A Poetic Drama by

T WAS greatly impressed with it and de-
    rived a sense of personal encouragement
    from the evidence of so fine and lofty
a product for the stage." Richard Mansfield.

  "It is a powerful piece of dramatic por-
traiture in which Cale Young Rice has again
demonstrated his insight and power. What
he did before in 'Charles di Tocca' he has
repeated and improved upon. . . . Not
a few instances of his strength might be
cited as of almost Shakespearean force.
Indeed the strictly literary merit of the tragedy
is altogether extraordinary. It is a con-
tribution to the drama full of charm and
power." The Chicago Tribune.

  "From the standpoint of poetry, dignity
of conception, spiritual elevation and finish
and beauty of line, Mr. Rice's 'David' is,
perhaps, superior to his 'Yolanda of Cyprus,'
but the two can scarcely be compared."
The New York Times (Jessie B. Rittenhouse).

  "Never before has the theme received treat-
ment in a manner so worthy of it." The
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.