crowd in preparation for a command band camps before and expect it to be At eefly week. the membels €0h€ehV
performance. At the same time, the demanding. “Our only advice," says trate Oh PYe’Qeme ehd lhe Ill$l lWb Ol
music moves through the soft melody of Henderson, “is to keep those lips in three hellhme Y0¤hhe$- The rest Ol the
Somewhere Over the Rainbow and shape.” lf you haven't touched an in- yeeY» they leke il Week by Week fer the
breaks out into The Wiz. " strument all summer, you’re gonna hurt m0$l Dem Dmellelhg fwm b to 6 P·m·
The first time the band members see when you get here and start playing each weekday Oh the ¤Pe0mlhQ dYlll·
their scripts is when they report for early eight hours a day. "ll’$ lmIZ>0$$lble lb take each member
week, a week of intensive work before “There is a lot of music to work up ef the bdhd by lhe hehd wd 5hbW hlm
classes begin. From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 and our arrangers don't write easy mu- Whefe hels Supposed lb 90 $0 we Pe$$
p.m., in rain or 90 degree heat and high out drill charts. Developing the short-
humidity, every member is absorbed in hand used is dune a Challenge. S¤yS
learning his music and learning his The best Crowd reac’ l‘le¤defS0h·
movements on the field. tion usually cgmgg `LOUY terminelosv keeps eVOlVlhQ·
"Nobody gets bored,” Henderson awayfrom home Sometimes I have to attach a diagram to
promises. "We’re organized; we have to ’ illustrate what we want done. We dont
be. The whole band can’t fit 1nto the ¤$e the Squad leehmdbe SO l dbhl
band room at the same time so we $l€· We heye gcod m¤$l€leh$ lh lhiS Wehy dbbul keeblhg four peeple l0‘
rotate from learning the music to teach- behd- The jUm0Y$ Bhd 5ehi0Y$ efe l>e$i· Qelhehn
ing the fundamentals to learning the cally professionals, and they prove it Instead the band is divided up into
Specific drill5_” every Saturday," Henderson said with playing units. Sometimes the individ-
Physicalstamina has ngtbeenapmb- obvious pride and confidence in his uals in a unit have to count off with
lem. Most of the students have been to boast. every other Pe¥$0h OT eVel'y third Peh
“The music for West Side Story that son moving in the same manner.
The Wildcat Marching Band receives we’ll be doing at the Ole Miss game is in- It really doesn`t take too long to learn
astandlng Owtgon during the harjqime credibly hard. Still, we’ll do only one the drills, according to Henderson,
performance at the University 0fMqry- HUl'T1b€I`, Cool, COnC€I'I style (standing “once il"i€ kids Llnd€I‘SI&nd Wh&I’S SUp·
land in 1978. still)” he added. ose to ha en.” The rookies, identifi-
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