_ 1
J paper or paxpars, neaccasury un the mll ; out of this _
, 1*111, and to do avnrything commotcd thumwiiah the smc as V 
I could do were I living;.   ”  
`_ IH TESTIMZW WHERBUF I have vhcarcxmt.0 sizbscr-ibadwgy    
    ·     N mma mer   ·£i·»s¤i   QQ   Ti m    _ V V i   ,,_ r __;w  
mmd eight hicmdrcd amd ézighty-foil!.   A A » 
C. T. PIERSON. ` _ (SML}
  V The above instrument written cm nina pagan, was on
  ‘ l thu day and ymr the sa;nc bums dma, smbacr-ihad uz tha and  
thereof by Gbrlat Thtcdnra Pierson, the testator therein  
timed, in tht presermn bf ua cmd each ¤£ us, -zm d at the mma
  “       » ’     `T   ‘“‘      `         
V   bu hi! last Will and Tastammt. amd we at his request amd in  
A his prcumco afnd in th§ prcncmzc or each other, dpé sign our  
`   names an Witnesses thermo; ` ’ {
' SIDNHV De. KAY, New Bitghtcn, R1chm¤nc1·G¤•• NJ!. _
HENRY M. HAVKBSWGRTH, No. 57 Host 31:1: $1:., Naw Ycsrk ·0&ty,
» RGB?. W4 BIAWKSSWORHI, Brick churuh, New Jofsoy.