Ilc islw · C;”.L,pX ,.,_W,,.,,{[u,I_ J<“:I[X_ XXI, [17lupI.rs:1·.~· Jl: FI[.·:i1.I.·f;s’¢v.  
·’"’· ln Id we know not where they have' ,1. D ill. lwhers: lhs; shss·sI II-s x·,y:s·s· ;I~¤I-·sI- I
“·‘l_ .lI"‘idhi1n. I——•{ l•|s:sl 1sn· 1s·:u· ssl the .1s;·.s·s. msnts: I
I°m‘"I‘_IIPeters·tl1s·rs:h:re ws:nt.t`su‘th. zmsl I· I,II_3I_I;_ Jesus uml sls:.:‘.:1l1ll I
"*m"l“‘· nt nths-rshsespls:, zmslczuns: tu the J I I, ILI 30 ,5i|llll llllllllllf‘ll|, l’e:ls:s· M llnlll ynll. I
**Ull'l¥ IIIcIII·I» ' ` ' ' ` ijll _\nsl wlIs:n he hsssl ss: >.:nsl hs: I
M ll“'$pSntlIey1·nnI:n1lI trwetlls-r: :1nsl I.(`h'm'm‘ Isltnwsrtl nntl: them his lmusls Itnsl I
lllll M": e 0tI1e1;sIIsssn:le sllsl <:nt1·nn I! l’•:- J CILILIL hse sisls- 'I`hen II were the shss:i—  
Vt I,. r, and <·:une lirst.ls:thess:I:l1leI1re. g l\‘·l?I_U·H Iplsls 11ll1sl.l\‘l1t·11tl1t·y suw the l,ursl, I
I SLI ‘ Wi Ans] hs: stsmplnz sluwn, ami ‘ "·*·,·’j‘_· CII 'l'hs·n szuslJs:snst<:tl1s·1110::1211,
B l""I_: qking in, sssw lhs: hus:11 clutliese, [j"K,Il`{" ll’s·us·e sv hc unts: yon: sts my/l·`:1tl1s:r I
lcrumil ing; ys:t went he nut in. ~]‘ M"`·I'-‘·¥’· |1:lth sent ms:. even ss: x sensl lyIIn. I
Then s:s:n1s:ih Sisnsm l‘s>te:· Gil- lllll-Z*-9. BJ .\nsl whwn lh:I1:uls:usllh1$, Is: I
”“Il‘°dl"\viIiz him, unsl went init: lhs: Md l'i·U· Il>1’s::nI1l·tl 1::1 I/stm, nnsl sznth nuts: I
ssunl ll -s »   ~· ‘ - I ·II 11 1. ·shs»III 1tI:s:I-h·s·s s·s:IlIs·I[sIh·Ghssst.:
pulelns sms] ss.<.ll1 the hneu ss I _, , xl _ _
  gthes lie, I lm-2l.ll»,3l.l Jl \\ hslss: ss:s·vs·1·z sins ye rennt,
"’ l "’”` A I tl · 11: kin.? tl s t. was ze .3.1, lh ·1‘:s1s:1·enntls:sl nuts: ths:m· uml ,
llc- =·l¤~l»sIsIs"iIIs1I`EIIs1,il`: lyin: with ths: ,,, ,iII,:II_3_ whhss: sswvtrr sms ye retuiu,ithey ,
ll· l*l*'*'*1IeI1 ch:1hs:», hut w1·nI:pesl ts:-I I,_.;:3,I_ :sl‘serl:t:n1:esl._ I
_ therin :I plans: hy ilss·lt` ,, L·,_II_I_ lll 11 llut 'I lnnsnns. rr unl: sIt` the
,·1[l:;m2l Tmm II-,.,II III IIISII IIIIII, IIIIII»I— U PJ, ,7 ,Lws:lvs·, s·s1lh·tI lhtlyutus, wats not I
ll‘¤<·= sci Ie, wlnszh s·:une 1h·>.t ts: the I,]"j`]j' I\\'llIl lhsun when .lesuss::nns:. _ l "
»ll\U`\il'~I1IIl1r:lIre, IIIILI he snw, uml he-‘ II,.'I;]I; I 2;% The s1sl In ·
ts lll! lll - tm thes:ns~:1t ths: l1ensl,:mslt|1s: l'·'·'··$l'··-**· `ths: nnslst uI1sls.11sl,l’e:ss·uc be lllllt) ’I
‘$ll“` ‘ll wr ht the {vet where lhs: bully Z"`-m·U· Ivnn , `
lv l‘1llll‘ Jes11sl1usllstin.Y I v I II"·II*,IG‘ INUTA 'l`hs:u suith hs: tu 'I`lIs,lJ11l.l>u·
1tls:L·>.1lhwl1c|‘t:llt1·yl1¢1\‘s=lansl him. us" l·’s"· Iht~vu1:.
I;/IL. _; Ansl when shs: hull thnx sssitl, "" . ` "I 1;% .\ntl 'l`lIn111zLsu.swers·sl smll snisl ·
tht: he : mmesl In·rst:lt`ll:ss:l{,:u1slI slsw U HI‘i:"% l1nlnl11n1.NIyj l.IsI1‘sI:1usl mv tlsssl. I
1nhns·ll sus stamshnu, unsl knew net It I" ° '· _I··f· I 21l .ls:sns sunh nuts: I11.u,'l'IIsmms, I
the nu It It was Jesus. _ II QI-'#_Il*‘·_ llIs·s·;:uss: lhssn h·sst. ssessn ms:, ths:n I'
_ I Jesus ssnth units: hs·r,\\s:1nsnI, ;,,]?I·;T;m· hnst hehsvltrsl; l:ls·sss·sl sy urn they I
It: wha? Iyweepest ths:n ! wl1snnsl~s·ks~st {I _';;‘,"’ thsn, have not seen, zunl yu have .¥
S ss g:1rl·Iu'l She Sllllllllhlllif lun: to lu: "" 2 l:s:lIevs:tl. I
new ss : gnrslenur, ssulh unls: hun,S1r,   I Iltl 'EI I\11slIL mnny other signs `_I
·III;IIsI-;In:uI*mvs:lllL'~ _where thsvu llust lznsl lmn, unsll I H`I‘.` ' Ins sl1ssnI:ls:s, which sule nut written , I
III ,l.Ixs~ ull tuks: hnn KIWIIY. “ C ‘·_ _· ’· In thm hunk. ·
I BIIIIIIIIJ Jesus Szulh lllllll her, )l:1ry.m Il I"-l§·llI32·I Jil lint. 1 these nrc written, that ye , '
Xx   tlnvrnclliéilI1s·t‘;s·ll, lunil s:nth rl~.Zt¤.ll» Insight. lIs:lis:vs: that Jesus is the I
QII _‘,. :0 mn zu JUlll' w ns:1 is tu Ii1.hIs».l.1. Il7hrIst,tlIe $:11 s:1` l`sIsI· smsl /· 1h;I1 I
III; ,;III1t' I, Mnstsirs Y v_ { I·I*I_I_I.1_ ‘l:uhs·vu1:: ye unglht V hztvel hte I
[_g;_]s;¢l1: Jesus saith lltltullcr, ls:lls·h me fUI,_;_2yI j1.lu*engh his nmne.
21 lose  [yet :ssIs:lI~:IsI|t:sl Is: I.__II,;;S_ CH \,,.,,,,.R YY, I
ss 1 : sn ny :s· 1reu.n I·I··_;I_II;_ _ . ' ‘ ‘ T ‘ ‘ , , I
V s:1` ll.·l Snyunts: them, lp sIss·I;IIs1 IIIIIII 9 mr I Q l (sill'!-Y! n1¤Ils‘zml/zyss:us:s In hu (hss?. _
nII;.1sI1~ Father,sssssls;ys:us·1·‘sIs1Is¤I-I sIIII1 ;,,,_jIjIg_ 1g'*·=·’ 1¤ UM !<~‘¤M1¢tl¤ Peters I
II·Is_ usr nyr God, und yunr s t;sIsl_ ,I,,,_ I_II_ l·<`¤//l»
the slssl I\lmy_ Aln;;sI:nlens: s;Innel uusl ls elI.:l,l5,1U. AI·"l’l·II{ ths·se thiuzs Jesus show- ll
:I1l<:lm·. lthe dlsmplestl1:ll.slIs:I1:ssIss:t·n‘ :3.Jl. esl ln1nss:l1`n:::s1u tu the shsci- I  
MII, IIIIII = Lett.], lllltl Hut! he hzxsl spulsen llhlll Iples ut 1ht· sen ut 'l`1bs:I*n1s; nnsl nn ·
IIIII III sz =sc things umn her. I ll¤-'»¥’· Ilhss wsse slsnwetl he /::::1w:Q I
lesus lsnl   'lhenu the szunc slny nt st1l.»1l*.:1.) 2 ’lI1s·ru'ws:1’s: tuzether Simon
IIII.I· II;II:nIn,<:,vhcl1l: tht: first 1/uy s:1 lhs: I; Ch,1,»13_ Il's:ts:1’, null lhs:mnss:ullesl l)1sIynn1s,
ultlsess cls. vlhen the doors were shut. F-Tt-t;snsIu Mstltzntuels:t`L'sn1u1n Lkthlue,
lu —