Saul prmzrhrlh C71w.s‘l [wld/y. Till] ;\("l`S, IX. PM!/an vwlorcrzl to IL?. I
vision. t\na111as. And lu:sa1d,Dc-· tl. U. lil, l.lcrl1sal¤+m,lu:gmnlylzdtuju1uhxu1— `
hold' [ ,,,,L ;,,,-,·_ [M-,l_ I—-»·- »» ><:l1 ll. thu lh>m;»lus; |luttuey\vc1‘l: I
11 Aml thu l.a:·ll mul uutu hun. A I'1`».1.|;3. Ialla1raull»1 h11u,aml l1ul1u\‘cd nul I
Arise, uml zu mtu tl1e:s\1·u¤;twlm;h I ._.I.,IJ|_ Iilnal l1<>\\*a~a:lll1»l*1pIu. I I
is cullml Ntrauzltt, anal xnumma 1u:I IW I J I iZ» Hut ]»amaI1a.sb I.1¤¢¢:ll Ihu Lord 111 Lhre wal; and that I
12 Aunl halh shun in a visinu a   l-   tlm hzul spoken; La hum, aa1m11g ,
13.l'1'l1en Auaulas anmwcrud, Lnrd. , "' {VQ   Iiu mul :1o111zm1LaLJl·ru>alum.  
llmvclnuaulhvmanym`Ih1s1uau,/nj ("···'~· I Eli {lull hu spake hnldly 111 thu *
lm\v1m1cIua*1l hu hath dune lo thy m·l¤,;!1.g.$.&e. name of llm l.m1l Jesus, auml nhs-
;;;in[g M je;-usulym; {U FII N IT In pulml azanusz the Gnznums; lm! xl I
1-L Aml luzm hu 4 hath aElh¤l»rit{ I II I_II"'QII   `Illwy ;\Ila1tI:1l>l»¤;L tu s'l;nyl11l1u.tI
from the r·l1m1` >1*inz>ls to an al ‘ , C' "`,j isn mn: w mu nc we 1rcn ‘
Ilmt can k IIII III;. IIIIIIIII I “l""ll‘E#T tlgnmw, they lwuaulnt hun nluwu tu :
15 But the l.m‘ml said uut.0hi111.GuI 2·yI_[_H M_ f`<»$ar¢~a, and wm, hua iurlll tu I
thy way: 1`orl hu |s:mlmsux1 v1·si’T_?- jam; Sa1Har1a,,zn1¤1 Ix·¤;rc_ mlxlmlld g I
IG Fur I wxll show him hnw szrcat. "· ‘ · jam wa uu: x ut 1 use jcar_ at tu I
.hlngs hc must mtlbrp for 1¤1y,'(l*-l·l3.23· ‘lm‘ll. mal 111 the l:umt¤»rtz at Lhu I _
mmys S;lkB_ u .~l¤.s.3. lllolv films!. were u1ult1;>l1c¤l.}v I
17 A11(`l4\na11i:1swunthiswav,a11d u I’».S1.7. l 1)J1f Alu} il ¤'1\lH<¢l¤* l*i¤*· **5 Pcwr S
entered iam thu lwusc; and pu!.-.w {IMS Zi `passull llm»v1zlw11t all qzmrtars, hu
la: q his haauls on hun, saul, ~ It Ch ,I I: `r*au10aI.u the samls whmh
Brother Saul, the l.rn1l, z·:.·m Jesus;   `ll\\‘Cll. al Lymlnla. _ .
hat;uppu1a‘1¢;k I
unl r be lilluaaluuh¤lu1u,l·Juoa<,
rnm his <·;·¤·< as il haul hea-a shall-? ;  I.1'I` I" Jwsus (Illini rhaIuILl1{ Lliuu xghyliz;
ml hn 1·¢·<·t·m—ll >n:ht 1`arlhw1: t, ‘ "' ‘ ‘ armz, am maxu I xy zu . I u xc
ml arow. aml was l»:¤;»lm·¤l - ···~ a1`n~le1mu1a\vh1m,audturued 11
was Saul ¤·¤·rla1a days wnh lm IZWI. H ml ¤»· Mn.
xsrzi lus wlnvh wen: at Damas- _ ` ' ihif} Naw llmm was at Jnppa. n ‘
us; ~£   'T'.:‘I <‘¤*rl:uu ¤l1~m5»lte uaxuml 'l`alntha, l
20 And slraiuhlway lm pn-smlmlll   `ILI` wlnvu hy n11lu1·;m·taLx¤»x1 is uallml I
Tl11‘isLiutlu·syuagugllus,Lhallxctstj   ‘ I' I2 Iranians: lh1< \vlu11aawas t`ullnu\` [
he San nf (hal.   : l* '·l l· I-)- Lumml \va1’l&s and al1us—duuds which {
21 But all lhat l1•·:u·vunllIuemwlmrlncallcll on €J1¤·*·l·l- ll}. nlay<. that she was shalt, and llxml; ·
als name lu .|¤»r¤1>al¤·1u,:xu¤l <·amle‘ I7. `whum wlueu Lhvy had wasllml, l
1Lhcr hw that mtvni. that lu: uughx, I. Z¤·.~.*,1u-.12. tlwy laul iu r in an uppnr m·hamln:1·. I
rin: Lhum huuml unto thc ulanzf 1¤h.3,l;_|U. 3 QH Ami l`t»1·a»r1nm=lt as Lyllsla was Q
rinrstsl l L I0. mah lu.lu;rp:l,2u1dIllc1ll~!u¤· was rltum, muy
rcugthiw lamll minnlhnnrxfln-nl thou- II III II H Ixvut uulullum UH 11u:a,Lil¢·>|ran;;
uws w tint twee t. at anuasl:11s,` J(·`,I;;i,   ifwu that uc wuun nat ii ulay tu ‘
raving that tins xs vv-ry ¢Th1·n»r. l.II_I II [iw l·<>xuutaLItu1u. ]
Ii il And al`l¢:r that many days; ]{UI,' " ’ j Il'! 'l`huu l’u?~jr am whwh I)am;._; , »
im, Ill l‘"··l·m·_ m:ule·. wl11l<·p >hu was whh rht·m_ I
L5 Then thu nlisvlplus tank him hy I 'I M"·l’·2’· l lll lint l’»:t¤:1·;¤u1·; lhum all lhrLh_
i;;ht.I and lol.: hw: lluwn hy Llxe*rM‘¤*`.5·¤LlZ· null lixmulcml down, and prayed;
ull m a haskot. I -l¤"-ll~l$~ `auul tnruiu: hm: to thx: heady, sail],
56 And when Saul was camca to- L.; 'l'al11lha,r umu. Am] shu opened