How important are alumni in influencing What is your perception of the need for
decisions made by the governor concerning the capital construction projects at UK? i
UniU€l`$lt}l· Nunn: The greatest need at all our universities is not l
Nunn; Alumni are very important in 5haping univgrgity additional buildings, but more funds for faculty and staff
related decisions. Alumni are part of "the people" and Salary iricreases to help these fine people keep up with
clearly the governor and other governmental officials are inflation.
rggpgngivg [O the will Of the peOp|9_ At UK, l am ll'ltOl`I`l'l€d that tl`i€ greatest COl'iStYL1CtlOi‘l
needs are in the medical area in primary care and l
Brown: l welcome input from all citizens of Kentucky on plllllllllllcyl
areas that concern them. I have always felt that those people . . . . .
vvnn   personally lfiVOlV€Cl ln n particular actlvlty lvnnvv nnt ii. '§_*··W"= The U¤·v€iS·*v if K€¤*¤¤*~ and é" *¤$m·¤·¤¤% Oi l
only best what the problems are, but also have the best solu- lg el elllllllllllllll Wlll llollllmlle l0 have .Clllllllllll cOlllSllllll.lOll  
tions for these problems. From this standpoint, I will welcome ll€lldS` llol Ollly lll lgpllllce Olllllllllelll and llllllllleqlllllll llllClllllllll’  
counsel with all alumni. l might add that being an alumnus of lllll also lo meal the MT cllllllglllg llellllll Ol lllllllllllslly plol l
the Universit 0fK nt ck if d h _ h , Ci _ grams. As we go into this period of restricted tax revenues, I
y e u y myse an aving c aire a major . .. . , _
alumni lnnnnnlnlnn drive in mn lnnl nnlnlnn   $700,000, ¤i·¤*·¤€$ Wi"   *0 be pred On ¤·?¤·*¤* Csnstumin needs l
lalready feel very close to the UK situation and spirit. and lll Cllllelmlllalloll llllllldll llllo Wlllllh plollllllls Capllal Collll l
struction funds will be channeled. These projects can best be  
determined by the administration at the Universit . l Robe:
  ll l Plesk]
  and p
Do you think Commonwealth Stadium   gilleyeii
should be enlarged? _ _ Davie
Nunn: Commonwealth Stadium was conceived, would you hke to ten about any Specml MCCC
financed and construction was commenced during my programs You Plan for UK? flssm
former administration. ln fact, Otis Singletary, Larry Forgy Nunn: My special program for UK, as well as for all   .,3
and l sat in the parlor at Maxwell Place and agreed on the public higher education in Kentucky, is cooperation llll
concept of a new stadium and a new basketball facility in between the state government and higher education.
1970. Commonwealth Stadium and UK football are an l have already stated my belief that coal and coal
asset to the University and Kentucky in that they instill programs are important in UK’s future just as they are in all
public pride as well as providing entertainment for our Kentucky`s future. I
people. i
Decisions concerning enlargement of the stadium should Brown: AS I have indieaiedi I have been Very active in UK thi;
be made bv the University Admlnlstlatlon and bv the programs in the past, ranging from fund-raising to academic io ui
University Athletics Board. Enlargement is not a decision efforts AS proof Oi that involvement, later this year We will iivim
which addresses itself to the governor. However, if such a dedicate the Bmwwsenders institute On Aging, in which I Ti
qeclslqn were made at UK' l would Certainly help Wlth the played a major part in making possible. l would like to see 5O i
fmancmg more innovative programs like this that will allow all our cit- mug
izens to remain active and productive for as long as possible. i DYOC
BIOWIIZ l think my past history and record show SUDDOYT More programs to involve more and more people in sharing i Cmd
for sports programs in Kentucky. l am very proud of Com- the great resources at our universities is what l want to see. Cl i was
monwealth Stadium and believe it is an asset, not only to our   a git
sports programs, but as a point of pride for the people of Ken-   *—W€
tucky. However, with the shrinking of the educational dollar   ei] 6
and with the primary role of a university being to educate, l l T
will have to be shown and convinced that any dollars used in Wh,
the expansion of Commonwealth Stadium not take away i Six
from needed classroom or dormitory facilities. Any expansion easi
should be self-sustaining. com
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