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, V V tt, ‘   ‘I QV .h1dn.c belmyelh Jesus. JOHN, XVIII. .P:lr·r's t1mtt5km`VV_b_a
I I ~[ i.V• I I ,.j f   V thee, that they also may be one Int A. D. 33, trizltt ear. The servu.nt’s ntnnezest b I. M
‘ II .‘ ` I Zi ; I-  us: thatlhe worltlmaybeheve that- Mtttetms, » CIIIFJ
. . .. . ..,; .. »L•·— » ter cut
_ V It , , · I.   thou hast stutttnc. _ t ll 'l'hen srnd Jesus unto Fw, . II UI
. I . V; ttt LI _,·,·§ [ ‘ .·  2 Antl the gloryzz wlnch thoutu ;t;a.s.ts. Put up thy sword into the sta. fygérlill
1 ., ,,* y **5 ; · zavest me Ihnve gtven them; lhat.t Itlte eu »z wlneh mv I·'athr·r t - I
I 1 I It . . II .. · I · medtnteh
V V. WV ;.V V _, _ tVV_t they may be one, even as we ;u·e_b l1I¤.4.17. tem-n me, shalll not tlrm|;nI HT .1.,15 I
,· _, ,, f.; V_,;   t1t·t;t·—[(;_`  it
1 . ‘ tp I · 1.V V V{· tltetn, ast tou hast lovetl me. b l\I¤t.2¤·I7, ;tYataphas, whn·h was the Qs Iv
V , ,, ,‘ , ·. ,'; ~=~', Lt- l*a.ther. l wtll that they itlS0,I K0 prn·st that same year.! ` 0 Q"
· V, ‘§     `   _   whom thou hast given me, heel M·“`·Il·:I3»I lt New ti;n;1p|1}.$ une h(»_t·_— Emplkui _
5 , 1]* 1 I ;V‘ . ,1; wtth nn: wln·t’e l am; that they L 2, $2* leave tzounst-ll to the Jews, tI,,}":I  
I t,{ { I   ‘ j may lwholtl my glory, wlneh thott “'   Iwasexpctltettt that one tnanst. , THQ .` Tl
I _ , l I ‘I ;,; : hast ztven n1e: to1·thott_lovt~tlst me 'ltlte tor the people, n U   
, · `I V , T;   l»Vt;§treVtItVe Cottmlattott ot the werltl. V D Ch_m_}T_l;_t In Gt Antl at Snnon Peter thliv Qmuld UV
V VV . V; V.V:_ .,.x L) ttuntt ous latnet, the uotltl _\C__;V2$_ IJesus. antl A0 dnl another thsw unto lh,
» V V.  hath not known thee: ltut I have tthnt tlisetple was known un*t~ Then L;
t gt V I V V TQ known thee,:nnl thesehave known ti rlt.t$I,19. tlneh priest. and went 1nw1thJ kc ye ll];
V V • I ‘ § that thou hast sent me. M:u.2,JLt. tmlo the palaee ofthe hn;h prt ding to ,
V; `, . ; ?GAntl l It:t\·{:tleMl:;r<:t¥ unto tltfetn P 77 2 V to But Peter stood at the .,.(.n,m mz
· V · I _Qg t 1yname,:tnt wt tee are :/1 t tat IC 5-> » · wtthottt. 'l`Iten went out thatt Yfl "Q
I ` . ;J , ;; ·¢~ the love wherewith thou hast lovetll ‘IU·II- Itltsetple, whteh was known   for u`
Qi I he V_*V me may he tn them, antl I tn them. [fb 53 G {the Inch priest., antlspake ttr1t~;T};aN_hc
.VV I ~ I V; . V _ (.H.u,.I.l,.R KVM-     what kept the door, atnl l1rou.. {ummm]
` — - M ' l Jmlzts l1I>I€ _I`I2»Ie.,..eeee`V stootl th<—t‘e.who had matIeat`_ Jews H
V Vt V·;_·t tIren,r1_whv·1·e was a ;;at·tIen. tntol Wh, ,,0 ,, `eauls; tht tt was coltli ttttIl .11 this th
: V,   the whtth he entered, antl Ins tIts· I" _;U‘§U‘]1' Iwartnetl V thetnselves; antl lays gv]; it
·i   CLDlV;‘S.V J V V V_ V V V V “ ' ` "' stootl wtth them, and uegpjtum mt
. _ tj M. V , nt tnasaso,w11t·t to rayet _;, Lu 3 Q Inutstclh ine ownzt
· ~ · . at lntn knew the pl·n*e· for lesns ` ` ' I l*)1I The I`¤l ·` I- » ·
. t ,, V, . . ., . .. . .n-t tt.stth¢,n..· ;-.
j ‘ I   otttnnes resorted tlnther wtth lttsI1_1,.[[,»1mm1— Jesus ot Ins tltsellples. :ttttl~~1l?[$v1I;1l\It
I .—V; thsetples, _ _ I .».nz tg/u-itz tloetrttte. _ _tcSu,,_·£ I
H V J; _5Jut].1> I, then, ltntung reymvetl a t~nnztnntoV 11tr Jesus attsweretl ltttn. I>;~ n is not, .
, . ~ V. ·   hantl qt _mr1t antl otlteers trout the (IIIIIIIIIIIU Iopt·nIy to the worltl: I ervert gtleyn wt-1
,     , _E t:lnt·t`prtestsatnI I’Intt‘1sees,t:‘~~ rltl, that
. V ~ trayetl ltttt1,stotnl wtth them. ,n t·II.7.l·l.2II. strnekp Jesus 2 wah the pt. :s unto tht
, . tt Assoon then as he hatl sattl un'oE _ V5- lns hantl, sayin:. Answertsi ,t. is ef tl
— them, l ant hc, tlteyzz went lyavlt- *4-I; ,the lneh priest so? tre.
‘ went, antl tell to the grotnnl. _ l·‘I-·I·'·I- { till Jesus :ntswet·etl him. III Ptlnte sa
~ V   \t_ lhen asketl he them agatn. OACVQG ZGV spoken ev1l,_ltt·ar w1ln•~>s~ th? Antl
, » \lntt;1V€t:<·ItyeV! Antltlnaysattl, .Ie»V jevtl: hut q 1t well, why ss, he wen
. I 4; V sus tt . azaret 1. J ,| |G_t0_ thou met vs antlsa
_ { It tilesus answered, I have toltl you tp _tI,,2u_g_ I 21 New K Annas hall sent tith nu hn
· V. tant. l atn Jaz: tt theret'ore ye seek Ae,g;t..:,:t, ,l>onntl unto Cataphas lla I BUD ye I
‘; 3 me.] let these go thetr way: I Iprtest. tuld relea:
1 ;V, u't`t»at tlu·s:tytttt;tnigItt.het`t1ltlll-"*IIt.I’FINIf1 I 25 Antt Sttnon tu»rt—t· stm csuvcrz w
_   utlwlttttlt hespalttuvtlttltetnwlneh WI- ,wat·tn¤~tt lnmselt, 'l'|n·y swat ‘ Base unto
V   , V· tltourgavest me have l lost none. ll we 2_l.,_;,3 tore unto hun, Art, not tItttI.tVSI
. · ~ · lt} lhen It >nnon l’ett-r havtnz at ' ` " ' our ot` Ins tltsetplest lle tI¤t..I Then cri
_ ,V swertl tlrew tt. antl stnote the lngh wt 5--.- tt-r_t3_ jautl sanl, I tnn not. '» NUC lltl
_ I . ptlest s servzntt, antl out otl Ins I ?•--—- ilzj Une of the servants t·t`tl.· ·W Uufublr
, llil