N1 7115 {itu? Uyibelirfaf thc Jmrs, JOIIN, XIII. Jcstzs 1c¢1s71¢·/71 711s 1iisz‘ipl1‘s’_}?cl. I
liv IWI III tho earth, will draw all /1 1111211 unto A, I}, lid. Iscll`; but the I·`atl11·Ir which scnt
:1111; as1t.mg_ I-—•—* me, h1I;:ave nie a co111111a111ln112ut. I I
_ K3TI1isl1<> said, signitymgi wh11tI _ what I should say, and what. I <  
?TUI$lUlI€l.let1tIi he should die. Ih lm-¤·l$· sI111ul1lsI1eak. I
Bill, Simi! 34 The people aiiswertzd I1i111, \\`1·I I _I IQ 32 50 1\111l I know that l1is command- I
have heard fr out of the law! that I ' ( l' “' ‘ n11~11t:isl1fe evorlz1st111g: wliatso- I
111lerst0o1IChrj5[ ;It,IIlcttI for ever; and l141\vII IISISQJII 3-I_ ,1=v1er I speak tlieretore, even as the I
‘$Li l>lII*IsayesttI11111, 'I`I11: Son of 1111111111ust IIII_.I_' II·`atI1er saitl unto mc, sol speak. `
lllgti tUII·he litted np! who is this Son ol`I t1_o_7_ J (`lIA$'I;I£lt XIII. I _ I
set iittttssmuu? I rms wasnt 1 its disc: I rs cc! Il
[hot they 35 '[‘|I€II jesus Said num ting.], l!l’I»5·lF. 11111]1:1}10r[4·IhU14111tulitmiiélyitrtd I
to htttt. Yet a little while is the lieI1t111I l'*·7·I·l7‘l9· Citurt/1/. I
:t'11re that with yuu,11 \\`alk while ye I111veI,,ICII_t_IZ_ NOW 11 l1t·Ii>rc the least. of the I
all1:1l_l.:1Lthcligl1t, lest darkness ooine 11po11I passuvcr, when Jesus k11ew I
1d raised you: torhootl1at.w11lI11:II1 1111I:1rI1»'11Jer.1C•.lLi. Ithat l1is hourb w11s conn; that he I
accord. I l\€SSl knowetli not uhither he I MII II IO Isho1II1I1I1·I1:I11·to1It ofiI11sworlg1I11-
111 pe·>t1c¤oet 1. ` ' ' to I 11: ·`at 1er, 1avi111:c love ns I
11·y I1ea1r1I=3G While ye l1aveli{1l1t, I1t·lit:v11 in p 1»ZII.;3.S. own which were 111 the world, la: I
nclc. the ligl1t,tI1atye111ay I1eptI1eoI1il-I I_ ,3 I lovodth11111 1111totI1e1n1d. I
tlterchtrc Llren of light. 'I'h1-se tlnnus spalt1:·q ""` ` ' I 2 And supper bein: tended, the rl
l’er1:eivcIIesus, and departed, a11d dtd I111lel1-Is,6.9,t0. ldcvtl I1:1I.*111;: now put 1nt11 the heart _
hint:] I1t1I1imseIt"t'r1I1111111:111. I 6 Iof Judas lscariot, Sin1o11`s .1011, to
er hnn. 37 HI But though he hatI done soI‘° 1* ‘l' Ilgtjay I11111; I I I I
were retimany niiratzles lieloro t1e1n, yet ;1·t1l9_33_ I ' 1Is1tsIt11owin;5ct1att 1e ·`at10r I
tl1attc;u;.1l1tIy hclieved not ou I11111; I , 'ha1I given all t.l1u1·.{s111toI11s liantls, I
ist; 38 That the sa1Iin;: 11[ Iisaias tho ` " °l""·Il‘ land that hof was eo111el`1‘o1n God I
I tI1e1·ot`111·t¤rupl1et 111i;;I1t. he t‘uItiIl1e1I, wl111~I1I lI"‘2‘JIl' land went l11G11tl I I I
t` l.Iutl1s:11Iil6·Sp¤ke,q I.o1‘1],wl1oI111tI1lIt·li1:v1·tl v M:11.9.37. I 1I Ile riseth t`1·o111 supper. and laid  
I hun, s:1>¤1‘1‘eIDort? a11d to wl1o111I1atI1 lhel |l’·:.l.z!|. {aside his garnieiits; a11d tool: :1 I
esus. l§§1tIi_>htl1efLordIl1ee11 r1:IIealed   Iw [II I G Itottkol, and ;zi1I1I1e1ll1i111sI:lti
Ind tellctl. ' ere ure ticy cou 1 not te- I' '.' 5 1 iter t 1at 1e Iouret iwaierinto
d1·ew;1111I ievp, because that Iisaias sz11d1·I `I`I“I' »a hI1so11I a11d bezini t11wI1sI1tI1e1iis·
tgatn, ·x cl1.3.I7. ctp cs ibut., and to wi ie Z/11111 w1tI1
Iqgvvevedt 40 Hel1atl1I1ti111IedtI1ei1·1=yes,a1111l I)_ III IQ Ithe towel wherewith lie was gint- I
so etiiiioltiltdenetl tI1e1r liearl; that they V III’U_;u‘ Iod. I
IIII|II;g|IytI1uuld not see_ with Ii1¢.11·eyos,111I1‘I ` ` " ' I ti 'l`I1ct1 conicth he to Simon Pc-
s;.yun111I tnderstutid with lhnr I11>:1rt, :1111II- ~~~~ ~~~~~,ter: :111d 1I’1~ter said 1111to I11111,
.vIIeat I‘I1tIIc cunvurtod, and I should heal I _ IIIIII 3 UI ILor1I,1Iosty thou wash 111y feet?
he it ai tcm, ~ · ·"‘ I 7 Jesus :111swcr<·d a11d said unto
Ie; it tIn1~ll Thcsc thinss said I'l¥IlIi|$.I`('ll,\['_ 13,) llllll, \\h:1tldo thou kiiowegt not
\IIIen .9 he saw his glory, a11dsp:1It1·I I U II _G I I now; but thou sl1:1ltl»;11owl1e1·ea[-
II IIIS III,-.1 nm, I - · ~* I_·j» 11:1;
I III .III II_<12 1I Nev1;1‘tl11>less 111111111: tI11I "" I H l’1·tor saith 1111t0l1i1n,'I`l1ou shalt: ` 'I
_IhkI;I, II:hiefr11lers11lso 1111111y_l11·l1tev1·1l on I I, cII_1-;_1III_ ntevor wash 111y toot. Jesus an-· I
nm; hut! l1e1rat1se ot tI1e I’I1a1’1· Isw1:r1·1I I11111, II`}1 I wash thee not, I
·I·I, IIICI |.;€€S they did not uonlksss hint, lost E ·l§’-§l;3· thou hast 11opa1·t with ine, I
III, Z I IIII_,Ihey should he put ouLot`tI1e S)'ll1L~ I·Il’· ’·I· II I tl $11111111 I’1:t1:1· saith unto him, :
Im I_IcIII‘··<1g11e; _     ·)· l.or1l.11oI n1y that only, hut also my I
WIII my Ij-t.3Fr11·u tIIOy IIIvcd the [11*aEc I1t' " ‘ ' IhIII11Is and myIIl1ea1li _ U II t _ I
ttcn more 11111 1e praise ot o1 . d¤I»,ti.70, .1:sus sai 1 to nm, e 1:1 ts
IIWIIIIIIIIII 44 1] Jesus cried a11d said, Ile 1I 1,11.;:31,53. wasnctl noetletli not save to wash —
1·IIIIIUI~_>;I.ltat bultuvotlt o11_ nie, I1cI11=votl1I II In IQ I/111 ti-et, hut is 1:11;:111 every whit ; I.
CIIII.IIII,I111t011n1e,h1tto11I1n11th11tse11t111u.I‘·II;‘j‘; " andvoar1:1=lo1111,I111t not all. I
II".} 115 {IMI he Lthat seeth ine soetI1I """ I ll IIorz I11I k111gwwI11I1§I1o1¥tlhe- I `
I I. *11n 1a son nie. 1-II_17_tt_ tray 11111; t iurctore sai 1c `eare I
IIYI-IIDITII, 46 Iw 11111 uon1t· :1 light into Il10I{ I 1111LaIlcI1:a11, I I
gIUI.IIIcIIII1‘orld, that whosuever l1eh1·veiI1I l“· 12 So after hc had waslietl their I
11 me should 11ot. ahide 111 dark- gMIII;;_I,I_ {vet, 111111 had taltcn l11s g:1r111e11ts, '
bIIII,IIIIIIII·,12ss. _ I _ I lllltl was s1et_d11w11 11;:1111, hu said I
[III IIIIII II»1t7 And_1l`any 1nan_l1ca1· my words, It If ‘I;(>·l_l· 1111to thein, know ye what I have
In mIIIUI,1t1l believe not, lI_Iu1l:e I11111 11ot :I }i{l'·j’-€"· done to you? I
‘ Irl c.t11r1e.z·11ot t11_I11d;1: the worhl, 'l*“l·“· III Yu Ir call 1110 llastcr and Lord ; 1
I MII SIIIII ut to save the w11rId. IcI,_I;_I;,I_ and yo say well; lor so I ain. I
ImIIIII>€ III IB He that rcjcctelli nic, and to- _ II Ifl t|1o11,yu111‘ Lord and Master, ,
II etvetlt not tny wor1Is,11 hath 11t11·,l<)I¤'·25I·%·l0·.l1av1: wa>I11:1| your toot; yc_ also I
IIKIHCIII III·r111t_Iudictl1I11111: the word that II ll**·~· I l· Iought to wash 1111e a11ot hvr`s ieet.  
I IIII: III.II_ave_spo‘e11, the saine s|1z1Ilju1lt;c I II.cI:I2I_ I l:» l·orl I have mven you an ex- I
IIIIII 11n In the last day. _ I I:1111pI1·. tI111l.ye snould do as I have I
III·IUIIy UI 49 Por I have 11ot spoltcn ot 111y—I—r   Idono to you.