court system, other than to specify the creation of a Kentucky court of appeals.
Cotton, Jr., V. (n.d.). "State Supreme Court." The Kentucky Encyclopedia. John E. Kleber, editor. University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, Ky., c1992. p. 861-2.
Scope and Content
The District Superior Court of Kentucky records (dated 1785-1799; 0.15 cubic feet; 2 items) contain information about the court and its proceedings during a period from September 1785 to May 1799.
This collection contains two items. The first item is an execution book containing records from September 1785 to June 1789. This execution book contains entries for cases that the court heard. Typically, each entry contains the following information: dates, names of the parties, the judgment, costs, writs, county, return, order, and sheriff's return.
The second item is a record book of court transactions from September 1787 to May 1799. This record book begins with an index of cases (at the beginning of the volume). The index is followed by a section regarding the rules of court. The majority of the volume records the actions taken during cases during periodic court sessions.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.

Contents of the Collection

Execution book, 1785 September-1789 June

  • Item 1
To top

Record book, 1787 September-1799 May

  • Item 2
To top

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