On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract with the De-
partrment of Fish and Wildlife Resources was approved and authorized executed.

       E. Contract with the Department of Economic Development Approved.

       Mr. Peterson submitted a contract between the Department of Economic
Development and the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
The Experiment Station will run research and make tests on the factors con-
cerning success in the quick aging of harms to produce a desired flavor without
excessive shrinkage or spoilage.  The Department of Economic Development
feels that this is of such importance to the economics of the State that they offer
to transfer to the University of Kentucky the sum of $6, 000. 00 for the fiscal
year 1959-60, in an effort to provide a practical means for producing a more
acceptable and profitable type of ham for sale.

       Mr. Peterson recommended that the contract be approved, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was approved and au-
thorized executed.

       F. Sale of Telephone Line on Buckhorn Creek Approved.

       Mr. Peterson reported that the Federal and State forestry services
many years ago put a pole telephone line on the Robinson Forest property to
provide communication from the forest fire tower.  During the intervening
years, the University was permitted to tie the telephone in the Engineering
camp to the line.  In recent years electricity has been made available to that
area and the Federal and State Forestry Services now use radio communica-
tion.  They have abandoned the telephone line and have transferred it to the
University.  There are eight or more people on the telephone line which,
necessarily, is not kept in. a very good state of repair.  The Southern Bell
Telephone Company is willing to purchase the line and its facilities, and to
furnish telephone service to the Robinson Forest property as required.  The
University people involved have all recommended that the telephone line be
taken over by the Southern Bell Telephone Company for a distance of 4. 86
miles.  The people involved feel that this will increase the efficiency of the
telephone service in that area.

       Mr. Peterson recommended that the contract be authorized and ap-
proved and that the Dean and Director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
ment Station and the Vice President, Business Administration, of the Uni-
versity be authorized to make the transfer.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sale was confirmed
and authorized executed.