• * •
I give to my bmtimr Henry Louis Pierson the sum `
l or Ten Theussmd ($19,¤00) Dollars in Truss te be by him V _
safely invested amd with the mccumuiiet. ions thereof to be
sqmmlly divided between his two sons Henry end Rom Pierson,
as they shall suns of age, or to the onssurviving (me i {
whole amount} when he shell acne or nge, should the ether ~
die before meshing his majority.
1 give tn my brother J. Fred Pierson in Trust, the
sum er Tm Thousand Ballers ($10,000) so be byéhim ssrsly
r i` invested and with t.h• sesumust ions thereof, to b9 equally
· d1v1d6d bsswssnhis two sons Fred and Jamie Pierson ss they
shed} sums or nge, or the the vmele smeunt to ms ons sur-
viv ing, when he shell sums of usgs, should the ether dh ’ y
before his magpeeruy, and me ery and   ih Frdilkwwn  
in Eggs use sm ef Que thousand Dellsrsrer sure inyestmemz
md wdth the sseumuletiom, equally divided. between his tum
dmgghtsrs Daisy and Addis when the ysurxgest one slmll. some
at sgi. q   _ · 
1'emy nisee Lassie, daugmer·¤! Henry L. Pierson Jr.
` I give One Thousand Dellsrs. V  
V tre my brother George B. Pztsrsm, I give my watch ·  
and skein and Five Thoummd Dollars. _ _ ·
· V To my brother Eduard F. Pierson I give my seul ring I ·   I
V and Five Thousand Dallsrs.
To my sister Sarah 3. Pierson, One Thousand Tmllsrs
h and to my sister Hel en sl. Hamilton, One Thousand Dollars.
Te the smldren nf my sister Helen zu. Hsunilton I
    give Five Hundred Dollars smh.
  · . h < >