`7"S U1-ll'? Pclrr 1'*I'8.7t`]tL'I.7l I0 Comr/1`us. THE ACTS, XL llis drfmtcc acc/ytlctl. 1
10100 111i 30 And Corttelttts sanl, l-`uur days. ,1. D, tt. 1that mt the (ieuttles also was l10ttr·
¤1l·» ugul was tasttut; uuttl thts hour; ——•———Ied uttt the gttt ef the 1lelyG10st.. V 1
U1 $(*-1 nttdttt tlte tntttlt hut1rl1»rayed 11. ,...·1._1_..._ I ·tf} l·`t¤r they heard tltent spettkl ;
.1 {WY 17 mymgtettse, aud, beheld, a umu. 3.1;..,;,3, Iwith totttlttes, and Itlllglllly Get]. 1
tf Will sto hetbre tue; iu hr1··ht, eleth-1 I,. I K, 'l'nennttswered Peter. — 1
/:;-11.111. ...1;, _ I D y}.:_'.,}I.Q2 ..7 (jauu auy urau farhitl water, 1
.\\ hai _31Andsanl,Carnel1us,tltyyprayer 11¤_.;_1a_ that these shuuld not he ha1nt1zetl, ‘ 1
Gull ne? ts heard, and tluue alms ttre‘Inttl1t1`_II__ I".; wlueh have reeetvetl llte Holy ,
retuettthrauee1u_1he steht et Lied. ' ' " L Ghost as well as we { `
ve: at 32 bend therelure tu .l.»p11a, aud G *_’*3,*U·1t; 48 Aud he r·.uu1ua1ttletltltettttulte 1
.11 ttgatit Qttll htther Sutton whose surnauteI 31I '{I1·1·I*· Ihuptizetl tu tlte name ut` the l.ortl, .
ts Peter; he ts lotlzetl tn tlte house IW; §·I1J· 'l’hen 1»rayet.l they hitn to ta1‘t‘yeer· {
‘ tllneln11~‘ Speak ttnlo tltee. ’ lL   'I 1;__ 1 Prtrr ncrtzstzl 1lz_O·:t.I.¤//1/ziznsrl/Z 19 `
1.·._uu It ‘ 33 ltntttetltately tlterefore l sent to K"··IIl};··j,1 T71cyn.s·11c[ ts 1»r¢·1zchuI.clc. I
1. 1..r >1. thee: and theuhast well tleue that 1 III‘I;·M· XX tl the apustlre. atal hrethreu I
1- the u·. thou art eutne. how: tlteret.1re1 IZII ,,’ IEI; I1' that were tn .ltttlea heard that I
...·.1 ..1.. are we all here present hetere G.u1,· f` ( " the Gentiles had also received thc
..;....1..11 lu hear all threes that are eeut- “1I;_·;1'-:—’;U wur.1 ..1`G...l, 1
trtuttded tltee ut bud. _ ld I, ',,‘I {III 11 Autl when Peter was rrotrtc up tr, ‘
....g1.t. 341l'llten l’etet‘ openedittsntutttlt,1 Im   IS' Jerusaletu, theyrt that were ot` the '
..1 ....1.. atal sind, Ut il truth 1 pereetve that 1. ;_ [I1. ' eu·e1.uu,-isum e.u1teu.led w1th hint,
yl. 1{1.—1·       1;et‘Rt;ttsII II I.;,._._.__17_ 13 $aytug, 1l'hI;tt \rIi11tIe?1.I'1tt tIo mein I
au. gw · · ···· a u · z ;.,_1_.g_.._;L auetretnuetset, an tas ea wt t .
. . feareth him anal werl etlt ri·rlt- 1-· ¤· 1 · =
1,tu, .1.. I I . _ 5 t tt., .t..., ttun. , _
ent 1h.~ cuusuess, ts ttceeptetl wttn hnn. lit-. l7.l»l. »t But 1’ete_t‘reltears¤tl I/tc mntlcr I
.1.... ..1 36 'Ilte wurtl wlttclt bull sent tntto E 1_,.__._ .S_ frutn the Lveunuttnz, a1ttlex.to\tttdetI I
..1 ....5.. UIQ Ulllldfétl of lSt‘gtel. lttvtteltttttil ..u,1_11_ llltyt11’tle1'ttttlu them, saytttg, *
....1,11.1 £%¥;3€¥_ lH)J05¤S (»ll1'L¥l·2 (lit: xsdIf\I¤I I. I5 5 l} was 111I the cuy u1`bI.It111pa, 1
1 whzr 0 it · ` ' "‘ ‘ praytugz an tu a trance saw a .
. . . 37 That word I srty ye knew E·'1·l*"’·3·$· v.· \   1 -··· l l·· d · ·
te. 1.... _ ., stun . e..tt.t1ntt.sst resccn as
·,,I.II,1,1.... vsiulcltl was 1;;t;>l1slte.l_`tlnre§tgIltI»t1EI1.J...».a.:. rt hadlheeu a great sheet, let delvu _
1....1... 1 11 011. HH 1e=:=uttr<¤1n at t ee, ;.».._g_;;; lrtun hettven hy tbnr eurners; and  
' utter the l:att1·u w1t·l Jl ~ .'— ··  · »· ~
@,,,1., 1 s t te t e nt 1..._;._.,_ tt eauu. .,ttu.:»1ue. _
III- .1Ia _ |’1l'BHCll0t]§_ I _lI IIN I; I I G lJ1».»u the which wltett I hall
II. III. II 38How bud aunnttetle .lIt·stts et `   "" *" ~[asteu.~tl uune eyes, 1 euusideretl,
IIII,I_‘ III. Nazareth wtth the lluly t§a<»~t atal Une. lt.J2. aud saw 1`t»t11·t}>ete.,l heasts of the
Im.; III. tvrth power; w|n1_/went ..1.....1 .1.t.I Xx. .....—..._ .....1 .....1 ..c..§.$_ .....1 C.-CUI,.
.1.,...._ ***§' {3**1**1. ***\11_11¤—*1|1¤‘§ **11 *1t1’\l. \*'1>1t‘ ML tn: thtnes, and 1`etrls ot the arr.
I IIII_ I t»1>12ress:IdI/et the dertl: ter /1 bod   .,. _1...._.;_..;_ 7.\1ttl‘l|1tTtt‘tl:t. vtaee sayun: unto
I1 I1 ._ \f§*¤ W1 1 NHL _ _ . 4 tue. .\r1se, ’ett·r· slay, antl eat. 1
_1II:I I`1 ..9 And wet are wrtuesses et all , " M“1‘If ;O rs llttt, l s;.1.l, Ad: su, l...rtl;tert1rt- ‘
· tluu whteh lte dnl, htttlt tn thel "“ ' tI1111:;r·.»t11tu.:1t nr ttu.:l.·an hath at 1
aftert hm °1·11*"~l1"V*. *****1 **1-1¤*'1**1*l<¥*H§~U$h‘I|?‘lH',., tany time enter.-tl tnle my umttth. l
‘\IIIII.I> whom they slew and hanged an al '2l:.I1’gjb“’·1 U 1}.11 the r.»~t:e answeretl me  
IIII Im; tres: _ _ 1 II.c;I:G. ' Iagaut frtun Iteareu, \\`lnttLiutt hath 1
ICII IIII· 1lU Hzm G0i]l`i1l$l!\1\1Dli llte lltlftl. I I )_ wleansed, t/tut eall not thuu eunt- `l
duy,I3.t1dIsltewi:tl ltun t*11Ulllj.'§ *l’ **--1-—;. untn. ;
. .,,. U U1- 1** **1 1110 lttfvltlv but liltlvl . Q1, · IU And this was tltvnethree t1tnes· ‘
WITIIE  wttnesses elniseu llensreztl nt` Get],. ‘]""‘""'°" and all were drawn up aguttt inte 1
¤·`·¤»=»· 1 = i??Zl."f..E‘.€’.l’L3¥ 125%;; ‘li1f}..§1"{l‘1?."`ll"."li.'l1"’   · -. 1
IIIIII IIII__ dead tcI · ~ - I ll .\tItIl. heltehl,ttI1u1eIlt.ttely there . .
_ - _ __ _ - · 1._._g._ .were treetneua rr=:uye1uueut11.> 1
*111 ·‘· ` -11 And he ctnntunntletl ttsn lol,   _ I, lthe house where lwas, sent. treat 1
II WIIIII ¥r.5tclI1u11·tetIlte1nIt>1»1e,:ttttllut~ . 1
I\ lm III »tJ lo luutlpgtrc-:tll the 1>t‘<11»l1eIsI** L '·~· -· f1>a1u.al true, autl we entered nttu Z
IN- Ii II wttuesst that tltteueh hts naun: It_·1.,..»_ 11_.Ithe1uausl1<1t1~e: .
IMI, ,,,_ \*’11°>¤°*QW*>}=11¤1‘¤1*_· ¤·¤1¤·¤¤¤ Shall ....,,..._.._.,_. ts .1...1 ne s1.....·e.1_..e1....v 1.C ..3.. 1
.4 IIIII III 1ect;·tvtiI§tttttss1utt ht sttts. I 1 .;.4;.; Isuzu au aneel tn hts house, wlueh 6
IXIIIIIIIIII rtl 1[ lule lete1 yet s1»al.e these I II CIIIIIIIIILCI1s‘.n>.1a11tls;ml t1utgtlntn,5entl tnett , ~
; v_ tsurtls, the llely Lvlntst r tell tut all _ { .lt7 .lu1»1»:t, atal eall ter blnnett, whose l
J1 M11 1*I- them wlttclt lteartl llte wt»t‘.l, I _ ' ‘1"'*11"l‘l‘ 1surn:uue 1sl’eter; l
l1111I;’jI_ »t5_Attd tl_ts:1·st»tI the t·u·.;tuue1s1.»u djfl-I*i1  1 11 \x‘..., $1...11 .,11 .1.,20 .......1Sv ,1 t
. ,.».. 1 1 ,.... =  ::;;::1.r:··:·*r* ·‘*· *.***1 " "· ` t"   mr M ““ 1**1 1 Uusu
1 _   ‘ ‘· · ‘ tc e ·, Jee.1 se.—%.— bu. ..5...,; _ ·
. ter utc 1:.) *