‘ The Leading House m the City tor 1
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A A 1CyC BS, [)O1't11]g 00 S, 31 VV ill (3, »
· B I S G d H ‘d ‘ · ‘
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V eliueles, and Farmmg Implements,
61-63 East Short St.
- MeElho11e & Moloney, PL l l M BERS, _
· Gas, Steam and Hot Water Fitters, Dealers m all kinds of Plum-
1 bers and Steam Frtters Supplies.
A full line of Chandeliers, Hose and Sewer Pi e alwa. s in stoek. Estimates fur- ‘
. . . P Y
mshed 01:1 application .
T No. 11 N. Broadway, Lexmgton, Ky. `
The Practical School ot the South. .
, (Connoeted with me State A & 11. Colle re.) (
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J Highest Offioini l111dge,nnd Higvr
. -1.. qfg .
‘ a Ivy   #"  ;;7·*"E °..  _ _,  0~1 l5n:Inr·<0n1enr to the head of this Depart-
·   g;  ;n,;r1(I“2zx11 ex—<·onri reporter), from the authors of this
t vi ·¤· _g $;,;_. ,_  `Tril, ri(;R.—\Pl1\’ l)<'l)2\l`llI\(*lft. Engnrsed by
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