. l
tc Ihlu U Chrtsl brtpli::ct7t rt rzrrnl TUE ACTS, Ill. 1rtlnthm· I/ml trrrc cnzrtttrlrvl. E
mt dral.3Sh,l;1e tyonld raise up Christ to] ,·l. I). itil. ithelhord{ttltlmlltli tlrenlnlrclrdutly E
t tt is ton ist rrone; ‘·—-—•—-— sue r as s ion t ·t· sawt. , .
ty. I1 He seein: tlns l1efi1rr·,rt spake n1r·t»,t.t1,l2.` tZlll\1"I`l]lt lll, '
tl. whir·}_’the t‘t·surrt~r·tton of l'hrtst, tltat ;,,..,_g.,_ 1'1/or 3/:·1·r1t·/lrllt Io {itc prnple that }
hot _l.ml,s goal was not l¤—t`t in hell. neithery C M ¤_, _,$, ;‘untr· to scc u lame mutt rcslurcrl lu l
ne to ·r;.». s csh tlid see corruption. l `: ' ` u.<_Iu!. dr. ,
od. lin _|2 This/z .lt·sus hath God raised °1il;,`{`}3L` NU\\` Peter and John went up Q
upon ;,;_¤. whereotr? we all are \\'llttt’$St5$.l , I`? ' _ together into the temple at tz =
ran"- rt, K3 Tl1erot?n·e,tl bein: hy tlte right ml`},  . ,3 ,the hour ot' prayer, [icing the ninth ,
id von, and of God exalted, and havint:u` `H ‘ 'Q‘ '~/mar.
rs, and y tceived of thc l·`alher theprutnise»f‘l.'·m·’l”·   2 And :1 rcrtain man, lame {rem l
·r·;nn$;` ` the lloly Ghost, he hath sliedl 1"l"`l‘i" §his mother's womb, was vartted, y
wml, ,,,,,_~rth thisf which ye now see and E·' 1*-lljl;l· lwhotn they laid datly at the trateb ,
,l| ,,,.,,, ear. l_ M“l····M· `ot`_tltotternplr·whicli is valletl llvau- ,
5,.,,-,;- H For David is not asoendod into, It Z¤‘¤`·m·l· titttl. to ask aims ot` thetn that en-
·; V te heavens; hut he satth l1ttnst—ll'.lic|n,5.3I. tt:r¢·d into the tetnple;
rtw Wm, he Lottby said tfnlolnty Lord, Edin .1lm.3.37_   \`» lto st:g·1nt: I 'eter ttitd Jilin
t smh t0u on my right tant. I 1-52,; ,;.g_ a rout to go into t le temp e, as ‘e
, `35 Until l make th r toes th * foot-t ., _L an alms.
ld, mah. ool. 5 5   l Anil Peter. lhstening his eyes, i
rm ,,,,,l6 Therefore lct all the liottsehlnfh ,,G' ` upon him, with John, said, Look
,,,,,,,,,,,,,LdIir.1e‘l knriw {issnretlly,Jtltat1}   att us.] I } I t H * ·
,_, tati mate tiat same esus, J r nt, ie gave teet un o ten}
mi lm lttslrrlt ye have ert1eilir·d, l1otlti°i",j3;l9>,7 `clxpotzttrtg to receive surnethntg ot `
,,,,c,,,,,,.ur uml Cltrtstl _ , ,,Q'Q,”Q',,=' ttqtrt. _ , I
lull ,,,,g, l71]` Naw when they heard Ihm,`7 ‘_" "_"` L l ti l`hen Peter said, Silver and gold
W, -, " te were pr·ir:ketl1n tn their heart, ’I l·l'~2—l·l»l·· rhare l none; lntt stitch as l have ]
Ubi? iliiwrttlyisaid unto Peter and to l.he resti r l(`··.l|.;{. l;:_tvevltln¢e;_I1wtlre name otjlesus l
,m,,.,.,,,_.E`}th;a ayiosges, wen a1ttll1retl1rert,’   ‘l htsst of lazareth rise up and 1
.   ’ tl nsta weto. L ar. u. 7. wa t.
,‘Q,‘,{Q?Q";,,`as Then Peter start unto 1ttem.n t»i..·t.a2,;<.t. 7And hc took him by the right
,y hm, epent, and he hapttzed every one[,, ,,_;t_;·_ hand, and ltttgd lam tip: and nn-
,1 ,.U,,,.s,‘fy¤u in the narne oflesus L.hrtsl,l g(q,,g_1_9_ triedtatel) his toet and anele-bones _
‘ ir the remission of slits, and ye, tJn·».3.t7. rt:r:t·tvc·tl strentttlt.
,,],,.0,.,,,, lull receive the gilt of the llolyl 4 ,,,',,, ;,,,,,,C_ ` 8 And ht:. leaptnztl np stood, arid ly
., . r host.   s yy walked, antl tenterr-d with thent tn-
ix}, ,,iil.',3%Fur the promise:} is auto yottilv i,`,l,']{,`]g to tht: rientple, watkgng, and leap- l
‘   T In tn *our tthildron and t; to al _ _ `, ' ' lng, ant iraistntq Gor.
mlb IMM tat arti atitr oil`. ttvzi as many aslu   ll lilnd ialll the people lsaxv him
mth m_ ie Lcr our bod shall call. ___ ____ _\_ , wa unt: ant praising Got _:
. . · 10 Arid with many other words _ ltt And they know that. 1t was he
  id l\¤ lt:>l1l}' ttttd ¢·Xltt·t‘l, sa}‘ttt¤.i ll Hin ih) iwhttzh sat lor alms at the Beauti-
u(l,·'"' ave yuttrsolytes ttotn this ttritu-.·'1l'·j»¤>-l7· tal L::tt4*nd the satttt: day there were add- ,g ]._g;;_L;_ ll And as the lame man which x
d tfnto litem about three: thousaritl ~ [ Ch   ,2 `uiits lltt.alrtl ltold Peter a?td John, rt
, _ .,uu s. _y,,,,f,   V a t re poop e ran togetier unto A
    Antlr they continuedstettdthst—ifi,-,,A3i)G'3 lthein in the portvhc that. is called j
fiflgg in the apostlt:s’ dor‘trnn: and lol- _r We 7, 3, Solomon's, greatly wondering, ‘,
L ° M ‘ uwslnp, and tn breaking of bread,   j,I",‘QG‘3]" l I2 Tl And wht·n Peter saw rl, he
, U _ nd in prayers. l l,,j,"]L ] ' ’answet·ed nrtto tho people, Ye men — , l ~
_“]l VU, lil And toareame upon everysonl: `};,,:,_’é0f_y2 ot` Israel, why marvel yo at this l or I
dl M l' nd manys wurtdersand signs were pp,;_;_g.H: l why look ye so <·arnt·stly on us, as ' l
JM I`) ` one hy the apostles. )ru__3_5•_ `tlmngzh hy our own power] or
0 knm _,,_ =t:lAnd all1t;r:ltt lielti>f·r£;l>\vere to- R ltt·.tI.‘?,:S. lliolniess we had made tlns titan to
. ',‘;c. ter tut ia a nnys com- .no. ..   wa r .
mu   non; y H il M.¤t.l7· 17- I 13 The God y of .\hraham. and of l
lh mt ` 45 And sold their possessions andl A Yi llsaar:. and ofllatcoh, the God ot` our ‘ ,
_ .,,:00ds, tual tt parted thorn to ally L“·2l·}"‘ ,t`atltt·rs,It ltath glorttietli lns Son ;
l"*`“.· ` rmt, tts every man had need. l , . ·3· Jesus ; whom ye deltveretl np, and •
‘“ "_l Hf 46 And they, conltnuniz daily with ; "'Il "l°;,lG' dented html: in the presence of l’1— l
l" " l"f ine accord in tht: ternpll·, andt H UNL Q,;" late. when hel was determined to  
"* *”l’· neaking bread 4t`1·oni hoaso to, QQ]; let/om go. l t
‘Y· __t0use, did eat their moat withli,,,_ ,,,,,;,0,. lt lint. ·e denied the Holv Orient l
FI i‘ * rladness attd stnqleness ol` heart, _}.,.._1_.i_ l and tlte .lust,1r atttl desired a mur-
""l ll·"lf 47 Pmisinq God, and havint: ta- l.lno.§.lI, ldtzrer to he trranterl ttntoyou;
  tourv with all the people. Andw~   15 And killed the ¤ l’rtnee of life