t S —-~—-~—»·—~».-·-~,..,,....~m .
  rig o 1Hot ®verlook Ul m l
a       when ‘1.Laping i§ Eupplies   W
  i ; g We can prove to your satisfaction that it will pay  
you to give us a call, We are doing a thriving bus-
_  l ll1€$$,?il1€l 215 il f€Sult H0 Old stock is left on hand  
  l l We keep a run im Or '  
    gig Staple and Fancy  
  it Groceries   r
lll §E"l.2i" ?3i‘3`§iL§l°?§ EI§§F§ia§"2E.?.§Zl§y§§§`§lQ ii ll R  
  keep everything that- housekeepers need. lf you 
  l121V€`;1Ql g1V€11 US Z1 J[1‘121l, do SO Ill O11C€ 2111d SEQ ll121l L _
  OLIY L 2111115 HTC 110l €X1lgg€1‘21l€Cl  
y   Fllll MRR of FPRRGR and  
gg llrrrerieee Leach Reeds ’   s
_   The finest the market affords. g g
  lg 1lRDSllY, ROGERS ll G0., ll
  Upper and Water Streets,  
e   *···¤¤¤@LEXINGT()N, KY.  
    Sole Agents for Fleisehnian’s Yeast.