. A THE CADET. 71 {
‘ compliments more privately, well, we thought we were sure to win. A '
But »
' "Some must toil, and some must spin, i
· And some the laurels wear,
. And th0’ we strive, yet fail to win,
Defeat brings not despair.
‘ A T-he other contestants did excellently, and the diamond ring was
_ awarded to Miss Nellie Hendren, of Nicholasville.  
‘ '4 EXCHANGES . _
The most important of our new exchanges is "Tl1e Thistle," of
Highbury House, St. Leonards—on-Sea, Eng. The present issue is
well edited, quite literary in its contents and iilled with interesting
- things for the student. "Great Preachers" is an instructive and in-
_ teresting article. The other articles are good. \Ve noticed the foot »
I ball notes also and gleaned from them that their playing is quite ·
different to ours. Welcome is our big cousin across the sea.
it With race horses hitched to the hearse and driven by three drivers
A » amid the boom of cannon and the roar of the drum corps, attended -
i with music and much jolliiication, the funeral of descriptive geometry
was celebrated in the last issue of the "N. H. College Monthly." ‘
Besides this needed factor in an education another "needed factor"
in college life and history was well handled.
A "The \Villiam and Mary College Monthly" in last issue very ably
l handled two propositions of national import, viz : Extension of
Territory and the Mon1·oe Doctrine.
"The Butler Collegian" is especially to be commended for her por-
. trait and sketch of the grand old poet, James \Vhitcomb Riley.
"\Vhen She Comes Home" is a beautiful poem from his inspired
_ pen.
noun nrienixrieis.
Deep wisdom——swelled head- Went skating-’tis said-
Brain fever—he’s dead. Floor hit him-he’s dead.
A Senior. A Sophomore.
False fair one-hope fled- Milk famine-not fed-
lleart brol