
        Ernest Ronald Bryson, Assistant to Serials Cataloger, Library, ef-
 fective November 9, 1959, ending June 30, 1960.



       Florence K. Huffman, Hostess, Student Union Commons, effective
 October 1, 1959.

       Sharlene M. Stinnett, Junior Account Clerk, Division of Accounting,
 effective November 11, 1959.

       Shirley B. Bodenheimer, Assistant Foreman, Maintenance & Opera-
tions, effective November 1, 1959.

Re signation

       DanaS. Bloomfield, Secretary, Business Administration, effective:
October 15, 1959.

Changes in Status

       Margaret C. Worsham, transferring from the Dean of Women' s Staff,
Program Director, to Assistant to Director, Student Union Building, effective
November 1, 1959.

       J. Y. Peck, Operating Engineer, M & 0, to Operating Engineer, M & 0
and Medical Center plants, effective October 1, 1959.

       Frances L. Smith, transferring from Agriculture & Home Economics,
Office of the Dean, to Secretary, Business Administration, effective October
26, 1959.


       Margaret C. Crutcher, Substitute Hostess, Business Management &
Control, Student Union Building, died November 14, 1959.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, on President Dickey' s
recommendation, the Board of Trustees concurred in the above appointments,
reappointments, salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promo-
tions and other staff changes, and record was ordered made in the minutes.

       P. Fall-Out Shelter Accepted.

       President Dickey reported that he had been requested to allow a family
fall-out shelter to be placed in Maxwell Place. He stated that the Federal
Government, through the Office of Civilian Defense Mobilization, decided to
construct in each state a fall-out shelter which could be used as a sample and