If Gam"` Seven dvarom r7In.u·n, TIIE ACTS. VI. \`Il. S/¢pIIrI1 jtrrnii/MII lo aimzvr, I
W" : Y' <'ll.\l"|`I·ZIt \'l. A. [).1I1I. ,I_ouItin:stI·:nlI`u>Ilyon l1im.suwlII:‘{·_)”I,*\‘¥* ‘I}QI"°`I`IZ§`¤Z ISIIIIIIIII }IIIiIIt—II-In III its IIII·II.m- I
i·I·I II¤·· ¢mIIII`IIl}S.I'f’{I.ZZI~.-`Il?.Ié.I`Z.’II.`IIl—IIlT{ILII·¤I··»¤-¤¤-   ’I¤··¢ QI T{I·I$I~~C’··~·I~=~·rI. ing of III., (;rIII·gIIIIg II ;.gIIIII>I the cItX,1s_I7,g5_ TIIPJN suul Ilnelngh I>rIcsI,Arc ]
I VIIIIV Hebrews, htzcuvise their wnlows ,,,, , ,,, I these Llnnzs sn! I
,.,, , were nozleetetl in lu Ihe nlauly I ,:‘,,,')" I 2f\Ij¤I,he sInIl,,§l1In,q_,l>rtg.IIII2n{ I
:t Iv·¤>1I Ihul. we g ,.I,_,,_Z,_ *IuIIIIu.l1et¤_»rclte dwelt In Ijlturrani, ‘
I IJYIII*"` should lueuro the word ot` God, uml ,, C,, E 1 ,6 I 1l,AIIIl,TuI<1 lr IIIILII hmI. ,t·et Ihfe I
¥I"‘* I‘ serve Iuhlvs.   ·· · ou o xy voun ry, mn rum ty
lll`¥II`i`I»' 3 \Vl1ereI`o1·c, l11·I:tlI1‘I:I1, look II yr2I ll"' Iktmlred, Innl mnne into the luml `
_ nut ,,,,,0,,: ,-Im tI.\—,tI, umu I,I‘I— iIl··.2.G.I5. wlngh I sltullslioxvllnuz. `
·"IIIII’¥j’· I;(i\\|ESE m,II<»rI,,I`¤1ll III the IIoly;;, qI.,I_;;_  'I,In:Ix6,r·:IIIIe hc out {1IlIllG,IZII1Ll I
II IN ¢II~ ` Ins; mn mst mn, w tom we muv I:I.3. II nc IIII I‘IIII$· IIIII IWC 111
(iflil Im' nppnim,nvm·IIIis Itnsinnts, I I, ,T, , ,, II`l1:n‘run: uml front lln·nr·I~. wlimi .
IIIIII- 4 Bnt we willf utve mirselvtzs jig]; Ilns t`:I\lnzr Ivan Ihzznl, hI~ rtrtnoved
IIII WI'! nnntinnnlly to ]II·:¤y¤¢1‘, znnl to LheI gr;-,_]_I;_ Ilnm Into this l:nnl,wlieI·<·In ye now
HMI II>U=~ ministry ofthe worsl. I , , ,,, ,, .,, Itlwoll. _ _ I
5 if Anil the suytnz I1l0:L•:I I._55.4Ill I unce In It, no not sn nnII~II as to set I
IIIIIIIMII Stephen, u Inun t`nll y nt` I`u1Ih unI’:Iyed,I NRI-EIFTSI st1‘uII:Ir,luml ; umI ’I11II. lIll’)'SIlI1l1l1.l ‘
u us II~.lI1€ lluitl Ilnzr hum s nn thI·In. ‘ ~ hun: I nvm intn nn` nga, mn m- .
'7 Xml m the worti of God 1n<:rI·nx- I] t·II.23.S. Ireut Iftcm evil/` thur hnmlretl I
Guys II ed; und Ihv nmnlner nt` Ihe ¤h>t·I— ,_ ,,,, ,, ,,, yI~;n·s, _ Y I
hnn>¤I1` I1les1nultII»lI¢·¤l m .II·I·ns.il<·In :I·¤:nI— , _` j", ' 7 And tht: nation to w.;om they
tu n¤II·I y; znnl u urteut <··IIn|Inny of the "‘· "'I‘·"· Ishull he In Innnluue will I judge,
Iinlrwl. priests 11 w¤·I·voII··IlII·III Io IIII- I`:nIh.     —~~— >:IitlGnIl: u1nlnI`II.·rtlIut shull they
*us >l·»1.. S And SI<·IIlIt·II, IIIII ot I`InIh ennl —I»1x..!I.f2O.LIS.`¤·oI1m tlnrth, uml serve 5/ me in this
mul hnn power, tlitl urvul. wnInl¤;ts annl ,,.,, _\,, _ ;IluI·I;,
In tn IIII nii1·uclesuIn·In: lIn·II¤·¤·;»II·. I ‘ ' "I I S I\nIlhl1o sztvre him Ilmcovcimnl. _
I-hgh np 9 {T 'l'h<¢n Ih¤·1‘·· nrnmx I·~·I‘I:iin of II *II-ill of ciI·onI1n·i>1o1i; uml sor Altrafmm
;,,[ II,{.· me symtgngnit, wlnuh I< tznlletl im I, (;,,_|_3_I_ Ilnennl hum:. annl tr1r¤:rI1n<*Ised him I
III III·nIIZ. .s·yn,agogIIc of Ihr: I.Ilu:I‘\1nIc<, un¤lI,,,,,_ ,_, 3 Ilnz eighth duy; uml I>u:n: it impl! _I
:umlJucublbzyttllltchvclvc I
wt] IIII,__ ciythern of I`1IIr*IIx unnl ol` Asiu, th¤— I 'I l"'·I3· I·*~ I¤uI1·Iu1·I:hs, ‘ J
' uting wII1I$I¢·pnen. I I;I·.I.$. l1l,Iii. EI Amt the nlrinrvlis nnnvod with I
IIIIIII I- p10 And llwy were not uhlo n to ,II;,_I;_I(I_I]_ m envy. sold .InsenlIIjnto Iiqvpi:  
I_ I.IIII’I~· 1'9FIS¥iIIl\I\\'l>¤}I‘I\l cnnl Iln>sIn1‘1t by ,, ,.Y ,, ,_, but u UI>d,wn,< wirh lmn, " —,
I-IIIIIIWI xv tint In >I»III¤¤. I” "   “‘ I ltl An: tseliverml lnm out of all
, w,II· ll 'l`I··:n Hwy SIllIIIl`IIII'I]I men. I¤<¢=··I7-II—II. Insnillivtions,uml::tvelnnI1'uvonr _
whieh sxnrl. We Iiuve ltozml himi; (;,._3I_|.I_ Iuntl wisdom In Ihr: >i:ht ot'I‘humoh ,
{;,,,I_ I-I. spank lIlu>I»ln·Inons wortls :12uIn>I 1,, ,. , _,. .,,, Ikin: ot` ligrynt; uml ho ri inudo lnm ‘ I
,,1,-,-,ZII Moses, aunl ru/IIIIINI IIIIII. I _"";"" ' ,uovernoI‘ over Egypt uml ull his I
,I I;,,,I 1.3 And IIn·y s1n·I·<·¤l up tht- IIIIIIII., l(.I·.1J.R1, Ih,,IIS,,_
,,. ,,g,,.,.‘ and the eltlers. znnl the srtriltvs. :In¤II M`- I ll Now p Ilnerc cumc u dcurth I
,,I II,_.,, cume upon fum, nnwl <*uu:liI,hiIn.lIII (;·».:sT,1<, ,m·eI· nll Ihn lzmtl ot` litrypt untl I
I,,,,. ,.,,, und brum;lIL hun Io_IIn· I·onnI·1I. I I~.lII3.l7. IIZh:nI:Iun, uml uncut ulllimtlionz unel 5
,,1,I ,,_,~ 1.l_ And _ st:I III: Iulso wIIIn:~s¤:<, ,, (,,,1,II J Il om·1utlieI·s Ilnnnl I1osII~IcI1uI1<*0. I
yc,IIS I_ which $=¤III.'l`|IIS num <·<·:Is·=I|I not . ' `_" ` I:} lint I; when .Iu<:olI In-tml Inn;
' tospeukl1lu~I»|n·1nunswoI·II>u:u1I1:hu|l r ,_,,,_ _,, , ,6 .wu< muelel ln·oLIIrI—n; I
_,,,,,,,,, destroyIlnsI»l:n·t·.Innl >h:Illohun:e   'L ' Iuml .Io>u|»h`s l