Women’s basketball Category ll has a
projected income of $10,000, but bud-
....._._—_-- eeee eeeeeeeeeee e*$l82-0°°-
The so-called Category lll sports
(non-revenue producing activities) will
spend about $739,000 with the seven
men’s sports (baseball, golf, rifle, swim-
· ming, tennis, track and wrestling) util-
izing $440,475. The Category lll wo-
      men’s sports (golf, gymnastics, tennis,
track and volleyball) will utilize another
Student activity fees will provide
$466,000 of the total expected revenue
while only $182,935-1ess than four
' • • percent-—of the $4.7 million will come
      from the University’s generalfunds.
l “ ” Continued page 24
‘ Or er ow
  For years, University of Kentucky “You can’t concentrate on all offense F   U  
  football fans have criticized Wildcat if the defense is weak, just like you can’t ** *** **** aa ***a_*******
  coaches for not providing a wide-open have a good offense and defense but a Gerlgrql Tlcker S r T r
lr style of play for their viewing pleasure. bad kicking game, because without a mem Tlckelrs Wm Srr;$?\r Or 2§l‘;n$r;
l Coach Fran Curci, an All-American kicking game you lose field position and ThrOu rr The Window OT?]/`   O
  quarterback known for his passing and that will beat you", Curci gave as a fur- rrcl C?)lrSGUm TrCk9T Orr. S Erns-
  running game atMiami University (Flor- ther example. He explained that all mcll NO Orders W.“ béce Gm r gl
  ida), explains why he also sticks to the units must compliment each other. rTOrTO Thls dare l Occep 9
  ‘“close-to-the-belt" style of football. About the 1979 Wildcat team Curci DAN G llC¤TlOrr`S will be med . Th
lr "l have been criticized for not imple- said, "A team`s capabilities have alot to Order picgrved Rem} I rm be
l menting a more razzle-dazzle style of do with a coaches` style of play. You mone Order (Sr Cerrlfresnyh {
  play at UK", Curci said. But, the mentor must consider each player`s abilities and mcrdey Gbre TO The UK ATEI ic
  feels that statistics back-up his "three if the team can’t execute fancy razzle- Assoclcgiglrr 6 ICS
T yards and a cloud of dust” philosophy. dazzle stuff, it should not be used except llcker purcncsers Wlsnlng TO slr rO_
  "A team scores only one of 13 times on occasion. The defense won`t be able ggrner musr mull Orders ln same 9n_
1 when they are between their own goal to continually hold for the offense if Velcper Orders ccnnclr be COn_
line and fifty yard line, while statistics things don'twork", he said.—BW celled; rlckers Connor be rerurnedr
prove they score one of three times nO refunds Con be model
when lheV set the llell with llelll Peslll? A tourndment book includes one
ml ell Oppehehls emterv e ‘”ee“ e • • • ticket for the gdmes on Dec. 2l ond
50 and Qeel llnel · he eXPlal“ed— "ll$ D ef Iclt  ending one ticket for the gomes on Dec. 22.
just roo hard to go 80 yards on your Th U O _ rK k Ahl _ TOTOI price Of One book ls S8
OW') · be Sale) A 9 rmverslfly O eptuc V t eelee (bledcher). Porticipoting guest
Cum D<>¤¤l€<¤l Oui thai even when SS°°“"°“ W' Opeme °“ a spe S teoms ore Purdue, Colifornio ond
Derrick Ramsey led his 8-4 Peach Bowl budget for the 1979*80 year l0lelllhQ SMU
, team and the 10-1 Wildcat aggregation, nearly $5 million. Tvtal DY0le€led reve- ·— — — —. _. .. .. .. .- .- -. .-
  he used a conservative style. “We were huee lOl the l2‘m0hlh$ perivd ·V*le$ Yee l;lll my Order fOr bOOks TO UKIT
winning, so the fans didn`t realize that Pellel as $4»48‘l»O35 With ¤hhC1D¤T€Cl D9C·2l_22.
3 fact", he said. He explained that Ram- elfpehdlluleslel §4»7l4»O35· The elhll· Enclosed ls my pqymenr Of
( sey was not an exciting razzle-dazzle Clpaled dellell Wlll be made UP from 6 S (@ S8) plus Sl n¤n_
type player bar a Winner} transfer of $230,000 from the Athletics GHDQIDOSTGQG per Order.
"Breaks will win you the ballgames," Assoleallell S reserve llmde Nome.
he sara ··l{ you saw the pemr State Of particular interest is the fact that `
game ln 1977 ar Stare College, yOu·ll the two men’s Category l sports—f00t- Address: ___._i.-.--—
remember mar the Dallas Owens and ball and basketball—will account for Zrp:
Mike Siganos pass interceptions were Sevehlll Peleehl Ol all the eXP€€i€€l f€V~
the rarmrra polnts Of me gamer and led enue, but will utilize only sixty-one Moll to UK Bdsketbdll Ticket 0ffiC9. ·
ro a Wm {Or asj he Saldr percent of the budgeted expenditures. LexlngTO¤ KY 40506.
. 5