•   • •  
` ‘ ` Ta my vita'! Mater Julia Gmngar, wifa of A. Augur-
tus Portcar of Niagara Falls, I give, Eight thousand Dollars.
Tu Alexander, Albtrt amd Auggustuu, sons of the mid ·
Jul ia and Augustus Porter, I give, Fiva Hmmdrcd Dollars .4
_ To Bessie, duuglmar of mid Julm and Augustus mar-· A
tqr, I givu Ona Thcumnd Dollars amd the diamond rin; in
the form of at cross that cmm bclczngod to har Aunt Bessia,
my wi!u's sister. ·
To Julia, clnmixter of mid Julie.; and Aug.1¤tu8~P¤r·
ter, I give Om! Thouaamd Dollars md upright piano in my
hmmm at Rmmo. · —
  Tu c1m·1otta,·daught¤r 01* amd Julia amd Auguatul
n Pnrtar, 1 ;1v• 0m. Zwugqm,   svzdnttto     T 
q nvm diwmnds that bemcngcd to my lute wits.  
To clarion Greig Jaffray, dmzglntar ofthe Inte! ·
· William .I¢£1’:·¤y,' deccmmd, of Rochester H. Y. I give twat _
tfhlmsamd Dollars md to har siatér Ma.m1•, vita of A. Byron I
smith of amid Rcahuter, N. Y., I giv¤, F1v¤ Humxmd Dollars.
To my teuthml sorvmtsgror many yawn, Lizzie,
V Amin amd Fanny Burton cr said R¤¤?¢p¤¤ NJ. I give, Om Hun- A
amd Dollars auch. a
‘ '!0·A. Augustus Porter nr Niagara Falls in trust,
for the um and bmwrztt or me children, to the extant ha
my be able to collect the smc, 1 give tho notes and ob- t
vn Mgmt  due: to mo, by his br0thm-in-law, Arthur Robinson,
who in 186*7, received. cmd bald for my account amd mfa may-