the University and President Singletary before and intend to  
do so in the future toward the end that the Univeristy of  
Kentucky develop nits full potential as one of the truly great what do you foresee as the primary mission
public universities in America. of UK in the 1980s?
Brown: Anything, including an educational system, is only COll;::;:tTli)€ r;Umarv.;imSSlOri.Of Ul; m mg 19805 Wm
as good as the people who make tt up. We meet attract and and wie; i 2 f° ‘;i’°“i.€ dia  ““ and i“i§‘r€‘ graduari
retain the very best people we can in our educational system, has 5 e en §nOnai§6;CE;ilO: rid 2 p;Op.€ O eritucky as It
both administratively and academically. Salaries play a major th i Sl Cgi   S Ou not wma too ar from
role in this and we must work to insure that we remain com- 2 purpoiie O. mac mg`. . . .
pettttve with other ihetttettehe and that eet university person- K f"’;°“ r°f‘r“§" m‘?S‘°“‘ ‘r.S“.’“S r° mn ‘S.r° mst me
nel can maintain a quality standard of living. But salaries ell uc V wai In ustry m meermg Its technologlcah .
alone are not enough. People must feel challenged and ful- emnronmema and transpommon pmblemi SO that lndustry
filled. lt will be my goal to create an environment (through the can m tum Serve Am€UCa` Kentucky and the people
operation of state government) that will accomplish this. We
are on the threshold of the '80s with many problems and Br°wn° Tne primary rnrsslnn rnr rne Universit? nr K€n’
marru Opportunities racing uS_ i pian id draw On ine nnienned tucky in the 1980s will, by and large, follow the same direc-
resources Ot higher education td nein guide Us inie mis next tion as it has in this decade. That is to provide the best college
i decade, to Solve our problems and ia maximize Oni ennen level educational opportunities for the people of this state. I
tunitieS_ feel you will see a continuing emphasis on post-graduate
l work as more and more demands are made for continuing,
L and special, education programs. l further see a large move in
i   the area of research done by the University and its staff, par-
_ ticularly in the area of agriculture (tobacco and cash crops)
  The Council on Higher Education has and coal research, ranging all the way from extraction of this
i defined the Mreiev and Status Of the University valuable resource to the development of synthetic fuel alter-
i of Kenwckv ¤S the ¤f the number me iltatliisileiiiel?§§2F’L?'LTELZZEEI.§?§""L`§EtE“riZ€EJSQZEIZIX
institution of higher education in the Weeiih
Commonwealth. Would you, as governor,
i agree with their definitions and guidelines?
i Nunn: The Council on Higher Education in its mission  
i statement defined the role of the University of Kentucky as AS governor, what Shouid State
the single state institution with statewide responsibility. lt , _ _ _ _
also assigned meaningful responsibility to the other state governments reratmnshrp with UK be m the
institutions. I believe there is still much to be decided 1980s? Should more state money be
V concerning the coordination of public institutions in channeled into the University of Kentucky?
i Kentucky—such questions as declining enrollments, orderly Nunn: iniienen eiene Wiii require inet mere inenee be
, development Or graduate eddcnndni and °rn€rS‘ channeled into all Kentucky`s educational institutions. l
L Some progress nas been made bv rne Cddnclr alrnodgn would hope and believe we can do much more than simply
i l am not totally in agreement with all the decisions made by keen nn with ine eiesien ei iniiaiienv which is nnpine ein
i the Council, nor totally in agreement as to how it has been neenie and ein nnbiie Services ie Sinede
i structured. l believe that a part of that progress is the
  definition of roles, including the one designed for the
Z University of Kentucky.
Brown: l would hope that the relationship between state
government and the University of Kentucky would not only
Brown: l have not had the opportunity to $@9 any written continue as it has in the past, but be enhanced even more. My
guidelines or roles that have been defined for the University administration will be involved in "the big picturen for Ken-
of Kentucky by the Council of Higher Education. l‘lOw€v€f, tucky and l personally will rely very heavily on the talent and
simply based on the size of the institution and the programs resources at UK. With regard to more money being chan-
offered, l would have to say that UK is the major university in neled to the University; until the budget is drawn, there is no
the Commonwealth. l do not, however, want to see edu- way to determine what the financial needs of the university
catlonal decisions based on "who is the largest" or the "we're will be. l must say, looking into the revenue projections for
number one`” approach. These decisions should be based on Kentucky and trying to envision what the recession/inflation-
» the needs of the people of Kentucky. With an ever decreasing ary squeeze will be, we are going to have to seriously evaluate
number of dollars being available for education, we have got every single dollar spent. The University, like state govern-
( to make the maximum use of these dollars and avoid duplica— ment, will have to prioritize its services and its operations so
tion, inefficiencies or any expenditures that are not education- we can guarantee the maximum utilization of every tax dollar .
ally cost-effective. because the competition for that dollar is going to be keen.