M. Luncheon.

       At 11:55 a. m., CST, the members recessed for luncheon which was
served in the President' s Office. At 12:40 p. mn. they again took up the agenda.

       N. Gifts.

                               From: Mr. Louis Ware, Skokie, Illinois--$1,000.00.

       President Dickey reported that the Kentucky Research Foundation had
received from Mr. Louis Ware his check for $1, 000. 00, to be deposited to
the Louis Ware Scholarship Fund. He recommended that this check be accepted,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee
authorized acceptance of the gift and requested the President to write a letter
of appreciation to Mr. Louis Ware.

                               From: Estate of Dr. J. T. Kessinger, Wood
                                    River, Illinois-.-$ 1,000. 00.

       President Dickey reported that the University of Kentucky had received
a bequest from the will of the late Dr. J. T. Kessinger in the amount of
$ 1, 000. 00, which was given for the use and benefit of the University of Kentucky
Medical Center. He recommended that the bequest be accepted, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee concurred
in the recommendation of the President.

                               From: The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Founda-
                                    tion--$4, 000. 00.

       President Dickey stated he was pleased to report that the University
was in receipt of check for $4, 000. 00 from The Algernon Sydney Sullivan
Foundation, representing their annual grant which has been raised from $3, 000. 00
for the current year. He recommended that the grant be accepted, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee authorized acceptance
and requested the President to write a letter of appreciation to the Foundation.

                               From: Kentucky Utilities Company, Lexington,
                                    Ky. --$8, 000. 00.

       President Dickey reported that the Kentucky Utilities Company had
transmitted to the University check for $8, 000. 00 to be used for purchase of
materials for the proposed farm house to be constructed at Dix Dam.  He
recommended that this gift be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the Committee authorized its acceptance, and requested the
President to express to officials of the Kentucky Utilities Company the appre-
ciation of the Executive Committee and the University.