1rgc ln Ft `    
newest I { j
ath untu 3 · I
tim ner L I
_ 5,,,, UI The HCTS Q/` l/tc JQPOSTLES. |
satith uw I
nowest ~——~---~ I
utttoltnt. ~
. om the Creation, 4033 .... Christiana .l¥rn. SU .... Yeatr nf Tiherius Cesar. l8 .... Cycle of I
l ‘ · ‘
IIIIIII I"' the Suit, 10 .... Uyvle ut the Nloun, S .... Dutrtttttcztl Letter, 1}. I
I ta s, -
s grtewv .—..—.--—- I
htttt ti. _ . . I
a 1 I, III CIIAPTER l. A. D. .—3, · tnatnner ats ye ltatve seen htm go tn- :
tt,. n _ _ _
mu III IIA re·pcI1ho111zfpur! 0fChr1sl's/i11s- ——•—— to lta~att‘t·tt.
II-D>I_II,II-req a/1;;* Ins Inimeyt, 9 Uf insxt Lat-!-l·\. I 12'|h1·ttqretttt’tted they unto Je-
III0 IIIIII»r.vemsinn, I I II &€· Irusztlent 1`rotn the mount catllctl I
`YHE former treatlisea hatve l I' ;"‘”·,II ,I ~Ultvet, which   trout Jerusatlcm tt ,
SIU- IIIIID . made, (J Tlteoplttlus, ol`:¤ll thatt I7III“3'I’u' Sillthitiil-lI=l)"$ )U¤1'1N¢}'- _ I
I-UIIIIJI sus begun both todo atnd tettath, ` II I IQ III lil And when they were come tn, I
IIIIII III Until I; the daty ttt which he wats` C ·II‘:I_·]`II·   g they went up into attt upper room, I
MSI; I,II;k<-an ttI·», ztftcrtltatthetltrI ‘ ` ‘ 'III 'wltere zthodc hotlt 1’eter,1· attttl I '
III, $II,,I·..»ly Gtost haul given <:otnttt:tnd— III_II_2_I_I;_”' Jautaes, atnd Joint. atnil Attdretv, I
II IIIII,IIIIetttsc unto the atpustles whunt he: _IIIII_Xx_ Phthp, atntl '['hernats, liatrtltoloutewj I
»I-IIIIIIU ·_t¢rI`clt0sett;   XXL autd Alatttltew, Jnntes Ihr: sun 0II I
‘ 0 whont also he showed ltint- ¤ m-, ttniinw Alttltctts amd Simon Zelotcs uu I
I SIZIIIII lf alive atfter his patssiott ltyI nga:/uy-.¤ Judats l/te br0I}mr_0l`Jatntes. I I
IIIIII gp, Lmyd infulliltle preot”s, bent: seen ~ [ ;_.,_gI_.Ig_ 1 L These xtll rxontttntetl witlt one {tc- I
SIIIIIIVII IIIIIBHI Ihrty Il;II·SI glu;] 5IIe;Il;iIIgIf_IIIII_xII»_ Birdntpratyerat1ttIsIIppltcItl1ott,\Iyt\h I
- , e tttnqs pcrtattttttt·r to t te XVI, tus wottten ann. . atry t te ttto ner
  ngdum gf Gnd; 5 Ig )[II4g_II_ I ol`Jostts, :tnti_witlt has ht'etltt‘t·tt.
I “.III,I,I And, llurittzatssentltletltn;*<~llter_/Ieli,3,t. I 15 'II t\_nd nt those alatys Peter
ltirh atlst -I·Il Ulcm, rtttrttntztttded e tltent tlt;ttI l(l.·l5. Istood up ttt the tnnlst ot the dtsvt- _
IIIIIcI._ may should n{>tirI·_ I
j‘ · ` And lte sattd uttto thtrtn, It { is ·‘*·—l-l7·I-’·‘ 1:% Suww this ntnn purchaued at —(
I'III_;,lIII`II It for you to lanotv tho ttntos or LI II'*'_I·{U·I·I- Ihohl with the t·ex·.·:trtl 1 o1`tttt·Inity; I
_t, `e seztsons, which the battlter ltattltI ‘ '·7·{II Iatttal tztlhnz lteattllotttz, he hurst ,*
f' _ Itt in his owtt power. IJ" ‘ tatsuttthzr tn the tnnlst atttd ull his  
  IRI" But ye shatll reoetre Ypower, nf-I" `III.`IIlI'III§ I howels tzushed nut. I ` It
I`II_’0'I' r that the llloly Ghost ts etntte I ' ' _'_ I ltr .\ttt\ tt wats lattown unto atll the ,
'_ ` mn yon; atnt ya: in shatll ho wit-I "` " Q ",a1wellet·s att Jcrusztlettt; tttsttntuch `
II"I_I_ ,II_ tsses unto tate. ltotlt ttt.lort1sttlaettt,tz  IIEIII Izts thttt iield is catlletl tn their pro- ~ I ‘
IIII ;_I'I_ Id in nll .lual¤·at, attttl itt Satntatrtat, IIIILQI III I§__per tnttzue, t\<·<:ld:ttttat, thztt is to I }
IIIIIII I__ td ttntu the utlcrtttost putt ul` than gIj|g_ Sint'. Thu tiultl of Itltwtl. I
  ,' HIL Ir l’~.»Ll,€). ‘ EU l·`urit.1s wrtttctt tn the hunk of
:;IIIII‘III_,° _And when he hat:} spoltett these Jn·¤. lLI.l$. il'satltns, Let y ltts ltatlntattton ltetlos- I
III I)U"'tttgs, whale they lteltoltl, he wats ca Xitt.2u.-t7. platte, atntl let ne ntnn dwell there-
· ken up; atttd at Irlotttl t‘euutrt:tlI f·=**III·§$~ tat: atntl, z lhs Ubtsltupriu let une- I
ut out uftltetr sn; tt, ,u tn.¤. ·I. IIIUI IIIIII,_ I
tl And whale tltey looked steatal-‘” M"I·J7·5' I ill \\ lterefore of these men a ·
stly towatrd heatvett ats he went _nI,I_ I I,lU· wlttult hatve cotttpatttied wtth tts ztll ‘
t, beltolIlII two :1 nIett stood hy ;I,__ IIq‘,`;‘ Ithe ttItte thztt tlte Lord Jesus went
lim Ill W I1 0 ¤\l*lt1¤¤`•J { . I{`I`I[[;' tu atttn out attnont; tts,
l_\Vh.tclt atlsu satttl, Xe llli‘\\ 0 of §III:`I,III,.I,'I,, I 22 lhvztttntttg {rettt the hatptism of I 2
uhlec, wlty stnttal ye tgztztnz up [III,-;[_’ I John. unto lltatt satutt: tlaty tltatt ho I
to ltqztvutt I 1hts_ satnte Jesus, I1 ]_u_nj_ t_g_ wats tatltett up lruttt us, tttust one he I
lttclt ts tatlaett up trout you ntto Jt.n,t5,27, aortlatttteal to he tt wttttess witlt us I
:at.vt:n, shatllp so uottte tn 11l