. * . THE CADET. 63 S
  If you have a notion to subscribe for it, wait till you are asked. i
 " It inspires the journal for one to subscribe without being asked. i
Q R If every student will follow these directions ois college will have li
 _ no journal. `_
i Subscribe for it.  
‘ _ Read the "ads’,’ and trade with those who advertise. Perhaps they  
‘ look upon the journal and college with more pride than you do. ,
. They are your friends; trade with them. ‘_
 » \Vrite for the journal; write poems, stories, historical and political E,
L sketches;write anything and everything that is good; students in
;_  other institutions do. "Gan’t l" . Quit school then. The world
_ don’t need any more drones. In
` Take pride in giving the editors bits of college news , the editors ?
’ can’t do without this aid. _ .i
l  - \Vrite something good, sign your name, or just your initials if you T
prefer, and the year you graduate. Other schools, colleges and `
_ universities do this ; it is the fashion. Let us not be afraid of criti- ; i
_ V cism. Persccutions, criticisms, trials and tribulations make us st1·ong
O and great. ` 2
This journal is a success. lt is by far the best the college has _ O;
y ever had. This is the verdict of the faculty and students. Tum  
 . Oannr has had more able and proficient editors and managers than ,
_ the present corps, but their environments, were different. The  
lj  present staff went in for success. No help, no promises ; we put our L
  time and money into this enterprise. A few (only a few) of the most  
 N ardent of the faculty helped us financially. 'fhey have stood by  
  and watched us sprint, thinking, perhaps, that we had not muscle  
  enough to keep our pace. They see we mean business and are com- il
{  ing to our aid. The Alumni are supporting us sonic. The college  
¥ is aiding ns. Tun Oimirr is a success. The students, faculty, ;i
·  O. alumni and advertisers have made it so. We den’t claim one bit of l
  _ the honor. The four factors mentioned above have been piping for
  a respectable journal for years; we were charmed with thc music, '
ii have fallen into line, and now we are keeping step in thc march.